Gideon Mantell
Gideon Mantell | |
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Bizitza | |
Jaiotzako izen-deiturak | Gideon Algernon Mantell |
Jaiotza | Lewes, 1790eko otsailaren 3a |
Herrialdea | ![]() |
Heriotza | Londres, 1852ko azaroaren 10a (62 urte) |
Hobiratze lekua | West Norwood Cemetery (en) ![]() |
Heriotza modua | : droga-gaindosia |
Familia | |
Aita | Thomas Mantell |
Ezkontidea(k) | Mary Ann Mantell |
Seme-alabak | ikusi
Haurrideak | ikusi
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Royal College of Surgeons of England (en) ![]() |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | geologoa, paleontologoa, naturalista, obstetra eta botanikaria |
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
Kidetza | Royal Society Royal College of Surgeons (en) ![]() |
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Gideon Algernon Mantell (Lewes, 1790eko otsailaren 3a – Londres, 1852ko azaroaren 10a) ingeles obstetra, geologo eta paleontologoa izan zen.
Medikuntza ikasi zuen Londresko Zirujauen Errege Ikastetxean eta mediku lanetan aritu zen Lewesen. 1816an Mary Ann Woodehouserekin ezkondu zen.
Geologiaz eta animalien eta landareen fosilez interesatu zen. 1822an, bere emazteak edo berak Iguanodoneko lehen hortz fosilak aurkitu zituzten. Ondoren, animaliaren eskeletoaren zati handi bat aurkitu zuen. Iguanodonaren egitura eta bizitza aurkitzeko saiakera izan zen dinosauroen azterketaren jatorria. Ingalaterra hegoaldeko Kretazeoari buruzko lan garrantzitsuak ere egin zituen.
1833an Brightonera joan zen, hitzaldiak eman zituen eta bere etxea museo bihurtu zuen. 1838an bere bilduma British Museumi saldu zion. 1839an Mary Ann Mantellek senarra abandonatu zuen.
Gideonek min handiak izan zituen eskoliosiagatik, baina lanean jarraitu zuen hil zen arte opio-gaindosi baten ondorioz.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Fossils of the South Downs. Royal 4to,<ref>Royal 4to is a paper size. It produces a fairly large book, with pages of 10 by 12.5 inches (250 by 320 mm) untrimmed.
- Outlines of the natural history of the environs of Lewes. 4to, 24pp, 3pl. Lewes, 1824.
- Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex, containing figures and descriptions of the fossils of Tilgate Forest. Royal 4to, 20 plates, £2. 15s. 6d. 1827.
- The Geological Age of Reptiles. In Jameson's Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 1831, Vol. 11, pp. 81–85
- A Narrative of the Visit of their most Gracious Majesties William IV and Queen Adelaide, to the Ancient Borough of Lewes, on the 22nd of October 1830. London: Lupton Relfe, 1831.
- The Geology of the South-East of England. 8vo, with coloured maps, sections, and numerous plates, £1. 1/-. 1833.
- Thoughts on a Pebble. 1836. 8th edition, 1849
- The Wonders of Geology or, a familiar exposition of geological phenomena: being the substance of a course of lectures delivered at Brighton. 2 vols, London, 1838. Lithographic plates drawn by his wife. Data from 4th ed of 1840: vol 1: 428p, frontis & 4 plates; vol 2: pages 429-795 plus appendix, glossary and other material, coloured frontis & 10 coloured plates, most drawn by his wife. Mantell's most extensive work.
- The Medals of Creation. 2 vols, 1844.
- A Day's Ramble in and about the Antient Town of Lewes. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1846.
- Thoughts on Animalcules. small 4to, 144p, 12 coloured plates. London: Murray, 1846. 1850 title: The invisible world revealed by the microscope or, thoughts on animalcules.
- Geological Excursions round the Isle of Wight and along the adjacent Coast of Dorsetshire. 1847.
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- Petrifactions and their teachings. 1851.