James Gillray
James Gillray | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Chelsea, 1756ko abuztuaren 13a |
Herrialdea | Erresuma Batua |
Heriotza | Londres, 1815eko ekainaren 1a (58 urte) |
Hobiratze lekua | St James’s Church, Piccadilly (en) |
Hezkuntza | |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | karikaturagilea, grabatzailea, marrazkilaria, ilustratzailea eta umorista grafikoa |
Lantokia(k) | Londres |
James Gillroy (Londres, 1756ko abuztuaren 13a - ibidem, 1815eko ekainaren 1a) ingeles karikaturagilea izan zen.
Batez ere 1792 eta 1810 bitartean argitaratutako satira politiko eta sozialen egilea izan zen, eta Napoleon, Jurgi III.a, politikariak eta jeneralak karikaturizatu zituen.
Karikaturagile gisa duen garrantzia William Hogarth-enarekin bakarrik konpara daiteke.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]-
Monstrous Craws, at a New Coalition Feast (1787)]
Light expelling Darkness,—Evaporation of Stygian Exhalations,—or—The Sun of the Constitution, rising superior to the Clouds of Opposition (1795)
Fashionable Contrasts;—or—The Duchess's little Shoe yeilding to the Magnitude of the Duke's Foot (1792)
A Voluptuary under the Horrors of Digestion (1792)
Temperance Enjoying a Frugal Meal (1792)
The Reception of the Diplomatique George Macartney, 1st Earl Macartney and his Suite, at the Court of Pekin
Following the Fashion — Short-bodied gowns, a Neo-Classical trend in women's clothing styles (1794)
A Burgess of Warwick Lane — Dr. John Burges, on tiptoe outside a building in Warwick Lane (1795)
The Whore's Last Shift (1779)
A noble lord, on an approaching peace, too busy to attend to the expenditure of a million of the public money
Siege de la Colonee de Pompée — A group of French savants huddle together at the top of a column
The Dissolution — Pitt as an alchemist, using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames
Regardez moi ("Look at me")
National Conveniences, published by Hannah Humphrey 25 January 1796
L'Assemblée Nationale (1804)
British Tars Towing the Danish Fleet into Harbour (1807)
Hand-coloured etching by James Gillray, depicting the use of Perkins' Tractors.
Very Slippy-Weather (1808)
In Fashion before Ease; or, A good Constitution sacrificed for a Fantastick Form (1793)
The Plumb-pudding in Danger (1805)
The Cow-Pock—or—the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation! (1802)
The Loss of the Faro Bank; or – the Rook's Pigeon'd (1797)
"Maniac-raving's-or-Little Boney in a strong fit"
Flemish Characters (1793), published by G. Humphrey, 27 St James's Street, 1 January 1822
Flemish Characters, published by G. Humphrey, 27 St James's Street, 1 January 1822