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Erdara dexente ezabatu dut

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Erdara piloa (gaztelerazko eta ingelesezko atala osoak) zituen artikulu honek. Eta bestalde, bere eduki gehiena Medusozoo taldeari zegokion... aldaketa zenbait eginak jada. Luistxo (eztabaida) 07:52, 10 urria 2022 (CEST)[Erantzun]

Hona erdarazko parteak inor itzultzera animatzen bada, baina egitekotan, eduki hori hobeto joango da Medusozoo artikuluan nire ustez;
El tejido que forma su cuerpo se denomina mesoglea y, a diferencia de los pólipos, es típicamente muy grueso; suele ser gelatinoso, pero puede alcanzar consistencia cartilaginosa en algunas especies.
La cavidad gastrovascular de estos animales posee un estómago central del que parten bolsas gástricas o diversos canales radiales, que pueden continuarse dentro de los tentáculos; de este modo, los nutrientes pueden distribuirse con mayor facilidad por todo el cuerpo.
The phylum Cnidaria is widely accepted as being monophyletic and consisting of two clades, Anthozoa and Medusozoa. Anthozoa includes the classes Hexacorallia, the hard corals, and Octocorallia, the soft corals, as well as Ceriantharia, the tube-dwelling anemones. There is strong support for this group having been the first to branch off from the ancestral line.
Medusozoa includes the classes Staurozoa, Cubozoa, Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa, but the relationships between these are unclear. Analysis using ribosomal RNA subunits suggests that within Medusozoa, Staurozoa was the first group to diverge, with Cubozoa and Scyphozoa forming a clade, a sister group to Hydrozoa. Further study involving the order of mitochondrial genes supports this view, and their possession of linear mitochondrial genomes is striking evidence of the monophyly of medusozoans.
The affinities of the class Polypodiozoa, containing the single species Polypodium hydriforme, have long been unclear. This species is an endoparasite of fish eggs and has a peculiar life cycle. It has traditionally been considered to be a cnidarian because of its possession of nematocysts, but molecular studies using 18S rDNA sequences have placed it closer to Myxozoa. Further studies involving 28S rDNA sequences suggest that it is either part of the hydrozoan clade Leptothecata, or a sister taxon to Hydrozoa, and does not group with myxozoans.
Since jellyfish have no hard parts, fossils are rare. The oldest conulariid scyphozoans appeared between 635 and 577 mya in the Neoproterozoic of the Lantian Formation in China; others are found in the youngest Ediacaran rocks of the Tamengo Formation of Brazil, c. 505 mya, through to the Triassic. Cubozoans and hydrozoans appeared in the Cambrian of the Marjum Formation in Utah, USA, c. 540 mya.
A common Scyphozoan jellyfish seen near beaches in the Florida Panhandle Most jellyfish are marine animals, although a few hydromedusae inhabit freshwater. The best known freshwater example is the cosmopolitan hydrozoan jellyfish, Craspedacusta sowerbii. It is less than an inch (2.5 cm) in diameter, colorless and does not sting. Some jellyfish populations have become restricted to coastal saltwater lakes, such as Jellyfish Lake in Palau. Jellyfish Lake is a marine lake where millions of golden jellyfish (Mastigias spp.) migrate horizontally across the lake daily.
Although most jellyfish live well off the ocean floor and form part of the plankton, a few species are closely associated with the bottom for much of their lives and can be considered benthic. The upside-down jellyfish in the genus Cassiopea typically lie on the bottom of shallow lagoons where they sometimes pulsate gently with their umbrella top facing down. Even some deep-sea species of hydromedusae and scyphomedusae are usually collected on or near the bottom. All of the stauromedusae are found attached to either seaweed or rocky or other firm material on the bottom.
Some species explicitly adapt to tidal flux. In Roscoe Bay, jellyfish ride the current at ebb tide until they hit a gravel bar, and then descend below the current. They remain in still waters until the tide rises, ascending and allowing it to sweep them back into the bay. They also actively avoid fresh water from mountain snowmelt, diving until they find enough salt. Luistxo (eztabaida) 08:17, 10 urria 2022 (CEST)[Erantzun]
@New biologyst hau ere aipatu nizun katamotz artikuluan. Artikulu askotan edukia jartzen duzu itzuli gabe. Saiatu, mesedez, ez egiten. Theklan (eztabaida) 11:46, 10 urria 2022 (CEST)[Erantzun]