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Roddy McCorley

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Roddy McCorley

Roddy McCorley (irlanderaz Rodaí Mac Corlaí) irlandar folk abestia da. Musika talde eta abeslari ugarik atera moldatu izan ohi dituzte abesti honen bertsioak: The Dubliners, The Clancy Brothers, Shane MacGowan...

Abestiak Ulsterko Antrim Konderrian 1798 urte ingurura Irlandar Altxamendu baten ondorioz britainiarrek Antrim konderrian dagoen Toome udalerrian zintzilikatu zuten irlandar gazte bati buruz mintzo da: Roddy McCorley gaztea.


Oh see the fleet foot hosts of men
Who speed with faces wan
From Farmstead and from Fisher's cut
Along the banks of Bann
They come with vengeance in their eyes
Too late, too late are they
For young Roddy McCorley goes to die
On the Bridge of Toome today

Up the narrow streets he stepped
Smiling proud and young
About the hemp rope on his neck
The golden ringlets clung
There is never a tear in his blue eyes
For glad and bright are they
As young Roddy McCorely goes to die
On the bridge of Toome today

When he last stepped up that street
His shining pike in hand
Behind him marched in grim array
A stalwart earnest band
"For Antrim Town! For Antrim Town!
He lead them to the fray
And young Roddy McCorely goes to die
On the Bridge of Toome today

There is never a one of all your dead
More bravely fell in fray
Than he who marches to his fate
On the bridge of Toome today
True to the last, true to the last
He treads the upward way
And young Roddy McCorely goes to die
On the Bridge of Toome today


Oi begira oinezko gizonezko taldea
Bere aurpegi zurbilez azkar doazelarik
Farmsteadetik eta Fisher's laburbidetik
Banneko baizadian zehar
Beren begietan mendeku gosea ikusten delarik
Beranduegi, beranduegi beraintzat
Roddy McCorley gazte hiltzera baidoa
Gaur Toomeko Zubian

Kale estuetan goruntz igaroz bazetorren
Harrotasunez barrez eta gazte
Kalamuzko soka bere lepoan zuela
Urre kolorezko ile-kiribilak eusten zizkiolarik
Ez zen inoiz malkorik ageri bere begi urdinetan
Alaiak eta dizdiratsuak ziren
Roddy McCorley gaztea hiltzera doanean
Gaur Toomeko Zubian

Azkeneko aldiz kale horiek igaro zituenean
Bere eskuziri dizdiratsua eskuan
Bere atzetik ilada zorrotzean
jende talde leial eta ganorazkoa
"Amtrin Hiriaren Alde! Antrim Hiriaren Alde!
Haiengana ohiukatuz borrokara bultzatuarazi zituen
Eta Roddy McCorley gaztea hiltzera doa
Gaur Toomeko Zubian

Inoiz ez da zurea bezalako heriotzarik egon
Hain ausart borrokan eroria
Bere paturantz abiatu den horrena baino
Gaur Toomeko Zubian
Amaierarte jator, amaierarte benetako
Goikalderako bidea zapalduz zihoan
Eta Roddy McCorely gaztea hiltzera doa
Gaur Toomeko Zubian

Kanpo estekak

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