Edukira joan

Lankide eztabaida:TXiKi/2007ko martxoa

Orriaren edukia ez da onartzen beste hizkuntza batzuetan.
Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea

Egun on mondragoetarra:

Badago IP helbide bat, bandalismoa behin eta berriro egiten ari dena (ikusi hemen). Nik uste, ikastetxe bateko informatika gela batekoa dela, klase orduan eta gazte kontuak idazten baitituzte. Gainera, nire ikerketen arabera Gasteizko ikastetxe bat da... Horregatik, hasiera baten ez nuen bloketzerik nahi, agian ikasle "normal" batek wikipedia zentzuz erabili zezakeelako. Apur bat izutzen saiatu naiz (ikusi hemen), batez ere irakasle batek ikusiko zuelakoan. Baina, jarraitzen dutenez, egokiena IP helbide hori blokeatzea da. Luzarorako. Zuk erabaki. --josugoni (hemen idatzi) 10:22, 2 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

TXiKiBoT @[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi, please get an approval for the bot flag in the Finnish Wikipedia at fi:Wikipedia:Botit --fi:Käyttäjä:Ekeb 16:41, 2 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)


hay un jodido de IP ( que estas vandalizado toda la wiki...

no sé cuando te vas a conectar pero necesitamos que lo bloque

Bichenzo 18:45, 3 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Yiddish wikipedia request from your bot[aldatu iturburu kodea]

First of all we thank u for putting all the interwikis first in English then in second Hebrew, we would like to organize deutsch-german to be the third since our Yiddish languge originates from German, and this will help allot to term articles and wording according to its parent language after comparing the English and Hebrew options which is intertwined in modern Yiddish. thanks. also if you can organize this that other bots should note it as well. thanks. -- 22:14, 5 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)yi:באנוצער:יודל

gu wikipedia bot flag...[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi bot... I wanted to set bot flags to all the regular bots.... I have a question... Do you have a bot flag on any of the wikimedia sites?

Thanks... Spundun gu:User:Spundun

Hello, your bot added a wrong interwiki on new:बनट. Please stop it from doing so. Thanks. -- 05:59, 13 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

bot @ ceb-wp[aldatu iturburu kodea]


While we appreciate your efforts of helping us at the Cebuano Wikipedia in fixing interwiki links, there are already a lot of interwiki bots working on that project. We can conserve server bandwidth if there will be no reduplication of effort. If I am not mistaken, I have already told you about this before here in your message page. Please stop using your bot at ceb-wp. Your edits are hiding the more important edits for us to review. If you continue using your bot, I will have to block your account at ceb-wp. Peace! (Bentong Isles from ceb-wp)

fr:Val-David[aldatu iturburu kodea]


Your bot put ceb:Val-David in a interwiki of Val-David. But the french article of Val-David is a village in the province of Quebec, near Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts.

I saw that your bot did the same mistake in english: en:Val-David, Quebec

please contact me here: fr:Discussion Utilisateur:Bestter

thanks Bestter 16:42, 14 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Wow! it's fr:Le Val-David This is a weird city name... (thanks to Google ) fr:Utilisateur:Bestter66.199.155.252 17:12, 14 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Interwikis Biquipedia[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hola Txiki, precisamente estoy trabajando estos días en crear todas las categorías que nos faltan, no había añadido interwikis en las categorías simplemente por rapidez porque teniamos muchas para crear y así iba más rápido, pero en las próximas que cree añadiré por lo menos un interwiki a "es:" o "en:". Cuando acabe de crear las categorías que nos faltan iré añadiendo también interwikis a las categorías de la lista que nos has dejado. Eskerrik asko. Grazias y saludos --Willtron 11:59, 15 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)


I don't really know what is your policy for such cases, but the problem is that you've got two different articles about one person: Johann Gutenberg and Johannes Gutenberg. Airwolf 12:42, 17 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

te wikipedia[aldatu iturburu kodea]

You have been given bot status on te wikipedia. Thanks for the interwiki work -- 13:56, 19 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Bot status in Gujarati Wikipedia[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Bot status in Gujarati Wikipedia granted. --gu:User:Spundun

TXiKiBoT on HE WP[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi, am I correct in assuming your bot tracks recent changes, and monitors all articles that are changed, for EU links? It's just that I noticed many occassions where your bot editted an article right after someone else changed it. If that is so, it is somewhat problematic, as the bot may be masking vandalism by anonymous editors. Our own bots skip all articles where the last edit is by an anonymous IP address. Can you implement a similar check before adding interwiki? Thanks! Odedee 02:39, 21 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Kaixo Txiki, lehenik eta behin milesker Ipar Irlandaren banderarena konpontzeagatik. Bestetik ba al dago kolore hutsezko banderarik egitea (adibidez arraun taldeentzat, ikus Hondarribia egiteko Libiaren bandera erabili dudala). Bestetik ere, Kantauriako banderaikurra jartzeko txantilloik ba al da eta beste komunitateentzako (badakit behintzat kataluniarra badagoela). Milesker --Azpiazu 12:12, 27 Martxoa 2007 (UTC) Milesker Txiki, eta koloreei buruz ba al dakizu ezer? --Azpiazu 17:38, 29 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Help for using pagefromfile bot at Lombard wikipedia[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hello, I would like to correct (two parameter missing in the infoboxes) some articles I uploaded with the bot. However, while attempting to force uploads, the system replies that 'a edit conflict occurred' and the bot stops. Could you please help me? I placed the corrected code at lmo:category:Citaa da Lituània/bot code. If you succeed, it will be needed to run your interwiki bot again, please. Moreover, I would like to upload (not at short term, however) a large amount of redirect pages, but, seemengly, '' is not able to do this and returns redirects that don't work. Many thanks. Best regards -- 15:54, 27 Martxoa 2007 (UTC) (lmo:user:Clamengh).

Hello, many thanks! So, as to the redirects, the trouble was probably the 'carriage return' character after the
See you soon, Claudi--Clamengh 14:11, 29 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Bot status in Javanese Wikipedia[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Bot status in Javanese Wikipedia granted. 10:03, 28 Martxoa 2007 (UTC) --(jv:Panganggo:Anggoro)

Hola TXiKi! Te escribo para preguntarte si sabes cómo puedo pedir permiso de ejecución de mi bot en esta wikipedia. Su nombre es Synthebot. Lo que hace es correr basándose de la wikipedia en interlingua. Muchas gracias, Julian 13:58, 30 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

bot in ukrainian wiki[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Could you write a request for a bot flag in ukrainian wiki here --uk:Користувач:A1