Edukira joan

Topic on Wikipedia:Txokoa

MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Mesedez, lagun gaitzazu zure hizkuntzara itzultzen

Greetings! You are invited to participate in Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competion. This year Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics for the project in league with Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus with folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

You can help us in enriching the folklore documentation on Wikipedia from your region by creating or improving articles focused on folklore around the world, including, but not limited to folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer personalities in folklore, folk culture (folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more. You can contribute to new articles or translate from the list of suggested articles here.

You can also support us in organizing the contest on your local Wikipedia by signing up your community to participate in this project and also translating the project page and help us spread the word in your native language.

Learn more about the contest and prizes from our project page. Feel free to contact us on our talk page or via Email if you need any assistance...

Thank you.

Feminism and Folklore Team,

Tiven2240 --06:49, 11 urtarrila 2022 (CET)

Luistxo (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Delako edizio lehiaketa eta sustapen ekintza hau ingelesez da, eta beste hizkuntza-wiki pare bateko ekimenak gehitu dira. Geure edizio lehiaketekin aski dugulakoan, ez dut honen errepikapen bat proposatuko hemen, baina bi apunte utziko ditut:

- Proposatu duten artikulu zerrenda oso-oso interesgarria da, genero desoreka gutxitu nahi dugunontzat.

- Commons-eko lehiaketa hau otsailerako, ez da bereziki feminismoari lotua, baina euskal folk argazkiak (zentzu zabalean, eta zentzu positiboan) igotzeko animatzeko balio badio inori, ba hortxe.

"Feminism and Folklore 2022" mezuari erantzun