National Book Award
National Book Award edo Liburuaren Sari Nazionala Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan ematen diren literatura sari garrantzitsuenetako bat da. 1950ean hasi zen eta ordutik aurreko urtean idazle estatubatuarrek argitara emandako literatur lanak saritzen ditu zenbait kategoriatan: fikzioa, ez-fikzioa, poesia eta haur literatura.
Gainera, atzerriko hizkuntza batean idatzitako eta ingelesera itzulitako literatur lanak ere saritzen ditu.
1960tik 1980ra bitartean gaur egun kontuan hartzen ez diren beste hainbat kategoria saritu ziren, besteak beste, Zientzia, Filosofia eta Erlijioa, Historia eta Biografia, Arteak eta Letrak...
Horiez gain, beste bi sari ematen dira. Batetik, Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters dominaren bidez idazleen ibilbide osoa ere saritzen da, eta bestetik, Literarian Award for Outstanding Service delakoa literaturaren kultura zabaltzen lagundu dutenei zuzendua.
Gaur egungo kategoriak eta irabazleak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Fikzioa
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]1950 | Nelson Algren | The Man with the Golden Arm |
1951 | William Faulkner | The Collected Stories of William Faulkner |
1952 | James Jones | From Here to Eternity |
1953 | Ralph Ellison | Invisible Man |
1954 | Saul Bellow | The Adventures of Augie March |
1955 | William Faulkner | A Fable |
1956 | John O'Hara | Ten North Frederick |
1957 | Wright Morris | The Field of Vision |
1958 | John Cheever | The Wapshot Chronicle |
1959 | Bernard Malamud | The Magic Barrel |
1960 | Philip Roth | Goodbye, Columbus |
1961 | Conrad Richter | The Waters of Kronos |
1962 | Walker Percy | The Moviegoer |
1963 | J. F. Powers | Morte d'Urban |
1964 | John Updike | The Centaur |
1965 | Saul Bellow | Herzog |
1966 | Katherine Anne Porter | The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter |
1967 | Bernard Malamud | The Fixer |
1968 | Thornton Wilder | The Eighth Day |
1969 | Jerzy Kosinski | Steps |
1970 | Joyce Carol Oates | Them |
1971 | Saul Bellow | Mr. Sammler's Planet |
1972 | Flannery O'Connor | The Complete Stories |
1973 | John Barth | Chimera |
[a] | John Edward Williams | Augustus |
1974 | Thomas Pynchon | Gravity's Rainbow |
[b] | Isaac Bashevis Singer | A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories |
1975 | Robert Stone | Dog Soldiers |
[c] | Thomas Williams | The Hair of Harold Roux |
1976 | William Gaddis | J R |
1977 | Wallace Stegner | The Spectator Bird |
1978 | Mary Lee Settle | Blood Tie |
1979 | Tim O'Brien | Going After Cacciato |
1980 | William Styron | Sophie's Choice |
1980 | John Irving | The World According to Garp |
1981 | Wright Morris | Plains Song: For Female Voices |
1981 | John Cheever | The Stories of John Cheever |
1982 | John Updike | Rabbit is Rich |
1983 | Alice Walker | The Color Purple |
1983 | Eudora Welty | The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty |
1984 | Ellen Gilchrist | Victory Over Japan: A Book of Stories |
1985 | Don DeLillo | White Noise |
1986 | E.L. Doctorow | World's Fair |
1987 | Larry Heinemann | Paco's Story |
1988 | Pete Dexter | Paris Trout |
1989 | John Casey | Spartina |
1990 | Charles Johnson | Middle Passage |
1991 | Norman Rush | Mating |
1992 | Cormac McCarthy | All the Pretty Horses |
1993 | Annie Proulx | The Shipping News |
1994 | William Gaddis | A Frolic of His Own |
1995 | Philip Roth | Sabbath's Theater |
1996 | Andrea Barrett | Ship Fever and Other Stories |
1997 | Charles Frazier | Cold Mountain |
1998 | Alice McDermott | Charming Billy |
1999 | Ha Jin | Waiting |
2000 | Susan Sontag | In America |
2001 | Jonathan Franzen | The Corrections |
2002 | Julia Glass | Three Junes |
2003 | Shirley Hazzard | The Great Fire |
2004 | Lily Tuck | The News from Paraguay |
2005 | William T. Vollmann | Europe Central |
2006 | Richard Powers | The Echo Maker |
2007 | Denis Johnson | Tree of Smoke |
2008 | Peter Matthiessen | Shadow Country |
2009 | Colum McCann | Let the Great World Spin |
2010 | Jaimy Gordon | Lord of Misrule |
2011 | Jesmyn Ward | Salvage the Bones |
2012 | Louise Erdrich | The Round House |
2013 | James McBride | The Good Lord Bird |
2014 | Phil Klay | Redeployment |
2015 | Adam Johnson | Fortune Smiles |
2016 | Colson Whitehead | The Underground Railroad |
2017 | Jesmyn Ward | Sing, Unburied, Sing |
2018 | Sigrid Nunez | The Friend |
2019 | Susan Choi | Trust Exercise |
2020 | Charles Yu | Interior Chinatown |
2021 | Jason Mott | Hell of a Book |
2022 | Tess Gunty | The Rabbit Hutch |
2023 | Justin Torres | Blackouts |
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]1950 | Ralph L. Rusk | The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson (biog. Ralph Waldo Emerson) |
1951 | Newton Arvin | Herman Melville (biog. Herman Melville) |
1952 | Rachel Carson | The Sea Around Us |
1953 | Bernard A. DeVoto | The Course of Empire |
1954 | Bruce Catton | A Stillness at Appomattox (third of 3 vols) |
1955 | Joseph Wood Krutch | The Measure of Man |
1956 | Herbert Kubly | An American in Italy |
1957 | George F. Kennan | Russia Leaves the War |
1958 | Catherine Drinker Bowen | The Lion and the Throne (ikusi Edward Coke) |
1959 | J. Christopher Herold | Mistress to an Age: A Life of Madame de Staël |
1960 | Richard Ellmann | James Joyce (James Joyceren biografia) |
1961 | William L. Shirer | The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich |
1962 | Lewis Mumford | The City in History: Its Origins, its Transformations and its Prospects |
1963 | Leon Edel | Henry James, volumes II and III (Henry James-en biografia) |
1984 | Robert V. Remini | Andrew Jackson: The Course of American Democracy, 1833-1845 (Andrew Jackson-en biografia) |
1985 | J. Anthony Lukas | Common Ground: A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families |
1986 | Barry Lopez | Arctic Dreams: Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape |
1987 | Richard Rhodes | The Making of the Atomic Bomb |
1988 | Neil Sheehan | A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam |
1989 | Thomas L. Friedman | From Beirut to Jerusalem |
1990 | Ron Chernow | The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance |
1991 | Orlando Patterson | Freedom, Vol. 1: Freedom in the Making of Western Culture |
1992 | Paul Monette | Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story |
1993 | Gore Vidal | United States: Essays 1952-1992 |
1994 | Sherwin B. Nuland | How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter |
1995 | Tina Rosenberg | The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts After Communism |
1996 | James P. Carroll | An American Requiem: God, My Father, and the War that Came Between Us |
1997 | Joseph J. Ellis | American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson |
1998 | Edward Ball | Slaves in the Family |
1999 | John W. Dower | Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II |
2000 | Nathaniel Philbrick | In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex |
2001 | Andrew Solomon | The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression |
2002 | Robert A. Caro | Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson |
2003 | Carlos Eire | Waiting for Snow in Havana: Confessions of a Cuban Boy |
2004 | Kevin Boyle | Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age |
2005 | Joan Didion | The Year of Magical Thinking |
2006 | Timothy Egan | The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl |
2007 | Tim Weiner | Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA |
2008 | Annette Gordon-Reed | The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family |
2009 | T.J. Stiles | The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt (biog. Cornelius Vanderbilt) |
2010 | Patti Smith | Just Kids |
2011 | Stephen Greenblatt | The Swerve: How the World Became Modern |
2012 | Katherine Boo | Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity |
2013 | George Packer | The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America |
2014 | Evan Osnos | Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China |
2015 | Ta-Nehisi Coates | Between the World and Me |
2016 | Ibram X. Kendi | Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America |
2017 | Masha Gessen | The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia |
2018 | Jeffrey C. Stewart | The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke |
2019 | Sarah M. Broom | The Yellow House |
2020 | Les Payne and Tamara Payne | The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X |
2021 | Tiya Miles | All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley's Sack, a Black Family Keepsake |
2022 | Imani Perry | South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon To Understand the Soul of a Nation |
2023 | Ned Blackhawk | The Rediscovery of America: Native peoples and the unmaking of US history |
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]1950 | William Carlos Williams | Paterson: Book Three and Selected Poems |
1951 | Wallace Stevens | The Auroras of Autumn |
1952 | Marianne Moore | Collected Poems |
1953 | Archibald MacLeish | Collected Poems, 1917-1952 |
1954 | Conrad Aiken | Collected Poems |
1955 | Wallace Stevens | The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens |
1956 | W. H. Auden | The Shield of Achilles |
1957 | Richard Wilbur | Things of This World |
1958 | Robert Penn Warren | Promises: Poems, 1954-1956 |
1959 | Theodore Roethke | Words for the Wind |
1960 | Robert Lowell | Life Studies |
1961 | Randall Jarrell | The Woman at the Washington Zoo |
1962 | Alan Dugan | Poems |
1963 | William Stafford | Traveling Through the Dark |
1964 | John Crowe Ransom | Selected Poems |
1965 | Theodore Roethke | The Far Field |
1966 | James Dickey | Buckdancer's Choice |
1967 | James Merrill | Nights and Days |
1968 | Robert Bly | The Light Around the Body |
1969 | John Berryman | His Toy, His Dream, His Rest |
1970 | Elizabeth Bishop | The Complete Poems |
1971 | Mona Van Duyn | To See, To Take |
1972 | Frank O'Hara | The Collected Works of Frank O'Hara |
1973 | A. R. Ammons | Collected Poems, 1951-1971 |
1974 | Allen Ginsberg | The Fall of America: Poems of these States, 1965-1971 |
Adrienne Rich | Diving into the Wreck: Poems 1971–1972 | |
1975 | Marilyn Hacker | Presentation Piece |
1976 | John Ashbery | Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror |
1977 | Richard Eberhart | Collected Poems, 1930-1976 |
1978 | Howard Nemerov | The Collected Poems of Howard Nemerov |
1979 | James Merrill | Mirabell: Book of Numbers |
1980 | Philip Levine | Ashes: Poems New and Old |
1981 | Lisel Mueller | The Need to Hold Still |
1982 | William Bronk | Life Supports: New and Collected Poems |
1983 | Galway Kinnell | Selected Poems |
Charles Wright | Country Music: Selected Early Poems | |
1991 | Philip Levine | What Work Is |
1992 | Mary Oliver | New and Selected Poems |
1993 | A. R. Ammons | Garbage |
1994 | James Tate | A Worshipful Company of Fletchers |
1995 | Stanley Kunitz | Passing Through: The Later Poems |
1996 | Hayden Carruth | Scrambled Eggs and Whiskey |
1997 | William Meredith | Effort at Speech: New and Selected Poems |
1998 | Gerald Stern | This Time: New and Selected Poems |
1999 | Ai | Vice: New and Selected Poems |
2000 | Lucille Clifton | Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000 |
2001 | Alan Dugan | Poems Seven: New and Complete Poetry |
2002 | Ruth Stone | In the Next Galaxy |
2003 | C. K. Williams | The Singing |
2004 | Jean Valentine | Door in the Mountain: New and Collected Poems, 1965-2003 |
2005 | W. S. Merwin | Migration: New and Selected Poems |
2006 | Nathaniel Mackey | Splay Anthem |
2007 | Robert Hass | Time and Materials: Poems, 1997-2005 |
2008 | Mark Doty | Fire to Fire: New and Collected Poems |
2009 | Keith Waldrop | Transcendental Studies: A Trilogy |
2010 | Terrance Hayes | Lighthead |
2011 | Nikky Finney | Head Off & Split |
2012 | David Ferry | Bewilderment: New Poems and Translations |
2013 | Mary Szybist | Incarnadine |
2014 | Louise Glück | Faithful and Virtuous Night |
2015 | Robin Coste Lewis | Voyage of the Sable Venus. |
2016 | Daniel Borzutzky | The Performance of Becoming Human |
2017 | Frank Bidart | Half-light: Collected Poems 1965–2016 |
2018 | Justin Phillip Reed | Indecency |
2019 | Arthur Sze | Sight Lines |
2020 | Don Mee Choi | DMZ Colony |
2021 | Martín Espada | Floaters |
2022 | John Keene | Punks: New & Selected Poems |
2023 | Craig Santos Perez | from unincorporated territory [åmot] |
Haur literatura
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]1996 | Victor Martinez | Parrott in the Oven: MiVida |
1997 | Han Nolan | Dancing on the Edge |
1998 | Louis Sachar | Holes |
1999 | Kimberly Willis Holt | When Zachary Beaver Came to Town |
2000 | Gloria Whelan | Homeless Bird |
2001 | Virginia Euwer Wolff | True Believer |
2002 | Nancy Farmer | The House of the Scorpion |
2003 | Polly Horvath | The Canning Season |
2004 | Pete Hautman | Godless |
2005 | Jeanne Birdsall | The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy |
2006 | M.T. Anderson | The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Vol. I |
2007 | Sherman Alexie | The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian |
2008 | Judy Blundell | What I Saw and How I Lied |
2009 | Phillip Hoose | Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice |
2010 | Kathryn Erskine | Mockingbird |
2011 | Thanhha Lai | Inside Out and Back Again |
2012 | William Alexander | Goblin Secrets |
2013 | Cynthia Kadohata | The Thing About Luck |
2014 | Jacqueline Woodson | Brown Girl Dreaming |
2015 | Neal Shusterman | Challenger Deep |
2016 | John Lewis, Nate Powell, and Andrew Aydin | March: Book Three |
2017 | Robin Benway | Far from the Tree |
2018 | Elizabeth Acevedo | The Poet X |
2019 | Martin W. Sandler | 1919 The Year That Changed America |
2020 | Kacen Callender | King and the Dragonflies |
2021 | Malinda Lo | Last Night at the Telegraph Club |
2022 | Sabaa Tahir | All My Rage |
2023 | Dan Santat | A First Time for Everything |
Ingelesera itzulitako literatura
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]1967 | Gregory Rabassa | Julio Cortázarren Hopscotch |
1968 | Howard Hong Edna Hong |
Søren Kierkegaarden Journals and Papers (7 bolumenetako lehena.) |
1969 | William Weaver | Italo Calvino's Cosmicomics |
1970 | Ralph Manheim | Céline's Castle to Castle |
1971 | Frank Jones | Bertolt Brecht's Saint Joan of the Stockyards |
1972 | Austryn Wainhouse | Jacques Monod's Chance and Necessity |
1973 | Allen Mandelbaum | The Aeneid of Virgil |
1974 | Karen Brazell | The Confessions of Lady Nijo |
Jackson Matthews | Paul Valéry-ren Monsieur Teste | |
1975 | Anthony Kerrigan | Miguel de Unamunoren The Agony of Christianity and Essays on Faith |
1977 | Li-Li Ch'en | Master Tung's Western Chamber Romance |
1978 | Richard and Clara Winston | Uwe George's In the Deserts of This Earth |
1979 | Clayton Eshleman José Rubia Barcia |
César Vallejo's The Complete Posthumous Poetry |
1980 | William Arrowsmith | Cesare Pavese's Hard Labor |
Jane Gary Harris Constance Link |
Osip E. Mandelstam-en Complete Critical Prose and Letters | |
1981 | Francis Steegmuller | The Letters of Gustave Flaubert |
John E. Woods | Arno Schmidt's Evening Edged in Gold | |
1982 | Robert Lyons Danly | Higuchi Ichiyō-ren In the Shade of Spring Leaves |
Ian Hideo Levy | The Ten Thousand Leaves: A Translation of The Man'Yoshu, Japan's Premier Anthology of Classical Poetry | |
1983 | Richard Howard | Charles Baudelaire-ren Les Fleurs du mal |
1984-2017 | (Ez zen saririk eman) | |
2018 | Margaret Mitsutani | Tawada Yoko-ren The Emissary |
2019 | Ottilie Mulzet | László Krasznahorkai-ren Baron Wenckheim's Homecoming |
2020 | Morgan Giles | Miri Yu-ren Tokyo Ueno Station |
2021 | Aneesa Abbass Higgins | Elisa Shua Dusapin-en Winter in Sokcho |
2022 | Megan McDowell | Samanta Schweblin-en Seven Empty Houses |
2023 | Bruna Dantas Lobato | Stênio Gardel-en The Words That Remain |
Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters (Domina ibilbide osoari)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Sari honen bitartez idazleen ibilbide osoa saritzen da.
- 1988: Jason Epstein
- 1989: Daniel Boorstin
- 1990: Saul Bellow
- 1991: Eudora Welty
- 1992: James Laughlin
- 1993: Clifton Fadiman
- 1994: Gwendolyn Brooks
- 1995: David McCullough
- 1996: Toni Morrison
- 1997: Studs Terkel
- 1998: John Updike
- 1999: Oprah Winfrey
- 2000: Ray Bradbury
- 2001: Arthur Miller
- 2002: Philip Roth
- 2003: Stephen King
- 2004: Judy Blume
- 2005: Norman Mailer
- 2006: Adrienne Rich
- 2007: Joan Didion
- 2008: Maxine Hong Kingston
- 2009: Gore Vidal
- 2010: Tom Wolfe
- 2011: John Ashbery
- 2012: Elmore Leonard
- 2013: E. L. Doctorow
- 2014: Ursula K. Le Guin
- 2015: Don DeLillo
- 2016: Robert Caro
- 2017: E. Annie Proulx
- 2018: Isabel Allende
- 2019: Edmund White
- 2020: Walter Mosley
- 2021: Karin Tei Yamashita
- 2022: Art Spiegelman
- 2023: Rita Dove
Literarian Award for Outstanding Service
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Sari hau literaturaren kultura zabaltzen lagundu dutenei zuzenduta dago.
- 2005: Lawrence Ferlinghetti
- 2006: Robert B. Silvers etaBarbara Epstein
- 2007: Terry Gross
- 2008: Barney Rosset
- 2009: Dave Eggers
- 2010: Joan Ganz Cooney
- 2011: Mitchell Kaplan
- 2012: Arthur Sulzberger Jr.
- 2014: Kyle Zimmer
- 2015: James Patterson
- 2016: Cave Canem
- 2017: Richard Robinson
- 2018: Doron Weber
- 2019: Oren J. Teicher
- 2020: Carolyn Reidy
- 2021: Nancy Pearl
- 2022: Tracie D. Hall
- 2023: Paul Yamazaki
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- ↑ Sari zatitua. 1973an 12 liburu zeuden irabazle 10 sari-kategoriatan
- ↑ Sari zatitua. 1974an 14 liburu zeuden irabazle 10 sari-kategoriatan
- ↑ Sari zatitua. 1975ean 12 liburu zeuden irabazle 10 sari-kategoriatan