Baimen erroreak
Orriaren edukia ez da onartzen beste hizkuntza batzuetan.
Beste proiektuetan
Ezin duzu Sortu orri hau, ondorengo arrazoi hauek direla eta:
- Orri hau aldaketen aurka babestua dago, barneratuta dagoelako «kaskadako babesa» aukerarekin babestu duten orri honetan:
- The title "W/index.php" has been banned from creation.
It matches the following disallowed titles list entry:
- Your IP address is in a range that has been blocked on all Wikimedia Foundation wikis.
The block was made by AntiCompositeNumber.
The reason given is Open proxy/Webhost: Visit the FAQ if you are affected .
- Start of block: 03:46, 1 azaroa 2023
- Expiry of block: 03:46, 1 otsaila 2026
""(e)tik eskuratuta