Nik, lan honen egile eskubideen jabeak, lan hau domeinu publikoan jartzen dut. Mundu osoan du eragina honek. Estatu batzuetan beharbada hori ez da legez posible izango. Halakoetan: Edonori ematen diot lan hau edozertarako erabiltzeko eskubidea, inolako baldintzarik gabe, legeak nahitaez ezarritako baldintzak izan ezik.
User Kaster, april 2005.
This image is used on a user page of a Wikimedia user and is stored on Commons according to the rules set out in Commons:Project scope#File in use on Commons only: the uploading of small numbers of images (e.g. of yourself) for use on a personal Commons user page is allowed or Commons:Project scope#File in use in another Wikimedia project: the uploading of small numbers of images (e.g. of yourself) for use on a personal user page of another project is allowed as long as that user is or was an active participant on that project. If the image ceases to be used it may be eligible for deletion as it may have no educational purpose.
Fitxategi honek informazio gehigarri dauka, ziurrenik kamera digital edo eskanerrak egiterako momentuan gehitutakoa. Hori dela-eta, jatorrizko fitxategi hori aldatu egin bada, baliteke xehetasun batzuek errealitatearekin bat ez egitea.