English: The coat of arms of the College of Arms from a 1595 manuscript called Lant's Roll.
Beste hizkuntzak:
Bosanski: Grb College of Arms-a iz manuskripta iz 1595. zvanog Lant's Roll
Čeština: Erb londýnské College of Arms z manuskriptu Lant’s Roll z roku 1595.
Dansk: Våben for "College of Arms", fra et manuskript kaldet Lant's Roll fra 1595.
Deutsch: Wappen des College of Arms aus der Handschrift Lant's Roll aus dem Jahr 1595
English: The coat of arms of the College of Arms from a 1595 manuscript called Lant's Roll.
Español: Escudo del College of Arms, según un manuscrito de 1595 llamado Lant's Roll.
Esperanto: Blazono de la Heraldika Kolegio el manuskripto el 1595 nomita Lant's Roll.
Français : Armoiries du College of Arms, l'autorité héraldique anglaise, inspirées d'un manuscrit de 1595, le Lant's Roll, écrit par Thomas Lant
Italiano: Stemma del College of Arms, l'istituzione voluta nel 1484 da Riccardo III d'Inghilterra per regolare l'araldica in Inghilterra, Galles e Irlanda del Nord.
Magyar: A brit College of Arms(Heraldikai Kollégium) címere a Lant-féle katalógusból (1595)
Nederlands: het wapenschild van de College of Arms (Britse kantoor voor beheer en uitgifte van wapenschilden) vanaf het handschrift Lant's Roll (van graveur Thomas Lant) uit 1595
Polski: Godło College of Arms pochodzące z 1595 r. z manuskryptu Tomasza Lanta (Lant's Roll).
Português: Brasão de 1595 do College of Arms (Faculdade de Armas).
English: An image of the coat of arms of the College of Arms from a 1595 manuscript called Lant's Roll, created by Thomas Lant.
Afrikaans: Wapen van die College of Arms (Britse kantoor vir die bestuur en uitreiking van wapens) geneem uit die manuskrip Lant's Roll (deur graveur Thomas Lant) gedateer 1595.
Français : Armoiries du College of Arms britannique inspirée d'un manuscrit de 1595, le Lant's Roll, écrit par Thomas Lant.
Македонски: Грбот на Колегијатот на грбови во Лондон, преземен од Лантовиот грбовник од 1595, дело на хералдичкиот службеникТомас Лант.
partekatzeko – lana kopiatzeko, banatzeko eta bidaltzeko
birnahasteko – lana moldatzeko
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eskuduntza – Egiletza behar bezala aitortu behar duzu, lizentzia ikusteko esteka gehitu, eta ea aldaketak egin diren aipatu. Era egokian egin behar duzu hori guztia, baina inola ere ez egileak zure lana edo zure erabilera babesten duela irudikatuz.
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This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2006-10-20T14:02:55Z Boven 1142x1218 (493095 Bytes) {{Information |Description=An image of the coat of arms of the College of Arms from a 1595 manuscript called Lant's Roll. |Source=Lant's Roll |Date=circa 1595 |Author=Unknown |Permission=Because the image is more than 400 yea
{{Information |Description={{en|1=An image of the coat of arms of the College of Arms from a 1595 manuscript called Lant's Roll, created by Thomas Lant.}} |Source=*File:College_of_Arms-Lant's_Roll.JPG |Date=2009-07-20 06:19 (UTC)
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