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Arthur Evans

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Arthur Evans

12. President of the Royal Numismatic Society (en) Itzuli

1914 - 1919
Henry Hoyle Howorth - Charles Oman
Jaiotzako izen-deiturakArthur John Evans
JaiotzaNash Mills (en) Itzuli1851ko uztailaren 8a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
 Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaYoulbury House (en) Itzuli1941eko uztailaren 11 (90 urte)
AitaJohn Evans
HeziketaHarrow School
Brasenose College (en) Itzuli
(1870eko urria -
Honoris Causa
Jarduerakantropologoa, arte-historialaria, arkeologoa eta numismatikaria
Jasotako sariak
InfluentziakJohn Evans
KidetzaRoyal Society
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (en) Itzuli
Serbian Learned Society (en) Itzuli
Alemaniar Arkeologia Institutua
Suediako Zientzien Errege Akademia
Hellenic Philological Society of Constantinople (en) Itzuli
Linzeen Akademia
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (en) Itzuli
Arteen eta Zientzien Herbehereetako Errege Akademia

Sir Arthur John Evans (Nash Mill, Hertfordshire, 1851ko uztailaren 8a - Youlbury, Oxfordshire, 1941eko uztailaren 11) britainiar arkeologoa izan zen.

Harrow Schoolen eta Oxfordeko Unibertsitatean ikasi zuen. Udan ikasketa bidaiak egiten zituen: Frantzia, Balkanak, Laponia...

Balkanetara bidaiatu zuen 1875-78ko Herzegovinako matxinadan otomandarren aurka eta Manchester Guardian egunkarian argitaratu zituen bere erreportajeak.

1884an Ashmolean Museumeko arduradun izendatu zuten.

Brontze Aroko Egear zibilizazioen azterketan aitzindaria izan zen. Knossos jauregia aurkitu zuen Kretan. Bere aurkikuntzek zibilizazio minoikoa eta zibilizazio mizenikoa bereiztera eraman zuten. Gainera, A Lineala eta B Lineala idazketa sistemak deskribatu zituen lehena izan zen.

  • Evans, Arthur John (1871). "On a hoard of coins found at Oxford, with some remarks on the coinage of the first three Edwards". Numismatic Chronicle. New Series (11): 260–282.
  • —— (1876). Through Bosnia and the Herzegóvina on foot during the insurrection, August and September 1875; with an historical review of Bosnia and a glimpse at the Croats, Slavonians, and the ancient republic of Ragusa. London: Longmans, Greens and Co. arthur john evans.
  • —— (1877). Through Bosnia and the Herzegdvina on foot, during the insurrection, August and September 1875, with an historical review of Bosnia, and a glimpse at the Croats, Slavonians, and the ancient republic of Ragusa (2nd ed.). London: Longmans, Green and Co.
  • —— (1878). Illyrian letters: a revised selection of correspondence from the llllyrian provinces of Bosnia, Herzegdvina, Montenegro, Albania, Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia during the troubled year 1877. London: Longmans, Green and Co.
  • —— (1883). Antiquarian researches in Illyricum. (Parts I and II). From The Archaeologia Vol. XLVIII. Westminster: Nichols and Sons.
  • —— (1884). The Ashmolean museum as a home of archæology in Oxford: an inaugural lecture given in the Ashmolean Museum, November 20, 1884. Oxford: Parker & Co.
  • —— (1885). "Antiquarian researches in Illyricum, Parts III, IV". Archaeologia. XLIX. London: 1–167.
  • —— (1886). "Megalithic Monuments in their Sepulchral Relation". Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society. Manchester: A. Ireland Co., Printers. III, 1885.
  • —— (1889). "The "horsemen" of Tarentum. A contribution towards the numismatic history of Great Greece. Including an essay on artists', engravers', and magistrates' signatures". Numismatic Chronicle. 3rd Series. 9.
  • —— (1890). "On a Late-Celtic urn-field at Aylesford, Kent, and on the Gaulish, Illyro-Italic, and Classical connexions of the forms of pottery and bronzework there discovered". Archaeologia. 52 (2): 315–88. doi:10.1017/S0261340900007591.
  • —— (1892). Syracusan "medallions" and their engravers in the light of recent finds, with observations on the chronology and historical occasions of the Syracusan coin-types of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. And an essay on some new artists' signatures on Sicilian coins (reprinted from the Numismatic Chronicle of 1890 and 1891). London: Bernard Quaritch.
  • —— (1894). "Primitive Pictographs and Script from Crete and the Peloponnese". The Journal of Hellenic Studies. XIV: 270–372. doi:10.2307/623973. JSTOR 623973.
  • —— (1895). Cretan pictographs and prae-Phoenician script: with an account of a sepulchral deposit at Hagios Onouphrios near Phaestos in its relation to primitive Cretan and Aegean culture. London: Bernard Quaritch.
  • —— (1898). Letters from Crete. Repr. from the "Manchester Guardian" of May 24, 25, and June 13, with notes on some official replies to questions asked with reference to the above in the House of Commons. Oxford: Hart.
  • —— (1901A). "The Mycenaean Pillar Cult and its Mediterranean Relations with Illustrations from Recent Cretan Finds". The Journal of Hellenic Studies. 21: 99–204. doi:10.2307/623870. hdl:2027/uva.x000381934. JSTOR 623870. Archived from the original on 7 March 2016. Retrieved 8 September 2017.
  • —— (1901B). "Minoan Civilization at the Palace of Knosses" (PDF). Monthly Review.
  • —— (1906A) [1905]. Essai de classification des Époques de la civilization minoenne: résumé d'un discours fait au Congrès d'Archéologie à Athènes (Revised ed.). London: B. Quaritch.
  • —— (1906B). "The prehistoric tombs of Knossos: I. The cemetery of Zapher Papoura, with a comparative note on a chamber-tomb at Milatos. II. The Royal Tomb at Isopata". Archaeologia. London: B. Quaritch. 59: 391–562. doi:10.1017/S0261340900027612.
  • —— (1909). Scripta Minoa: The Written Documents of Minoan Crete: with Special Reference to the Archives of Knossos. Volume I: The Hieroglyphic and Primitive Linear Classes: with an account of the discovery of the pre-Phoenician scripts, their place in the Minoan story and their Mediterranean relatives: with plates, tables and figures in the text. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • —— (1912). "The Minoan and Mycenaean Element in Hellenic Life". The Journal of Hellenic Studies. 32: 277–287. doi:10.2307/624176. JSTOR 624176.
  • —— (1914). "The 'Tomb of the Double Axes' and Associated Group, and the Pillar Rooms and Ritual Vessels of the 'Little Palace' at Knossos". Archaeologia. 65: 1–94. doi:10.1017/S0261340900010833.
  • ——. The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustrated by the discoveries at Knossos (1921, 1928A, 1928B, 1930, 1935A, 1935B, 1936). London: MacMillan and Co; Online by Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. Archived from the original on 16 February 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012. [Volume 1, Volume 2 Parts 1&2, Volume 3, Volume 4 Parts 1&2, Index by Joan Evans].
    • —— (1921). PM. Volume I: The Neolithic and Early and Middle Minoan Ages. Archived from the original on 6 January 2013.
    • —— (1928A). PM. Volume II Part I: Fresh lights on origins and external relations: the restoration in town and palace after seismic catastrophe towards close of M. M. III and the beginnings of the New Era. Archived from the original on 6 January 2013.
    • —— (1928B). PM. Volume II Part II: Town-Houses in Knossos of the New Era and restored West Palace Section, with its state approach. Archived from the original on 6 January 2013.
    • —— (1930). PM. Volume III: The great transitional age in the northern and eastern sections of the Palace: the most brilliant record of Minoan art and the evidences of an advanced religion. Archived from the original on 6 January 2013.
    • —— (1935A). PM. Volume IV Part I: Emergence of outer western enceinte, with new illustrations, artistic and religious, of the Middle Minoan Phase, Chryselephantine "Lady of Sports", "Snake Room" and full story of the cult Late Minoan ceramic evolution and "Palace Style". Archived from the original on 6 January 2013.
    • —— (1935B). PM. Volume IV Part II: Camp-stool Fresco, long-robed priests and beneficent genii, Chryselephantine Boy-God and ritual hair-offering, Intaglio Types, M.M. III – L. M. II, late hoards of sealings, deposits of inscribed tablets and the palace stores, Linear Script B and its mainland extension, Closing Palatial Phase, Room of Throne and final catastrophe. Archived from the original on 6 January 2013.
    • Evans, Joan (1936). PM. Index to the Palace of Minos. Archived from the original on 6 January 2013.
  • —— (1925). ʻThe ring of Nestor;̓ a glimpse into the Minoan after-world, and a sepulchral treasure of gold signet-rings and bead-seals from Thisbê, Boeotia. London: Macmillan and Co.
  • —— (1929). The shaft graves and bee-hive tombs of Mycenae and their interrelation (PDF). London: MacMillan and Co. Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 September 2011.
  • —— (1933). Jarn Mound, with its panorama and wild garden of British plants. Oxford: J. Vincent.
  • —— (1952). Scripta Minoa: The Written Documents of Minoan Crete: with special reference to the archives of Knossos. Volume II: The Archives of Knossos: clay tablets inscribed in linear script B: edited from notes, and supplemented by John L. Myres. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Brown, Ann Cynthia (1993). Before Knossos: Arthur Evans's Travels in the Balkans and Crete (Illustrated ed.). Ashmolean Museum. ISBN 9781854440297.
  • Cottrell, Leonard (1958). The Bull of Minos. New York: Rinehart & Company.
  • Fox, Margalit (2013). The Riddle of the Labyrinth: The Quest to Crack an Ancient Code. Ecco. ISBN 978-0062228833.
  • Gere, Cathy (2009). Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-28954-0.
  • MacGillivray, Joseph Alexander (2000). Minotaur: Sir Arthur Evans and the Archaeology of the Minoan Myth. New York: Hill and Wang (Farrar, Straus and Giroux).

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