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Richard Hoggart

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Richard Hoggart
Booker Prize judge (en) Itzuli

JaiotzaLeeds1918ko irailaren 24a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
 Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua  1927ko apirilaren 12a)
HeriotzaLondres2014ko apirilaren 10a (95 urte)
HeziketaLeedsko Unibertsitatea
Cockburn School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakcultural sociologist (en) Itzuli, unibertsitateko irakaslea eta literatura historialaria
Enplegatzailea(k)Birminghamgo Unibertsitatea
Hullgo Unibertsitatea
University of Leicester (en) Itzuli
Jasotako sariak
KidetzaErrege Literatura Elkartea
Zerbitzu militarra
Adar militarraBritainia Handiko Armada
Parte hartutako gatazkakBigarren Mundu Gerra

Richard Hoggart (Leeds, Erresuma Batua, 1918ko irailaren 24a - 2014ko apirilaren 10a)[1] Erresuma Batuko soziologo eta pertsonai publiko ezaguna izan zen. Bere lan zabalak eremu asko hartzen ditu: soziologia, literatura ingelesa, ikerketa kulturalak, batez ere Erresuma Batuko herri kulturari lotutakoak. Ezaguna da ere Birminghamen dagoen Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies-en sortzailetakoa izan zelako.

  • Auden (Chatto, 1951) ISBN 0-7011-0762-6
  • The Uses of Literacy: Aspects of Working Class Life (Chatto and Windus, 1957) ISBN 0-7011-0763-4.
  • Teaching Literature (Nat. Inst. of Adult Education, 1963) ISBN 0-900559-19-5.
  • Higher Education and Cultural Change: A Teacher's View (Earl Grey Memorial Lecture) (Univ.Newcastle, 1966) ISBN 0-900565-62-4.
  • Contemporary Cultural Studies: An Approach to the Study of Literature and Society (Univ. Birmingham, Centre for Contemp. Cult. Studies, 1969) ISBN 0-901753-03-3
  • Speaking to Each Other: About Society v. 1 (Chatto and Windus, 1970) ISBN 0-7011-1463-0.
  • Speaking to Each Other: About Literature v. 2 (Chatto and Windus, 1970) ISBN 0-7011-1514-9.
  • Only Connect: On Culture and Communication (Reith Lectures) (Chatto and Windus, 1972) ISBN 0-7011-1865-2.
  • After Expansion, a Time for Diversity: The Universities Into the 1990s (ACACE, 1978) ISBN 0-906436-00-1.
  • An Idea and Its Servants: UNESCO from Within (Chatto and Windus, 1978) ISBN 0-7011-2371-0.
  • An English Temper (Chatto and Windus, 1982) ISBN 0-7011-2581-0.
  • The Future of Broadcasting by Richard Hoggart, Janet Morgan (Holmes & Meier, 1982) ISBN 0-8419-5090-3.
  • British Council and the Arts by Richard Hoggart et al. (British Council, 1986) ISBN 0-86355-048-7.
  • The Worst of Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression in Britain by Nigel Gray, Richard Hoggart (Barnes & Noble Imports, 1986) ISBN 0-389-20574-5.
  • An Idea of Europe (Chatto and Windus, 1987) ISBN 0-7011-3244-2).
  • A Local Habitation, 1918-40 (Chatto and Windus, 1988) ISBN 0-7011-3305-8.
  • Liberty and Legislation (Frank Cass Publishers, 1989) ISBN 0-7146-3308-9.
  • A Sort of Clowning: Life and Times, 1940-59 (Chatto and Windus, 1990) ISBN 0-7011-3607-3
  • An Imagined Life: Life and Times 1959-91 (Chatto and Windus, 1992) ISBN 0-7011-4015-1).
  • Townscape with Figures: Farnham - Portrait of an English Town (Chatto and Windus, 1994) ISBN 0-7011-6138-8.
  • A Measured Life: The Times and Places of an Orphaned Intellectual (Transaction Publishers, 1994) ISBN 1-56000-135-6.
  • The Way We Live Now: Dilemmas in Contemporary Culture (Chatto and Windus, 1995) ISBN 0-7011-6501-4. Bigarren argitalpenaren titulua The Tyranny of Relativism: Culture and Politics in Contemporary English Society.
  • First and Last Things: The Uses of Old Age (Aurum Press, 1999) ISBN 1-85410-660-0.
  • Between Two Worlds: Essays, 1978-1999 (Aurum Press, 2001) ISBN 1-85410-782-8.
  • Between Two Worlds: Politics, Anti-Politics, and the Unpolitical (Transaction Publishers, 2002) ISBN 0-7658-0097-7.
  • Everyday Language and Everyday Life (Transaction Publishers, 2003) ISBN 0-7658-0176-0.
  • Mass Media in a Mass Society: Myth and Reality (Continuum International Publishing Group - Academi, 2004) ISBN 0-8264-7285-0.


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  1. (Ingelesez) Ezard, John. (2014-04-10). «Richard Hoggart obituary» the Guardian (Noiz kontsultatua: 2018-04-26).