Edukira joan

Topic on Wikipedia:Txokoa

Richard Nevell (WMUK) (eztabaidaekarpenak)

The Celtic Knot Conference takes place on 9 and 10 July. It's an online event and is jointly organised by Wikimedia Community Ireland and Wikimedia UK. There will also be satellite events taking place between 6 and 12 July. The programme is a mixture of live sessions and prerecorded talks.

The conference aims to bring people together to share their experiences of working on sharing information in minority languages. We aim to help people learn how to direct the flow of information across language barriers and support their communities. As in previous years we will have a strong focus on Wikidata and its potential to support languages.

Registration is open now, so please register on Eventbrite.

Luistxo (eztabaidaekarpenak)

eman dut izena, eta ikusi dut Inaki LL ere izena emandakoen artean dela. Ea ostegun-ostiralean jarraitzen dudan online saio horietakoren bat... Wikidatan interesa bereziki neuk.

Iñaki LL (eztabaidaekarpenak)

Bai! Hor egongo gara, baita Theklan ere, besteak beste. Eman izenak goiko esteketan aurkezpenen jarraipena egiteko!

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