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Topic on Lankide eztabaida:Theklan

Jdlrobson (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Glad the edits helped with this issue! Regarding the ordering of the individual indicators you can play around with CSS order property

e.g. the following should move coordinates to the end:

#mw-indicator-coordinates { order: 2; }

You can set order on all the indicator elements to set a preference order for where they should go. Hope this is helpful!

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)

I'm still stuck with this. I'm trying to get the order right, but I have now at the right side of the page. I added also order to the other elements, and I got to order them, but not the coordinates themselves. I think that the only possibility is that I'm adding the order for the coordinates via css and the order to the other elements is added by a the template itself.

By they way, order in English is also strange, as the feature star used to be the last one at the right: en:Black-and-yellow_broadbill

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)
Jdlrobson (eztabaidaekarpenak)

I'm seeing you've given .mw-indicators #mw-indicator-coordinates order: 1 so that's higher than all the other indicators so pushes it to the right. If you want to push it to the left, maybe a generic rule with overrides for positioning of coordinates would help such as :

.mw-indicators #mw-indicator-coordinates {
    order: 1;
.mw-indicator[id] {
    order: 2;

For T337604, I don't think it's possible to have indicators on special pages, so it should be okay to display: none it as you suggest.

#firstHeading { width: 100%; }

should also be safe.

Regarding English - I believe indicators appear in the order they are added to the wiki page by the parser so it can probably be edited in such a way that featured becomes the last if necessary. Something like #mw-indicator-featured-star { order:99;} would also likely guarantee it to always be last if necessary.

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)

As pointed at T337604, yes there are indicators in some special pages, for adding help, so hiding it is not a solution. I think we should document there the issue.

Also, for the order, I have tried giving different orders and the problem persists, so I think that the problem may be that some are loaded via css with #id and the others via template, but I don't know how this is happening. Inspecting the items itself, I can't see where the order is added in css.

Jdlrobson (eztabaidaekarpenak)

For special pages, replace all instances of .mw-indicator with `.vector-body-before-content .mw-indicator just as Tacsipacsi suggests.

The default order is 0. You'll need to define an order on all indicators (children of mw-indicators) to get the desired order. Right now, from what I can see, you are only defining order:1 on the coordinates indicator which means it pushes it to the right of everything else.

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)

The change corrected the special pages, but broke again the indicator's position: Paris

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)
Jdlrobson (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Doesnt look like a Lua error to me, but rather in issue with the article not using display=inline parameter for Template:Koord. Articles only expect to be associated with one coordinate.

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)

True! I think that before inline was the default, aldo dms instead of dec. I'll try to figure out where does this come from.

Theklan (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Thanks again @Jdlrobson! Now I think it works great!

"Coordinates and indicators" mezuari erantzun