Lankide:Enneco-Gotzon (usurped)
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- Medikuntza eta Kirurgia Orokorrean lizentziadun, EHU.
- Zaletasun:
- Filosofia: epistemologia, etika, estetika.
- Zientzia: neuropsikologia, genetika, eboluzio.
- Teknologia: informatika, robotika.
- Arte: irudigintza, musika, poesia.
- Zuzenbide: politika, historia.
- Higiezin sustatzaile.
Tchimino eta guiçaqui artean
Jaquinduriaz, maitassunez eta atseguinez umeçurz
Guiça vici, bethetassuna eta çoriona erdiesteco auquera bakar
- Enneco-Gotzon, Basque for "My little one" & "My angel, my messenger".
- Bachelor in General Medicine and Surgery, University of the Basque Country.
- Interests:
- Philosophy: epistemology, ethics, aesthetics.
- Science: neuropsychology, genetics, evolution.
- Technology: computer science, robotics.
- Art: painting, music, poetry.
- Law: politics, history.
- Real Estate developer.
Between monkey and human
Orphan from wisdom, love and pleasure
Human life, one and only chance to achieve fulfillment and happiness