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Waxies' Dargle

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Waxies' Dargle
The Dublinersen musika-lana
Egilea(k)The Dubliners
Dargle ibaia.

Waxies' Dargle (euskaraz Zapatarien Udalekua) Irlandako abesti herrikoi bat da. Bertan Dublin hiriburuko bi adineko anderek (aul' wans) egun pasako txango bat egiteko dirua nola lortu dezaketen inguruko eztabaida deskribatzen da. Berez abestia XIX. mendean haur abesti bat zen, baina denborarekin taberna giroko abestia bilakatu zen.

Dargle delakoa, Dargle ibaia da, garai batean Dublingo goi mailako jendea udaldian bertaratu ohi zen aisialdi leku ezaguna. Aldiz, waxie delakoa, Dublingo hizkeran zapatariei deitzeko izendapena zen. Horregatik, antzina Dublingo hizkeran dargle hitza udaleku hitzaren parekidea zen.

XX. mendearen hasiera arteko haur kantaren hasierak honela zioen:

Sez Rooney's ma to Cooney's da
"Will ye come to the Waxies' Dargle?"

Gaur egungo bertsioak honela dio:

Says my aul' one to your aul' one
"Will ye come to the Waxies' Dargle?"
Says your aul' one to my aul' one,
"Sure, I haven't got a farthin'.
I've just been down to Monto town
To see old Bill McArdle
But he wouldn't give me a half a crown
For to go to the Waxies' Dargle."

"What'll ye have? Will ye have a pint?"
"I'll have a pint with you, sir."
And if one of us doesn't order soon
We'll be thrown out of the boozer.

Says my aul' one to your aul' one
"Will ye come to the Galway Races?"
Says your aul' one to my aul' one,
"With the price of me aul' lad's braces.
I went down to Capel Street
To the Jew-man moneylenders
But they wouldn't give me a couple of bob
On me aul' lad's red suspenders."

Says my aul' one to your aul' one
"We have no beef nor mutton
But if we go down to Monto town
We might get a drink for nothin'."
Here's a nice piece of advice
I got from an aul' fishmonger:
"When food is scarce and you see the hearse
You'll know they've died of hunger.

Kanpo estekak

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