Tatiana Maslany
Artikulu edo pasarte honek eduki, gramatika, hiztegi edota ortografia akatsak ditu. Lagundu nahi baduzu, zuzendu ezazu. |
Tatiana Maslany | |
(2013) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Regina, 1985eko irailaren 22a (39 urte) |
Herrialdea | Kanada Ameriketako Estatu Batuak |
Bizilekua | Los Angeles |
Lehen hizkuntza | alemana |
Familia | |
Ezkontidea(k) | Brendan Hines |
Bikotekidea(k) | ikusi
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Dr. Martin LeBoldus High School (en) University of Regina (en) |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa frantsesa alemana gaztelania antzinako greziera |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | aktorea, telebista-aktorea, zinema aktorea, dantzaria eta idazlea |
Jasotako sariak | |
Tatiana Gabriele Maslany[1] (1985eko irailaren 22a) kanadar aktorea da. Zientzia-fikziozko telesailetan pertsonaia ugari antzezteagatik nabarmendu zen, Orphan Black (2013-2017), Primetime Emmy Award (2016-2016), TCA Award (2013), 2 Critics 'Choice Awards (2013-2014) eta 5 Canadian Screen Awards (2014-18) irabazi zituen. Maslany lehen kanadiarra da Emmy bat irabazi duena, kategoria dramatiko handi batean, Kanadako serie batean jokatzeagatik.[2]
Maslany ere agertu zen telebistako telesailetan, hala nola Heartland (2008–2010), The Nativity (2010), Being Erica (2009–2011), eta Perry Mason (2020). 2013an, ACTRA Award saria irabazi zuen Picture Day filmean eta Phillip Borsos saria ere, Cas and Dylan filmetan egindako lanagatik. Bere beste film aipagarrienak Diary of the Dead (2007), Eastern Promises (2007), The Vow (2012), Woman in Gold (2015), Stronger (2017) eta Destroyer (2018The other Halfher Half (2016) drama erromantikoan antzeztuz Kanadako Screen Awarden Award saria irabazi zuen.
Bizitza goiztiarra
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Maslany Reginan jaio zen, Saskatchewan, Danen, egurketaria, eta Renate itzultzailearen alaba da.[1] [1] Austriar, alemaniar, poloniar, Errumaniar eta ukrainar arbasoak ditu. Oinarrizko ikasketak, frantsesez egin zituen, eta bere amak irakatsi zuen alemanez, ingelesa ikasi aurretik.[2] Bere aitona-amonek alemanez hitz egiten zuten bere inguruan txikia zenean.
Maslany Dr. Martin LeBoldus Institutura joan zen, non eskola ekoizpenean eta inprobisazioan parte hartu zuen, eta 2003an graduatu zen.[3][4]
Ikasketak amaitu ondoren, antzerki-saioak egiten eta bidaiatzen eman zuen denbora bat Toronton (Ontario) 20 urterekin kokatu aurretik.[5]
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]2002-2012: karrera goiztiarra
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Maslany 2002ko Kanadako telebistako 2030 CE telesaileko izar bat izan zen. 2004ko Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed filmean Ghost pertsonaia bezala agertu zen. Maslanyk 10 urtez inprobisazio komikoa egin zuen.[6] inprobisazio antzerkian parte hartu zuen, baita Kanadako Inprobisazio Jokoetan ere,[7] eta ordutik General Fools Improvisional Antzerkiko kide bihurtu da.[8]
2007an, Maslany The Messengers filmean Lindsay Rollins bezala agertu zen. CBC telesaileko Heartland lasterketan ere parte hartu zuen, non Kit Bailey pertsonaia jokatzen du. 2008an zehar, paper errepikatzaile bat izan zuen Instant Star telesailean. Paper garrantzitsua izan zuen Hallmark Channel-eko filmean: "An Old Fashited Esker emate". 2008ko irailean, Kanadako Flashpoint telesailean bahitutako biktima bat,Penny, izan zen.
Maslany Sarah Wexlar bezala agertu zen, Tom Wexlar doktorearen alaba herbeheretarra, 2010eko Being Erica Kanadako antzerki telesailaren bigarren denboraldian. 2010ean ere, Mary, Jesusen ama, protagonista bezala agertu zen The Nativity britainiar telebistako lau ataleko telesailean, oso harrera ona izan zuena.
Maslany Grown Up Movie Star filmean Ruby bezala agertu zen ere, eta 2010eko Sundance Film Festival jaialdian epaimahaiko aktore onenaren saria irabazi zuen paper horrekin.[9] 2010ean, Hardwired filmean agertu zen Punk Red papera eginez. 2011ko amaieran, John Sandforden Certain Prey filmaren egokitzapenean parte hartu zuen, Clara Rinker bezala. 2012an, Maslany, Claire protagonista gisa agertu zen Picture Day filmean, zeinagatik Phillip Borsos Award saria irabazi zuen 2012ko Whistler Film Festival jaialdian.[10]
2013-2017: Aurrerapena eta Orphan Black
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]2013tik 2017ra, Maslany protagonista izan zen BBC America eta Space-eko Orphan Black telesailetan. Sarah Manning protagonistaren papera egiten du, eta baita bere klonenak ere, Cosima Niehaus, Alison Hendrix, Helena, Rachel Duncan, Elizabeth Childs, Krystal Goderitch, Veera "M.K." Suominen, Katja Obinger, Jennifer Fitzsimmons eta Tony Sawicki. Maslanyk bi Critics 'Choice Television Awards eta TCA Award bat irabazi zituen serieko emanaldietan. Aktoresa onenaren kategorian Urrezko Globo sarirako ere izendatua izan zen[11] eta 2015ean Emmy Award baterako izendapena jaso eta kategoria irabazi zuen.[12]
2013an, Maslany gonbidatu bezala Parks and Recreation taldean aritu zen Nadia Stasky paperean. Dylan pertsonaia protagonista izan zen Cas and Dylan film independentean, horregatik 2013ko Whistler Film Festival jaialdian Phillip Borsos Award saria irabazi zuen.[13]
2013ko ekainaren 11n, Maslanyk US talentu agentziarekin, Resolution, sinatu zuen, Estatu Batuetako ordezkaritza bezala balio duena. Kanadan Magnolia Entertainment enpresak kudeatzen du eta Characters Talent agentziak errepresentatzen du.[14] 2013ko Juno Award zeremoniak Reginan ospatu ziren, Maslanyren herrian, eta aurkezleetako bat izan zen.
2014ko maiatzaren 17an, Maslany, Saturday Night Liveko 39. azkenengo denboraldiko gonbidatua izan zen. Bridget pertsonaia antzeztu zuen "Hugs" izenburua zuen bigarren film digitalean. Pharrell Williams eta The Lonely Island-en ondoan.[15]
Maslanyk The other Half film independentean antzeztu zuen,[15] Joey Kleinek idatzia, Motel Picturesek ekoiztu zuen A71 eta Sienna Filmsekin, eta Tom Cullen bere kideak ere antzeztu zuen.[16]
2018 - Oraina: etengabeko arrakasta
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Maslany Ryan Murphyren 2018ko drama serieko telesailean paper erregularra izan zuen, baina ondoren Charlayne Woodardek ordezkatu zuen.[17] Nicole Kidmanen ondoan, Destroyer thriller filmean, Telluride Film Festivalen mundu mailako estreinaldia izan zuena 2018ko abuztuan. Bryan Cranstonekin batera Broadwayko Network ekoizpenean agertu zen 2019an. Maslany Alice arreba bezala agertu zen, Matthew Rhysen ondoan, Perry Mason 2020ko ekainean estreinatu zen HBO-ko drama telesailetan.[18]
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Filmak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Urtea | Izenburua | Papera | Notak |
2003 | The Recital | Diana Mills | Film motza |
2004 | Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed | Ghost | |
2007 | The Messengers | Lindsay Rollins | |
Eastern Promises | Tatiana (voice) | ||
Diary of the Dead | Mary Dexter | ||
Late Fragment | India | ||
2008 | Flash of Genius | Older Kathy | |
2009 | Defendor | Olga | |
Grown Up Movie Star | Ruby | ||
Hardwired | Punk Red | ||
2010 | Up & Down | Girl | Film motza |
In Redemption | Margaret | ||
Toilet | Lisa | ||
2011 | Seven Sins: Lust | Woman (voice) | Film motza |
Darla | Friend | Film motza | |
The Entitled | Jenna | ||
Violet & Daisy | April | ||
2012 | Waiting for You | Unknown | Film motza |
The Vow | Lily | ||
Picture Day | Claire | ||
Blood Pressure | Kat | ||
2014 | Cas and Dylan | Dylan Morgan | |
2015 | Woman in Gold | Young Maria Altmann | |
2016 | The Other Half | Emily | |
Two Lovers and a Bear | Lucy | ||
Apart From Everything | Fran | Film motza | |
2017 | Stronger | Erin Hurley | |
Souls of Totality | Lady 18 | Film motza | |
2018 | Destroyer | Petra | |
2019 | Pink Wall | Jenna Delaney |
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Urtea | Izenburua | Papera | Notak |
1997–2002 | Incredible Story Studios | Various | Kapitulu ezezagunak |
2002–2003 | 2030 CE | Rome Greyson | Paper nagusia |
2004–2006 | Renegadepress.com | Melanie | 4 episodio |
2005 | Dawn Anna | Lauren "Lulu" Dawn Townsend (age 12) | Telebista filma |
2006 | Booky Makes Her Mark | Beatrice "Booky" Thomson | Telebista filma |
Prairie Giant | Tommy's doctor's receptionist | 2 episodio | |
Trapped! | Gwen | Telebista filma | |
2007 | Redemption SK | Margaret | Miniseriea |
The Robber Bride | Augusta | Telebista filma | |
Sabbatical | Gwyneth Marlowe | Telebista filma | |
Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming | Sammi | Telebista filma | |
2008 | Flashpoint | Penny | Episodioa: "Planets Aligned" |
Instant Star | Zeppelin Dyer | Bigarren papera (season 4) | |
An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving | Mathilda Bassett | Telebista filma | |
Would Be Kings | Reese | 2 episodio | |
2008–2010 | Heartland | Kit Bailey | Bigarren papera (seasons 2–4) |
2009 | The Listener | Hannah Simmons | Episodioa: "One Way or Another" |
2009–2011 | Being Erica | Sarah Wexler | 4 episodio |
2010 | Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures | Janice | Episodioa: "All Souls" |
Cra$h & Burn | Lindsay | Episodioa: "Closure" | |
The Nativity | Mary | 4 episodio | |
2011 | Alphas | Tracy Beaumont | Episodioa: "Anger Management" |
Certain Prey | Clara Rinker | Telebista filma | |
2012 | World Without End | Sister Mair | miniseriea |
2013 | Cracked | Haley Coturno / Isabel Ann Fergus | Episodioa: "Spirited Away" |
Parks and Recreation | Nadia Stasky | 2 episodio | |
2013–2014 | Captain Canuck | Redcoat (voice) | 4 episodio |
2013–2017 | Orphan Black | Sarah Manning / Elizabeth Childs / Alison Hendrix /
Cosima Niehaus / Helena / Rachel Duncan / Various |
Paper nagusia(k); ekoizlea (3–5 denboraldiak) |
2015 | BoJack Horseman | Mia McKibbin (voice) | Episodioa: "Let's Find Out" |
2016 | Robot Chicken | Barbie (voice) | Episodioa: "Hopefully Salt" |
2018 | Animals | Sherman (voice) | Episodioa: "Roachella" |
Drunk History | Emmeline Pankhurst | Episodioa: "Civil Rights" | |
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia | Aja (voice) | 2 episodio | |
2018–2019 | 3Below: Tales of Arcadia | Aja / Queen Coranda (voice) | Paper nagusia |
2020 | Perry Mason | Alice McKeegan | Paper nagusia |
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Urtea | Izenburua | Papera | Kokapena | Ref. |
1995 | Oliver! | Orphan | Regina Summer Stage | [19] |
2003–2004 | The Secret Garden | Mary | Globe Theatre, Regina | [20] |
2006 | George Dandin | Angel | Globe Theatre, Regina | [21] |
2007 | A Christmas Carol | Belle / Agnes / Debtor's Wife / Fan / Belinda | Globe Theatre, Regina | [21] |
2009 | Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead | CB's Sister | Six Degrees Theatre, Toronto | [22] |
2012 | Other People | Petra | Tank House Theatre, Toronto | [23] |
2018 | Mary Page Marlowe | Mary (ages 27 and 36) | Second Stage Theater, New York City | [24] |
2018–2019 | Network | Diana Christensen | Belasco Theatre | [25] |
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Urtea | Izenburua | Papera | Notak |
2020 | Trollhunters: Defenders of Arcadia | Aja (ahotsa) |
Audio books[edit source]
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Urtea | Izenburua | Papera | Notak | Ref. |
2015 | Locke & Key | Dodge | 13-orduko audio drama | [26] |
2018 | The Hunger Games | Katniss Everdeen | 10-orduko gazte fikzioa | [27] |
2019 | Catching Fire | Katniss Everdeen | 11-orduko gazte fikzioa | |
2019 | Mockingjay | Katniss Everdeen | 11-orduko gazte fikzioa | |
2019 | Orphan Black: The Next Chapter | Narratzailea | 10-episodioko audio drama | [28] |
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Urtea | Izenburua | Papera | Episodioak |
2015–2019 | Comedy Bang! Bang! | Bera | 377: "Good Night In The Morning" |
446: "Scrounging and Lounging" | |||
478: "Spank Me With A Feather!" | |||
536: "Live from SXSW 2018" | |||
615: "The Chastman Family" | |||
2015 | How Did This Get Made? | Bera | 120: "Masters of the Universe" |
2016 | The Wandering Wolf | Bera | 118 |
Unqualified | Bera | 34 (two-part episode) | |
2017 | Spontaneanation | Bera | 110: "The Manager's Office of a Miniature Golf Course" |
2019 | Hollywood Handbook | Bera | 321: "Tatiana Maslany, Our Close Friend" |
Sariak eta nominazioak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Urtea | Asoziazioa | Kategoria | Lana | Emaitza |
2005 | Gemini Awards | Best Performance in a Children's or Youth Program or Series | Renegadepress.com | Nominatua |
2009 | Gemini Awards | Best Performance by an Actress in a Guest Role, Dramatic Series | Flashpoint | Irabazlea |
2010 | Sundance Film Festival Awards | World Cinema Special Jury Prize For Acting | Grown Up Movie Star | Irabazlea |
Gemini Awards | Best Performance by an Actress in a Guest Role, Dramatic Series | Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures | Irabazlea | |
Genie Awards | Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role | Grown Up Movie Star | Nominatua | |
2012 | Whistler Film Festival Awards | Best Actor in a Borsos Film Award | Picture Day | Irabazlea |
2013 | ACTRA Awards | Outstanding Performance – Female | Picture Day | Irabazlea |
Critics' Choice Television Awards | Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
TCA Awards | Individual Achievement in Drama | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Young Hollywood Awards | Breakthrough Performance – Female | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Hamptons International Film Festival Awards | Breakthrough Performer | Picture Day | Irabazlea | |
Whistler Film Festival Awards | Best Actor in a Borsos Film Award | Cas and Dylan | Irabazlea | |
2014 | People's Choice Awards | Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Actress | Orphan Black | Nominatua |
Golden Globe Awards | Best Actress – Television Series Drama | Orphan Black | Nominatua | |
Satellite Awards | Best Actress – Television Series Drama | Orphan Black | Nominatua | |
Canadian Screen Awards | Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Dramatic Role | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role | Cas and Dylan | Nominatua | ||
ACTRA Awards | Outstanding Performance – Female | Orphan Black | Nominatua | |
Vancouver Film Critics Circle Awards | Best Actress in a Canadian Film | Picture Day | Nominatua | |
Gracie Awards | Outstanding Female Actor in a Breakthrough Role | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Critics' Choice Television Awards | Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
TCA Awards | Individual Achievement in Drama | Orphan Black | Nominatua | |
Constellation Awards | Best Female Performance in a 2013 Science Fiction Television Episode | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Outstanding Canadian Contribution to Science Fiction Film or Television in 2013 | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | ||
EWwy Awards | Best Actress in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
2015 | Screen Actors Guild Awards | Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Nominatua |
ACTRA Awards | Outstanding Performance – Female | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Canadian Screen Awards | Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Dramatic Role | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Primetime Emmy Awards | Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Nominatua | |
2016 | Canadian Screen Awards | Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Dramatic Role | Orphan Black | Irabazlea |
Primetime Emmy Awards | Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Critics' Choice Television Awards | Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Nominatua | |
ACTRA Awards | Outstanding Performance – Female | Orphan Black | Nominatua | |
2017 | Satellite Awards | Best Actress in a Series – Drama or Genre | Orphan Black | Nominatua |
Canadian Screen Awards | Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Dramatic Role | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | |
Best Television Series – Drama | Orphan Black | Irabazlea | ||
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role | The Other Half | Irabazlea | ||
ACTRA Awards | Outstanding Performance – Female | Two Lovers and a Bear | Nominatua | |
Critics' Choice Television Awards | Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Nominatua | |
2018 | Primetime Emmy Awards | Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series | Orphan Black | Nominatua |
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- ↑ a b c «Challenging role earns Maslany nomination» web.archive.org 2014-01-13 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ a b «Why Patton Oswalt Thinks "Orphan Black's" Tatiana Maslany Is The "Best Actress Alive"» web.archive.org 2014-04-30 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Strachan, Alex. (2013). Sci-fi series stars Regina actress Tatiana Maslany. The Leader-Post.
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Cupryn, Isabel. (2013). Interview: Actress Tatiana Maslany talks 'Picture Day. Criticize This!.
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Aurthur, Kate. «Why Patton Oswalt Thinks "Orphan Black's" Tatiana Maslany Is The "Best Actress Alive"» BuzzFeed (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Orphan Black’s Tatiana Maslany on Growing Up in Rural Canada and Playing an Intense Soccer Mom | Vanity Fair» web.archive.org 2014-12-22 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Five things you should know about Canadian actress Tatiana Maslany | North Stars - Yahoo! OMG! CA» web.archive.org 2013-05-29 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ (Ingelesez) Macdonald, Daniel. (2013-04). «Regina: The Little City with a Wild Side» Canadian Theatre Review 154: 32–36. doi: . ISSN 0315-0836. (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «CBC News - Film - Canadian actress celebrates Sundance win» web.archive.org 2010-02-04 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Whistler Film Festival - 2002 to 2015 winners» web.archive.org 2016-12-28 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Golden Globe eludes Regina's Tatiana Maslany - Saskatchewan - CBC News» web.archive.org 2014-03-19 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Emmys 2016: Tatiana Maslany Wins — ‘Orphan Black’ Star’s Speech | TVLine» web.archive.org 2016-09-19 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Tatiana Maslany Repeats as Best Actor at Whistler Film Festival - The Hollywood Reporter» web.archive.org 2014-02-28 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «'Orphan Black' Star Tatiana Maslany Signs With Resolution Agency» web.archive.org 2014-06-12 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ a b «SNL's Andy Samberg Episode: 5 Best Scenes - Atlantic Mobile» web.archive.org 2014-12-29 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «The Other Half | Motel Pictures» web.archive.org 2015-04-02 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Ryan Murphy’s Dance Musical ‘Pose’ Gets Series Order At FX | Deadline» web.archive.org 2017-12-28 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Tatiana Maslany To Star In HBO’s ‘Perry Mason’ Limited Series From Team Downey – Deadline» web.archive.org 2019-04-12 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Tatiana Maslany works to keep 'Orphan' clones straight» web.archive.org 2014-07-24 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «The Secret Garden - un album sur Flickr» web.archive.org 2014-11-02 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ a b «George Dandin « Globe Theatre» web.archive.org 2014-12-24 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Off-Broadway Hit Dog Sees God to Make Toronto Premiere in 2009; Casting Announced - Playbill.com» web.archive.org 2014-11-03 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «無料出会い系サイトで会えるのよ--otherpeopletoronto.com--» web.archive.org 2015-02-11 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Mary Page Marlowe - Lortel Archives» web.archive.org 2018-03-13 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Tatiana Maslany to Star in Network on Broadway; Production Switches Theaters | Broadway Buzz | Broadway.com» web.archive.org 2018-09-11 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ Lefkowitz, R. J.. (1975-09-15). «Identification of adenylate cyclase-coupled beta-adrenergic receptors with radiolabeled beta-adrenergic antagonists» Biochemical Pharmacology 24 (18): 1651–1658. doi: . ISSN 0006-2952. PMID 11. (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Hunger Games audiobook: Orphan Black's Tatiana Maslany to narrate 10th anniversary edition | EW.com» web.archive.org 2018-10-31 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).
- ↑ «Orphan Black: The Next Chapter» web.archive.org 2019-09-20 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-11-01).