Modulu:Infobox gene/eu
Documentation for this module may be created at Modulu:Infobox gene/eu/dok
local p = { }
p.CFG = { --Configuration values
SeparatorStr = ",",
ThousandSeparator = '.',
-- NEW
topTitleBGcolor = '#b0d1ad', -- '' for no color (transparent)
TitleIcon = '', -- 'Chromosome2 icon.svg', for icon at left of title text.
pdb_bar_width = '30px',
id_bar_width = '56px',
GO_bar_width = '76px',
ArticleLnk = true, -- Create link to existing articles in local language in items for Human RNA expression pattern
WDLnk = true, -- Create link to WD in several items. But it is always false if the language is 'en' or 'simple'
-- The next options In English wikipedia are false:
OrthologsCollapsed = true, -- If it is true the orthologs list is initially displayed expanded
ShowDiseases = true, -- It shows the diseases section
ShowDrugs = true, -- It shows the drugs section
p.RS = { --Respurce strings
-- NEW!: Parameter names. You can assign more than one or two parameters for each parameter,
-- i.e., for Spanish: {'image', 'imagen'}, but always written between "{" and "}"
imageNames = {'image'},
captionNames = {'caption'},
-- other strings
-- WARNING!!: xxx_lnk are links, in the wiki code will become [[RS.xxx_lnk]]
NotApplicableStr = "ez/a",
youCanTranslateIt = 'Itzul dezakezu', --BERRIA!
youCanModifyIt = 'Alda dezakezu', --BERRIA!
LookLocalArticle = "Begiratu artikulua", --BERRIA! "ZureHizkuntzan" gehi dezakezu
proteinL = 'proteina',
AvailableStructures = 'Egitura erabilgarri',
pdb_lnk = 'Protein_Data_Bank|PDB',
listTitle = "PDB ID kodeen zerrenda",
checkOrtholog = 'Ortologoaren bilaketa: ',
checkOrthologH = 'Giza UniProt bilaketa: ',
IdentifiersU = "Identifikatzaileak",
aliases_lnk = 'Geneen nomenklatura|Aliasak',
ext_id = "Kanpoko IDak",
onim_lnk = 'Mendelian_Heritance_in_Man|OMIM',
homolo_lnk = 'HomoloGene',
genecards_lnk = 'GeneCards',
mgi_lnk = 'Mouse_Genome_Informatics|MGI',
ChEMBL_lnk = 'ChEMBL',
IUPHAR = 'International_Union_of_Basic_and_Clinical_Pharmacology|IUPHAR',
EC_lnk = 'Enzyme_Commission_number|EC Zenbakia',
OMA_lnk = 'Orthologous_MAtrix|OMA',
RelDiseases = 'Genetikoki lotutako gaixotasunak',
AssocDiseases = "Genetikoki lotutako gaixotasunak ",
SeeEditWDRef = "ikusi/editatu erreferentziak wikidatuetan",
TargDrug = "Drogaren xedea",
InterDrug = "Fisikoki elkarreragiten duten drogak ",
HumanL = 'gizakia',
MouseL = 'sagua',
HumanU = 'Gizakia',
MouseU = 'Sagua',
GL_GeneLoc = 'Genearen kokapena',
GL_Human_lnk = "Giza Genoma|Giza",
GL_Mouse_lnk = "Laborategiko sagua|Sagua",
GL_chr_lnk = "Kromosoma|Kr.",
GL_locus_lnk = "Locus (genetika)|Band",
GL_gstart = "Hasi",
GL_gend = "Amaiera",
GL_tooltip = "Kokapen genomikoa ",
GL_ortholog = "(ortholog)",
Ensembl_lnk = "Ensembl",
BasePair_lnk = "Oinarrizko bikotea|bp",
RNAexpres = "[[Gene adierazpena|RNA adierazpena]] eredua",
RNAexpres_more_exprdata = "Erreferentziazko adierazpen datu gehiago",
RNAexpres_more_expl = 'Gehien adierazita',
GO_title_lnk = "Gene ontologia",
GO_mol_funct = "Funtzio molekularra",
GO_cell_comp = "Zelularen osagaia",
GO_bio_process = "Prozesu biologikoa",
Orth_Orthologs = "Ortologoak",
Orth_Categ = 'Kategoria:',
Orth_C_ChNXY = 'Giza %s kromosomako geneak', -- %s zenbaki batekin ordezkatzen da edo X edo Y
Orth_C_Mit = 'Giza mitokondrialaren geneak',
Orth_HumanGens = 'Giza geneak',
Orth_Entrez_lnk = "Entrez",
Orth_Ensembl_lnk = "Ensembl",
Orth_UniProt_lnk = "UniProt",
Orth_RefSeq_lnk = "RefSeq",
Orth_UCSC = "Kokapena (%s)", -- %s ordezkatzen da Orth_UCSC_lnk-rako esteka
Orth_UCSC_lnk = 'UCSC Genome Browser|UCSC', --BERRIA
SourcesTP = "Iturburuak:",
refseq_RNAm = '(RNAm)',
refseq_protein = '(proteina)',
SpeciesU = "Espeziea",
PubMed_Search = "%s bilaketa", -- %s ordezkatzen da PubMed_lnk-rako esteka
PubMed_lnk = 'PubMed',
Wikidata_lnk = 'Wikidata',
SeeEditHuman = 'Ikusi/Editatu giza genea', --CHANGED edukia, jatorrizkoa: 'View/Edit Human'
SeeEditMouse = 'Ikusi/Editatu saguaren genea', --CHANGED edukia, jatorrizkoa: 'View/Edit Mouse gene'
WD_chromosomeMT = {'mitokondrioa', 'kromosoma MT'}, --IMPORTANT: *
--"mitochondrion" and "chromosome MT" is used for mitochondrial DNA.
WD_chromosome = {'chromosome', 'kromosoma'}, --IMPORTANT: *
--also you must create a redirect page for each human chromosome,
--i.e. the new page (if not yet exists) "Chromosome 2 (human)" must containts "#REDIRECT[[Chromosome 2]]"
-- obviously, in this example you must change "Chromosome" for the translated word.
ChromosomeAuto = 'Kromosoma %s (%s)', --first %s is replaced for the chromosome number, the second is the species (human or mouse)
ChromosomeSex = '%s kromosoma (%s)', --first %s is replaced for X or Y, the second is the species (human or mouse)
ChromosomeMit = "DNA mitokondriala (%s)", --the %s is replaced for the species (human or mouse)
-- * Add your local label in wikidata, otherwise the 'Gene location' section will not appear.
-- When the translation already exists in your language you can remove the name in English, but always between "{" and "}"
function p.MkExtLnk (frame, title_h, url_h, website_h)
--In this function, you perhaps* must change:
--'cite_web' to the equivalent [[en:Template:Cite_web]] name in your wiki.
return frame:expandTemplate {title = 'Erreferentzia',
--Also, perhaps** you must change the next arguments names (title, url and website)
--from the [[en:Template:Cite_web]],
args = {izenburua=title_h , url=url_h, argitaletxea=website_h} }
--expandTemplate creates cite web template {{cite web|title=value|url=ref_link..ect}
--* if the names are different or not exist a redirection to your template
--** if your template does not support the English names as valid arguments
return p