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Gloria Gaynor

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Gloria Gaynor

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakGloria Fowles
JaiotzaNewark1943ko irailaren 7a (81 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Talde etnikoaafro-estatubatuarra
HeziketaMalcolm X Shabazz High School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakabeslaria, telebista-aktorea eta musikagilea
Genero artistikoaDisco musika
rhythm and bluesa
dance popa
Ahots motamezzosopranoa
Musika instrumentuaahotsa
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Erlijioakristautasun ebanjelikoa
IMDB: nm0310974 Allocine: 36633 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/gloria_gaynor Allmovie: p357536 people/gloria-gaynor
Facebook: GloriaGaynor Twitter: gloriagaynor Instagram: gloriagaynor Youtube: UCgVq3HlmkLoh9CFt9i7Syug Pinterest: gloriagaynorpro TikTok: gloriagaynor Spotify: 6V6WCgi7waF55bJmylC4H5 iTunes: 136869 Last fm: Gloria+Gaynor Songkick: 82341 Discogs: 14683 Allmusic: mn0000664849 Deezer: 303 Edit the value on Wikidata
Gloria Gaynor 1976an.

Gloria Gaynor (1949ko irailaren 7a) estatubatuar abeslaria oso ezaguna egin zena disko musikaren garaian hainbat abestirekin: I Will Survive  (Hot 100  1.a 1979an), Never Can Say Goodbye (Hot 100 9.a, 1974), Let Me Know (I Have a Right) (Hot 100 42.a, 1980) eta I Am What I Am (R&B 82.a, 1983).

Estudio albumak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  • 1977 - The Best of Gloria Gaynor
  • 1982 - Greatest Hits
  • 1995 - I'll Be There
  • 1994 - Reach Out
  • 1998 - I Will Survive: The Anthology
  • 1998 - The Gloria Gaynor Album
  • 2000 - 20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: The Best of Gloria Gaynor
  • 2001 - Ten Best: The Millennium Versions
  • 2002 - I Will Survive
  • 2006 - All The Hits Remixed
  • Universal Masters Collection
Urte Single Zerrendetan sailkapena
AEB AEB R&B AEB Dance AEB AC Erresuma Batua
1974 "Honey Bee" - 55 - - -
"Never Can Say Goodbye" 9 34 1 - 2
1975 "Reach Out I'll Be There" 60 - - - 14
"Real Good People" - - 6 - -
"Walk on By" 98 - 8 - -
"All I Need Is Your Sweet Lovin'" - - - - 44
"Casanova Brown" - - 1 - -
"(If You Want It) Do It Yourself" 98 24 - - -
"How High the Moon" 75 73 - - 33
1976 "Let's Make a Deal" - 95 - - -
1978 "I Will Survive" 1 4 1 - 1
"Substitute" - 78 - - -
1979 "Anybody Want to Party" - 16 - - -
"Let Me Know (I Have a Right)" 42 - - - 32
1980 "Tonight" - - - - -
1981 "Let's Mend What's Been Broken" - 76 - - -
1983 "I Am What I Am" - 82 - - 13
1984 "Strive" - - - - 86
1985 "My Love Is Music" - - - - -
1987 "Be Soft with Me Tonight" - - - - 80
1993 "I Will Survive" (remix) - - - - 5
1997 "Mighty High" (with The Trammps) - - 12 - -
1998 "Never Can say Goodbye" (Remix) - - - - -
2000 "Last Night" - - - - 67
"Just Keep Thinking About You" - - 1 - 99
2002 "I Never Knew" - - 1 30 -
2006 "The Power of a Woman In Love" - - - - -
2008 "Hacer Por Hacer" - - - - -
"-" zerrendetan ez zen sartu

Kanpo loturak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
New Jersey
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