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The Boys of Fairhill

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The Boys of Fairhill

The Boys of Fairhill (euskaraz Failhillgo Mutilak) Irlandako abesti herrikoi bat da, herrialde osoan ezaguna baldin bada ere, bereziki jatorria duen Cork konderrian bertako ereserkia ez ofizial maila ere badu.

Cork GAA kirol taldeko zaletuek Futbol gaeliko eta Hurling partiduetan maiz abestu ohi dutelarik, Irlanda osoan zehar haien ikur edota ereserkia gisa bezala ezagun delarik.

Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill
The smell on Patrick's Bridge is wicked
How does Father Matthew stick it?
Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill
The Blarney hens don't lays at all
And when they lays they lays 'em small
Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill
The Blackpool girls are very rude
They go swimming in the nude
Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill
Blackpool boys are very nice
I have tried them once or twice
Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill
If you come to Cork you'll get drisheen
Murphy's stout and pigs crubeens
Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill
Well, Christy Ring he hooked the ball
We hooked him up, balls and all
Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill
The smell on Patrick's Bridge is wicked
How does Father Matthew stick it?
Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill
Here's up them all says the boys of Fairhill

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