The Big Wild Goose Pagoda of Xian, Shaanxi, China.
Built in 652AD and part of the Temple of Great Maternal Grace. Ending point of the journeys of Xuanzang, whose story is told in the tale of "The Journey to the West". Xuanzang's statue can be seen near the right of the panorama.
partekatzeko – lana kopiatzeko, banatzeko eta bidaltzeko
birnahasteko – lana moldatzeko
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eskuduntza – Egiletza behar bezala aitortu behar duzu, lizentzia ikusteko esteka gehitu, eta ea aldaketak egin diren aipatu. Era egokian egin behar duzu hori guztia, baina inola ere ez egileak zure lana edo zure erabilera babesten duela irudikatuz.
berdin partekatu – Lan honetan oinarrituta edo aldatuta berria eraikitzen baduzu, emaitza lana hau bezalako lizentzia batekin argitaratu behar duzu.
(del) (cur) 21:40, 25 September 2005 . . Yan Yin (Talk) . . 1839x544 (748788 bytes) (The Great Goose Pagoda of Xian, Shaanxi, China. Over a thousand years old, part of a temple and originally used to store religious writings. End of "The Journey to the West". Panorama taken by Yan Yin Summer 2005 )
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== Summary == The Big Wild Goose Pagoda of Xian, Shaanxi, China. Build in 652AD and part of the Temple of Great Maternal Grace. Ending point of the journeys of Xuanzang, whose story is told in the tale of "The Journey to the West". Xuanzang's statue can
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