Erregistro guztiak
Hemen ikusgai dituzu igotze, ezabatze, babeste, blokeatze eta administratze eragiketen erregistroak. Zerrenda mugatu dezakezu, erregistro mota, erabiltzaile izena edo eragindako orrialdea aukeratuz.
- 23:00, 21 otsaila 2022 Spotifyplay eztabaida ekarpenak erabiltzaileak Lankide:Spotifyplay orria sortu du (Orri berria: «Since the advent of music streaming and its acceptance by music lovers, the music industry has completely changed. Spotify is the world's most popular music streaming service with a market share of around 32 percent. Spotify promotion is an organic promotion method that allows musicians to get their music heard by millions of listeners, increase their royalties, and grow their fan base. [ Spotify promotion] is a process where musicians or r...») Etiketa: Ikusizko Editorea: kommutatua
- 22:58, 21 otsaila 2022 Spotifyplay eztabaida ekarpenak erabiltzaile kontua sortu da