
Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea

Oharra: Gorde ondoren zure nabigatzailearen katxea ekidin beharko duzu aldaketak ikusteko. Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: Shift tekla sakatu birkargatzeko momentuan, edo Ctrl-Shift-R sakatu (Cmd-Shift-R Apple Mac baten); IE: Ctrl tekla sakatu birkargatzeko momentuan, edo Ctrl-F5 sakatu; Konqueror:: Birkargatzeko klik egin, edo F5 sakatu, besterik ez; Opera erabiltzaileek Tresnak-Hobespenak atalera jo eta katxea garbitzeko aukera hautatu.

/* Sitewide options for the the Cite toolbar button:
* All options should be specified
* "date format" sets the date format used for the function to insert the current date
* Current available options:
* date - the day of the month
* zdate - day of the month, zero padded to 2 digits
* monthname - The month name
* month - The numberic month (1-12)
* zmonth - numeric month, zero padded to 2 digits
* year - The full year (4 digits)
* "autodate fields" is a list of template fields that should have a button to insert the current date
* "months" is a list of localized month names
* "modal" - if true, the dialogs will be modal windows, blocking access to the rest of the window.
* See //
* All dialogs in the toolbar are modal by default
* "autoparse" - if true, previewing a ref will automatically trigger a preview of the parsed wikitext.
* Its not recommended to set this to true as a global setting as it may slow the script down for people
* with slow connections
* "expandtemplates" - if true, templates and parser functions will be expanded when getting page text
* (templates inside of ref tags will not be expanded). This will allow references inside of templates or
* references using {{#tag:ref}} to be listed in the named refs dialog and searched by error checks.
* This may slow loading the named refs and error check dialogs.

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"modal" : true,
"autoparse" : false,
"expandtemplates" : false

// Cite template definitions
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[ // Expanded fields
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new citeErrorCheck({'type':'reflist', 'testname':'samecontent', 'desc': "Eduki berdineko erreferentziak bilatu",
'func': function(reflist) {
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'func': function(reflist) {
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      } else {
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new citeErrorCheck({'type':'reflist', 'testname':'undefined', 'desc':'Izenik gabeko erreferentzien erabilera',
'func': function(reflist) {
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  ret = [];
  for(var j=0; j<errors.length; j++) {
    ret.push({'msg':'Izendun erreferentzia bat erabili da baina ez da definitu', 'err':errors[j]});
  return ret;

// All user-facing messages
// TODO: Document usage
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