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Brian Murphy

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Brian Murphy
Jaiotzako izen-deiturakBrian Trevor John Murphy
JaiotzaVentnor1932ko irailaren 25a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaKent2025eko otsailaren 2a (92 urte)
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: minbizia
Ezkontidea(k)Linda Regan (en) Itzuli  (1995 -  2025eko otsailaren 2a)
Jarduerakaktorea, telebista-aktorea eta antzerki aktorea

IMDB: nm0614120 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/brian_murphy Allmovie: p51430 IBDB: 108553
Musicbrainz: 9eb669aa-a0d3-4eeb-8f17-0179216f21f8 Edit the value on Wikidata

Brian Trevor John Murphy (Ventnor, Wight uhartea, 1932ko irailaren 25a2025eko otsailaren 2a) britainiar aktore eta komediantea izan zen.

Batez ere, Man about the house eta George and Mildred komedia-telesailetan George Roper pertsonaia antzezteagatik da ezaguna.

Urtea Izenburua Pertsonaia Oharrak
1963 Sparrows Can't Sing Jack
1964 Love and Maud Carver Guardsman
1965 San Ferry Ann British Tourist at Garage
1969 The Activist Member of Steering Committee
1971 The Devils Adam
1971 The Boy Friend Peter
1972 The Ragman's Daughter Tony's Father
1974 Man About the House George Roper
1976 I'm Not Feeling Myself Tonight Caretaker
1979 The Plank Truck Driver
1980 George and Mildred George Roper
1981 Black Jack Archibald
1982 It's Your Move Chauffeur
1997 Day Release
2000 The Mumbo Jumbo Mr. Tipple
2003 The Booze Cruise Maurice Stringer
2005 Room 36 George Roberts
2005 The Booze Cruise II: The Treasure Hunt Maurice Stringer
2006 The Booze Cruise III: The Scattering Maurice Stringer
2011 Grave Tales Arthur
2011 The Estate Geoff
2012 Blitz and Bananas Clarence Spratt
2012 Run For Your Wife Allotment Man Cameo
Urtea Izenburua Pertsonaia Oharrak
1960 Probation Officer Max Fletcher Atala: "#2.1"
1961 The Avengers Haslam Atala: "The Springers"
1961 The Interrogator Corporal Doggart Telefilma
1962 Z Cars Wallace Brackett 2 atal
1963 ITV Television Playhouse Man with Alsatian Atala: "The Wedding Dress"
1963 The Plane Makers Sorbo Atala: "Costigan's Rocket"
1964 Six Mr. Gowing Atala: "The Diary of a Nobody: The Domestic Jottings of a City Clerk"
1965 Not So Much a Programme, More a Way of Life Pertsonaia batzuk 24 atal
1965 A World of Comedy Motorist 2 atal
1965 Blackmail Talbut Episode: "Cobb"
1966 Hope and Keen Episode: "S.S. Bounty"
1966 Drama 61-67 Nick Atala: "Drama '66: A Hero of Modern Industry"
1966 Blackmail Fletcher Atala: "Vacant Possession"
1967 The White Rabbit Perkins Atala: "The Beginning"
1967 Baker's Half-Dozen Pertsonaia batzuk 5 atal
1968 Love Story Party guest Atala: "S for Sugar, A for Apple, M for Missing"
1968 Resurrection Kriltsov 2 atal
1969 Sez Les Pertsonaia batzuk 12 atal
1970 The Misfit The drunk Atala: "On Protest"
1970 ITV Playhouse Driver Atala: "A Sound from the Sea"
1972 The Moonstone Septimus Luker 3 atal
1972 Callan Reeves Atala: "None of Your Business"
1972 Alcock and Gander Pluthero Atala: "Soho Is Too Small"
1972 Dixon of Dock Green Percy Sinclair Atala: "Ada"
1973 The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club Detective Atala: "Mr. Oliver"
1973–1976 Man about the house George Roper 39 atalak
1974 South Riding Mr Hubbard Atala: "In Sickness and in Health"
1976–1979 George and Mildred George Roper 38 atalak
1981 The Incredible Mr Tanner Ernest Tanner 6 atalak
1981 Theatre Box Hubert Dibble Atala: "Reasons to Be Cheerful"
1982 L for Lester Lester Small 6 atalak
1984–1985 Lame Ducks Ansell 11 atal
1985 On Your Way Riley Arthur Lucan / Old Mother Riley Telefilma
1986 Reasons to Be Cheerful King Atala: "Charlie Chuckles"
1986 Cinderella: The Shoe Must Go On Amnesia Telefilma
1987 All in Good Faith Greg Sproat Atala: "The Patience of Job"
1992 Boon Buster Atala: "Shot in the Dark"
1993–1997 Wizadora Stan
1994 One Foot in the Grave Mr. Foskett Atala: "The Man Who Blew Away"
1995 Brookside George Manners 5 atal
1995 Next of Kin Salesman Atala: "Expansion"
1995 Paul Merton's Life of Comedy Grandad's friend 2 atal
1996 Delta Wave Mr. Seffel Atala: "Dodgy Jammers: Part 2"
1996 Mike and Angelo Mervyn K. Mertz Atala: "An Actor's Life for Me"
1996–2000 Pond Life Len Pond 11 atal
1997 The Famous Five Mr. Wooh Atala: "Five Are Together Again"
1997 Western Lights: Laugh Until You Die Ricky Chapple Telefilma
1997 Paul Merton in Galton and Simpson's... Father Atala: "Visiting Day"
1997 Paul Merton in Galton and Simpson's... Uncle Arthur Atala: "Being of Sound Mind"
1998 Jonathan Creek Ken Speed Atala: "Mother Redcap"
1999 Mrs Merton and Malcolm Mr Capstick 6 atalak
1999 Hilltop Hospital Dr. Atticus Ahotsa; Atala: "Gracey Greyshell's Last Day"
1999 Casualty Walter Burnley Atala: "To Have and to Hold"
1999 The Bill Danny the Elf Atala: "When the Snow Lay Round About"
2000 Sunburn Sid Dawson Atala: #2.2
2001 Comedy Lab Ahotsa; Atala: "Knife & Wife"
2003–2010 Last of the Summer Wine Alvin Smedley 73 atal
2004 Monkey Trousers Pertsonaia batzuk Telefilma
2005–2006 The Catherine Tate Show Neville 5 episodes
2010 The Slammer Alan Atala: #1.12
2010 Hustle Larry Atala: "The Thieving Mistake"
2010 Paul O'Grady Live Alvin Atala: #1.6
2010 Benidorm Clive Mitchell Atala: "Christmas Special"
2011 White Van Man Albert Atala: "Beginnings and Ends"
2011 This is Jinsy Melty Harris Atala: "Kelpman"
2011–2013 The Cafe Jack Dobson 9 atal
2013 Plebs Victor Atala: "Bananae"
2013 Man Down Mr Frank Field-Williams Atala: "Christmas Special"
2014 It's an Unknown World George Timemile
2014 Holby City Charlie Evans Atala: "The Art of Losing"
2016 Casualty Frank Haines Atala: "Hopelessly Addicted"
2018 Claude Mr. Lovelybuns Ahotsa; Atala: "Gone Sock"
2019 Holby City Buster Kitchener Atala: "The Wrong Horse"
2020–2021 Mighty 6 Old Man L. Ahotsa; 2 atal
2022 30 Years Of Laughs: Last Of The Summer Wine Bere burua ; atal bat

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