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Christopher Eccleston

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Christopher Eccleston

JaiotzaLangworthy (en) Itzuli1964ko otsailaren 16a (60 urte)
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeziketaCentral School of Speech and Drama
University of Salford
Joseph Eastham High School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakaktorea, telebista-aktorea, zinema aktorea, esploratzailea, karaktere aktorea eta antzerki aktorea
Jasotako sariak

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Christopher Eccleston (Salford, 1964ko otsailaren 16a)[1] Ingalaterrako aktore bat da, Doctor Who telesailean bederatzigarren doktorea izateagatik eta The Leftovers telesailean Matt Jamison izateagatik ezaguna dena.

Central School of Speech and Draman ikasi ondoren Let him have it filmean egin zuen debuta. Ordurako antzerkian lan egiten hasiaa zen, sekula utzi ez duena. 1996an Jude filmeko protagonista izan zen Kate Winsletekin batera[2].

2005ean Doctor Who telesailaren aro berriko lehen doktorea izan zen, guztirako berderatzigarrena. 13 atal soilik egin zituen, denboraldi bakarra, eta Eccleston berak erabaki zuen telesaila uztea, gehiegizko lana zela argudiatuz[3]. David Tennantek hartu zuen haren lekua[4].

Ordutik aurrera telesail britainiarretako ohikoa bihurtu da. 2014an The Leftovers telesaileko protagonista izan zen hiru denboraldiz[5].

Bizitza pertsonala

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2011n Mischkarekin ezkondu zen eta Albert semea eta Esme alaba izan zituzten. 2015ean banatu egin ziren. Manchester United taldearen jarraitzailea da[6].

Ongizateko hainbat elkarte laguntzen ditu; Mencap, Britainia Handiko Gurutze Gorria... eta Alzheimerraren ikerketa laguntzen du.

Politikoki Alderdi Laboristaren alde egin izan du eta errepublikazaletzat du bere burua, Britainiar monarkiaren abolizioaren alde egiten du[7].

Urtea Filma Pertsonaia Oharrak
1991 Let Him Have It Derek Bentley
1992 Death and the Compass Alonso Zunz
1993 Anchoress Priest
1994 Shallow Grave David Stephens
1996 Jude Jude Fawley
1998 A Price Above Rubies Sender Horowitz
Elizabeth Duke of Norfolk
1999 Heart Gary Ellis
Existenz Seminar Leader
With or Without You Vincent Boyd
2000 Gone in 60 Seconds Raymond Calitri
The Tyre Merkataria Laburmetraia
2001 The Others Charles Stewart
The Invisible Circus Otsoa
This Little Piggy Cabbie Laburmetraia
2002 24 Hour Party People Boethius
I Am Dina Leo Zhukovsky
Revengers Tragedy Vindici
28 Days Later Major Henry West
2007 The Seeker The Rider
2008 New Orleans, Mon Amour Dr. Henry
2009 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra James McCullen / Destro
Amelia Fred Noonan
2010 The Happiness Salesman Merkataria Laburmetraia
2012 Song for Marion James Harris
2013 Thor: The Dark World Malekith
2015 Legend Leonard "Nipper" Read
2018 Dead In A Week (Or Your Money Back) Harvey
Where Hands Touch Heinz
TBA Young Woman and the Sea Jabez Wolffe
A God Amongst Men Johnny Walker
Urtea Telesaila Pertsonaia Oharrak
1990 Blood Rights Dick atal bakarra
Casualty Stephen Hills atal bakarra
1991 Inspector Morse Terrence Mitchell atal bakarra
Chancer Radio atal bakarra
Boon Mark atal bakarra
1992 Rachel's Dream Man in Dream Telefilmea
Poirot Frank Carter atal bakarra
Friday on my Mind Sean Maddox 3 atal
Business with Friends Angel Morris Telefilmea
1993–1994 Cracker DCI David Bilborough 10 atal
1995 Hearts and Minds Drew Mackenzie 4 atal
1996 Our Friends in the North Nicky Hutchinson 9 atal
Hillsborough Trevor Hicks Telefilmea
2000 Wilderness Men Alexander von Humboldt 3 atal
Clocking Off Jim Calvert 2 atal
2001 Strumpet Strayman Telefilmea
Linda Green Tom Sherry / Neil Sherry atal bakarra
Othello Ben Jago Telefilmea
2002 The League of Gentlemen Dougal Siepp atal bakarra
Flesh and Blood Joe Broughton Telefilmea
The King and Us Anthony
Sunday General Ford
2003 The Second Coming Stephen Baxter 2 atal
2005 Doctor Who Bederatzigarren doktorea 13 atal
2006 Perfect Parents Stuart Telefilmea
2007 Heroiak Claude 5 atal
2008 The Sarah Silverman Program Dr. Lazer Rage atal bakarra
2010 Lennon Naked John Lennon Telefilmea
Accused Willy Houlihan atal bakarra
2011 The Shadow Line Joseph Bede 7 atal, guztiak
The Borrowers Pod Clock Telefilmea
2012 Blackout Daniel Demoys 3 atal, guztiak
2013 Lucan John Aspinall 2 atal, guztiak
2014–2017 The Leftovers Matt Jamison 23 atal
2015 Fortitude Professor Stoddart 3 atal
Safe House Robert 4 atal
2016–2020 The A Word Maurice Scott 18 atal, guztiak
2016 The Life of Rock with Brian Pern Luke Dunmore 2 atal
2017 Brian Pern: A Tribute Telefilmea
2018 Come Home Greg 3 atal, guztiak
King Lear Oswald Telefilmea
Danger Mouse J. Woolington Sham ahotsa, atal bakarra
2020 2019: A Year in the Life of a Year Christopher Eccleston Telefilmea
The Kemps: All True
2021 Close to Me Rob Harding 6 atal, guztiak
2022–2023 Dodger Fagin Protagonista, 12 atal
2022 My Name is Leon Mr. Devlin Telefilmea
TBA True Detective Ted Corsaro Protagonista
Urtea Telesaila Pertsonaia Oharrak
1988 A Streetcar Named Desire Pablo Gonzalez Bristol Old Vic
1989 Dona Rosita the Spinster Phyllida Lloyd
1990 Bent Royal National Theatre
Abingdon Square
Aide-Memoire Royal Court Theatre
1993 Waiting at the Water's Edge Will Bush Theatre
2000 Miss Julie Jean Haymarket Theatre
2002 Hamlet Hamlet West Yorkshire Playhouse
2004 Electricity Jakey
2009 A Doll's House Neil Kelman Donmar Warehouse
2012 Antigone Creon Royal National Theatre
2018 Macbeth Macbeth Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Barbican Theatre, London
2023 A Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge Old Vic
Urtea Telesaila Pertsonaia Oharrak
1998 Room of Leaves Frank
Pig Paradise Jack
2001 Some Fantastic Place Narratzailea
Bayeux Tapestry Harold Godwinson
2002 The Importance of Being Morrissey Narratzailea
Iliada Akilles
2003 Cromwell – Warts and All Narratzailea
2004 Life Half Spent Roger
2005 Crossing the Dark Sea Squaddie
Sacred Nation Narratzailea
Born to be Different Narratzailea
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg Brian
E=mc² (Einstein's Big Idea) Narratzailea
Dubai Dreams Narratzailea
Wanted: New Mum and Dad Narratzailea
Children in Need Narratzailea
This Sceptred Isle Hainbat pertsonaia
2005-2006 The Dark Side of Porn Narratzailea 9 atal
2006 The 1970s: That Was The Decade That Was Narratzailea
2008 The Devil's Christmas Narratzailea
2009 Wounded Narratzailea
2011 The Bomb Squad Narratzailea
2012 Timeshift: Wrestling's Golden Age: Grapplers, Grunts & Grannies Narratzailea
2013 Nineteen Eighty-Four Protagonista
2016 The Last Miners Narratzailea 2 atal
2017–present Ambulance Narratzailea 44 atal
2017 Manchester: 100 Days After the Attack Narratzailea Telebistako berezia
2019 Cold Bath Street Narratzailea
I Love the Bones of You: My Father And The Making Of Me Narratzailea
2020 Schreber Protagonista


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  1. «At Home With Christopher Eccleston. - Salford Star - with attitude & love xxx» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-07-24).
  2. (Gaztelaniaz) Jude (1996). (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-07-24).
  3. (Ingelesez) Roberts, Brian. (2005-10-04). «DR WHO 'EXHAUSTED'» mirror (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-07-24).
  4. (Ingelesez) «David Tennant returns as Doctor Who, which celebrates 60th anniversary with three new specials» MARCA 2023-05-14 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-07-24).
  5. (Ingelesez) «Christopher Eccleston» The Leftovers Wiki (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-07-24).
  6. «My Team: Christopher Eccleston on Manchester United | Sport | The Observer» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-07-24).
  7. (Ingelesez) «Fans of a Famously Anti-Royal Ex-’Doctor Who’ Actor Are Ready for His Hot Take» We Got This Covered 2022-09-09 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-07-24).

Kanpo estekak

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