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== Lehendakariordeak ==
== Lehendakariordeak ==
{{Infotaula|bodystyle=width:25em;|label7=Honen kide|label14=Webgunea|data13=[[Kantzilerordea]]|label13=Ordezkoa|data12=[[1949]]ko [[maiatzaren 24]]a (Bundeskanzler)<br>[[1871]]eko [[martxoaren 21]]a (Reichskanzler)|label12=Sorrera|data11=[[Konrad Adenauer]] (Bundeskanzler bezala)<br>[[Otto von Bismarck]] (Reichskanzler bezala)|label11=Lehen titularra|data10=4 urte, berriztagarria|label10=Kargualdia|data9=[[Bundestag]]|label9=Izendatzailea|data8=Kantzileritzaren egoitza, Berlin|label8=Egoitza|data7=[[Alemaniako Gobernua|Gobernu Federala]]<br>[[Europar Kontseilua]]|data6=Kantziler jauna/andrea (informala)<br>Beroren Gorentasun (dipl.)|above=Alemaniako Kantzilerra|label6=Trataera|header5=Karguduna|data4=[[2021]]eko [[abenduaren 8]]a|label4=Hasiera|data3=[[Olaf Scholz]]|label3=Titularra|data2=[[Fitxategi:Olaf_Scholz_2021_cropped.jpg|200px]]|header1=Orain karguan|image=[[Fitxategi:Flag_of_the_Chancellor_of_Germany.svg|100px]]|subheaderstyle=background:#CC0000; color:#ffffff; text-align: center;|headerstyle=background:#CC0000; color:#ffffff; text-align: center;|abovestyle=background:#CC0000; color:#ffffff; text-align: center;|subheader=''Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland''|data14=[ Alemaniako Kantzileritza]}}

=== Trenak ===
=== Trenak ===

15:56, 25 ekaina 2024ko berrikusketa


Alemaniako Kantzilerra
Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Orain karguan
TitularraOlaf Scholz
Hasiera2021eko abenduaren 8a
TrataeraKantziler jauna/andrea (informala)
Beroren Gorentasun (dipl.)
Honen kideGobernu Federala
Europar Kontseilua
EgoitzaKantzileritzaren egoitza, Berlin
Kargualdia4 urte, berriztagarria
Lehen titularraKonrad Adenauer (Bundeskanzler bezala)
Otto von Bismarck (Reichskanzler bezala)
Sorrera1949ko maiatzaren 24a (Bundeskanzler)
1871eko martxoaren 21a (Reichskanzler)
WebguneaAlemaniako Kantzileritza


P86 eta P89 serieak

P86 serieko trena Poplarreko lotunean, Stratfordera bidean.

Hasierako DLR-aren flota 11 metro arineko ibilgailuk osatzen zuten, 1986an Link-Hofmann-Busch enpreska Alemaniak ekoiztuak. Ibilgailuek DLR-aren P86 seriea osatu zuten, 01 eta 11 bitarteko numeraketa jasotzen.

11. unitatea izan zen 1987ko uztailaren 30ean sistemaren inaugurazio-ekitaldian parte hartu zuen sistemaren lehenibiziko bidaia buruturik Island Gardens eta Tower Gateway bitartean. Urte bereko abuztuaren 31an, zerbitzu komertzialeko lehenbiziko egunean, unitate berdina izan zen zerbitzuan sarturiko lehena.

P86 serieko trena, DLR-aren diseinu originalarekin Essengo Geltoki Zentralean, 2005.

Unitateek 84 eserleku zituzten, gurpil-aulkietarako bi gune erreserbatu eta gidatzeko sistemak, behar izatekotan erabiliak izateko. Unitateak hasierako sisteman ibiltzeko eraiki ziren presizki, eta beraz Bank-erako tunela ireki ostean, gainazaleko zerbitzuak burutzen mantendu ziren. Lurrazpiko sekzioetan erabilgarriak ez zirenez, unitateak Essengo Stadtbahn sistemari saldu ziren 1991n. Unitate batzuk zerbitzuan mantendu ziren DLR-ean 1995eko uztailera arte, P86 eta P89 serieak erretiratu izan ziren arte.[1][2] Essenera transferitutako unitateak eraldatu ziren 1994 eta 1998 bitartean U11 lineak erabiliak izateko. Azkenik, 2005ean, unitate hauek horiz margotu eta Essengo sareko beste lineetara zabaldu ziren.

1989 eta 1990 bitartean, British Rail Engineering Limited-ek beste hamar unitate eraiki zituen. Unitate berriak, P89 seriekoak, P86 seriean oinarritutako trenak ziren eta hauek sistemaren lurrazpiko sekzioetan bidaiatzeko segurtasun neurriak betetzen zituzten. P86 serieko trenak bezala, 1995era arte egon ziren zerbitzuan Londresen Essengo Stadtbahn sistemari saldu ostean. Essenen, unitateak erreformatu ziren, gidatze-kabinak gehituz eta pantografoak instalatuz, Essengo sistemak aireko katenaria erabiltzen baitu. 2005ean, P86 serieko trenekin bezala, P89 serieko trenak horiz margotu ziren DLR-aren kolore zaharrak galduz.

B90/B92/B2K seriea

B07 seriea

B07 serieko trena Canary Wharf geltokian.

In May 2005, a further 24 vehicles of a new design were ordered from Bombardier for network extensions and three-car service on the Bank–Lewisham route.[3] They were to be delivered between May 2007 and September 2008, but were delayed.[4][5] These vehicles are known as B07 stock, and are numbered 101 to 124. The first was delivered on 22 December 2007, and three units of B07 stock, 104, 105, and 106, were displayed at West India Quay on 13 March 2008.[4] The first train of B07 stock, made up of units 105 and 106, entered service in September 2008. Even by March 2009 few of the new trains had appeared in service, but all units of this first batch had entered service by July 2009.

In June 2006, another 31 vehicles were added to this order.[6] Sometimes called B09, these trains are B07 batch 2 and were built at Bombardier's plant at Bautzen, Germany.[6] This batch was partly funded by the Olympic Delivery Authority and was planned for delivery by 2009.[7] The first six units had been delivered by June 2009 with all in service by the end of June 2010.

The B07 stock units feature a totally redesigned exterior and interior. They have larger windows and doors and more leg room. In addition, several technical improvements were made for better acceleration, altered door functions to enable faster boarding and alighting, and improved braking for a smoother ride.[8]

The B07 units were the first to operate as three-car trains in early 2010; the B92 trains followed operating in this way later in 2010.[9] The initial three-car route was the mainstream Bank to Lewisham route, but the lengthened trains were subsequently operated on other routes as well.

B23 seriea

B23 serieko trena probatan, 2023ko uztaila.

2017an, Tranport for Londonek (TfL) Europar Batasunaren Aldizkari Ofizialean iragarki bat argitaratu zuen, tren fabrikatzaileei 87 metroko 43 treneko flota berri bat eraikitzea eskaintzeko.[10] Fabrikatzaileek trenen eraikuntza gastuak bere gain hartuko zituzten, TfLk diru-funtsak eskuratzean trenak erosiko dituelarik. Aurkeztutako fabrikatzaileen artean, Alstom, Bombardier, Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) eta Siemens eta Stadler Rail arteko partzuergoa nabarmendu ziren.[11]

2019ko ekainaren 12an, Transport for Londonek CAF aukeratu zuen 43 tren unitateak eraikitzeko, gerora 54 unitateetako enkargua bihurtu zelarik.[12][13] Tren berriak, 54 tren unitate berriak 87 metroko ibilgailuak izango dira. Aurreko unitateak ez bezala, zeinak bi edo hiru ibilgailuz osatzen diren zerbitzuak operatzeko, tren berriak formazio bakarreko trenak izango dira, trenaren kotxeen artean pasabideak daudelarik.[12] Trenek B23 seriea[14] osatuko dute eta bidaiari gehieneko zerbitzuetan erabiliko dira, zerbitzuen kapazitatea handituz.

2020ko abenduan ekin zion CAF-ek tren berrien manufakturazioari eta lehenbiziko trena 2023ko urtarrilean heldu zen Becktoneko kotxetegira.[15][16] 2023ko martxoan tren berriak probatan jarri ziren, trenak sistemaren adarretan zehar probatuz ohiko sistemaren operazio orduetan, baina bidaiariak onartu barik. Espero da 2024ko udan lehen trenak bidaiari-zerbitzutan sartzea eta 2026rako sistema osoan zehar operazioan egotea.[12]


The network has two depots, at Poplar and Beckton. Poplar was opened with the initial line in 1987. Due to the constrained site, a new, larger, depot at Beckton was opened in 1994 Txantiloi:Ndash and is now the main maintenance depot and primary control centre for the network.[17] Track maintenance, off-peak train stabling, as well as the Operating and Maintenance Centre (OMC for TfL Staff) and the Hilton, Ritz and Dorchester Buildings houses the KeolisAmey Docklands franchise staff and the secondary back-up control centre are based at Poplar.[17]

Buckingham Group was awarded a £35m contract in 2021 to upgrade the Beckton DLR depot to accommodate the new B23 rolling stock. Works include construction of a new carriage wash, extension and modification to existing track, and new sidings for the new trains. This was scheduled for completion in September 2023, but Buckingham went into administration the previous month (August 2023). TfL appointed Morgan Sindall to complete the work, alongside a £90m deal to build a new train shed and deliver further sidings.[18]


Support arm and short length of conductor rail

Traction power is provided at 750 V DC via an unusual bottom contact third rail system.


Thamesmeaderako luzapena

Mooted throughout the 2010s,[19][12] an extension across the River Thames to Thamesmead was first proposed in November 2019 as part of the Thamesmead and Abbey Wood OAPF (Opportunity Area Planning Framework).[6][20] Technical and feasibility work began in late 2020.[21] Stations would be located at Beckton Riverside and Thamesmead.[22][23] Public consultation into the extension began in 2024.[24] Estimated to cost around £1bn, the extension could open in the "early 2030s".[25]

Thames Wharf geltokia

Txantiloi:MainAs part of the construction of the London City Airport extension, a gap in the viaduct due west of the western end of Royal Victoria Dock, between Txantiloi:Stl and Txantiloi:Stl stations, was passively safeguarded for a future station when development came forward on the brownfield and industrial sites.[26] A station was also initially proposed at Oriental Road; however this was discounted at an early stage and the site is now flanked by several developments.[27] The potential of development on the land at Thames Wharf was on hold for until the late 2010s, as the area was being safeguarded for the route of the Silvertown Tunnel, a new Thames river crossing currently under construction on the site.[28]

As part of the 2018 budget, the Chancellor announced funding for the DLR to support development in the Royal Docks.[29] Following completion of the Silvertown Tunnel in the mid 2020s,[28] around 5,000 homes will be built on the site, and a new DLR station constructed.[26][30]

Tower Hill geltokia

In July 2014, a Transport Supporting Paper from the London Infrastructure Plan 2050 by the Mayor of London considered the closure of Tower Gateway DLR station and the branch serving it, with a replacement interchange being provided via new platforms at Tower Hill Underground station. This would increase train frequencies to Bank by approximately 30 per cent, thereby unlocking more capacity on the Bank branch.[31][note 1]

  1. «When did the old trains last run on the DLR? | District Dave's London Underground Site» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-06-01).
  2. (Ingelesez) «Docklands cars sold» The Railway Magazine 1090: 75..
  3. DLR capacity expansion Artxibatua 5 maiatza 2018 hemen: Wayback Machine Metro Report International 1 June 2005
  4. a b .
  5. Txantiloi:Cite press release
  6. a b c . Aipuaren errorea: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":1" defined multiple times with different content
  7. Txantiloi:Cite press release
  8. .
  9. Docklands Light Rail rolls out three-car trains Artxibatua 5 maiatza 2018 hemen: Wayback Machine Metro Report International 4 March 2010
  10. (Ingelesez) «TfL starts search for supplier of new DLR trains» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-06-01).
  11. (Ingelesez) «Four shortlisted for Docklands Light Rail train order» Metro Report International (2018).
  12. a b c d (Ingelesez) Matters, Transport for London | Every Journey. «Improving the DLR» Transport for London (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-06-01). Aipuaren errorea: Invalid <ref> tag; name ":0" defined multiple times with different content
  13. (Ingelesez) «MD2725 Docklands Light Railway - Housing Infrastructure Fund | London City Hall» 2020-12-17 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-06-01).
  14. (Ingelesez) «TfL reveals first of new B23s for Docklands Light Railway» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-06-01).
  15. (Ingelesez) «New DLR fleet in build» 2021-04-14 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-06-01).
  16. (Ingelesez) «Mayor of London views first new Docklands Light Railway train» RailAdvent 2023-02-09 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-06-01).
  17. a b ISBN 1-85414-298-4. OCLC .137312784.
  18. .
  19. .
  20. .
  21. Txantiloi:Cite press release
  22. .
  23. .
  24. .
  25. .
  26. a b .
  27. .
  28. a b .
  29. .
  30. .
  31. a b .

Aipuaren errorea: <ref> tags exist for a group named "note", but no corresponding <references group="note"/> tag was found