Jack Vance
John Holbrooke Vance (San Frantzisko, 1916ko abuztuaren 28a - Oakland, Kalifornia, 2013ko maiatzaren 26a) estatubatuar misteriozko, fantasiazko eta zientzia-fikziozko idazlea izan zen.
Zientzia-fikziozko aldizkarietarako istorioak idazten hasi zen, ondoren eleberriak eta eleberri laburrak argitaratu zituen. Idazle oparoa izan zen eta bere lana 44 liburukitan argitaratu zen. Fantasiazko eta zientzia-fikziozko idazleen sari nagusiak irabazi zituen, hala nola Hugo saria eta Nebula saria. Fikziosko istorioak, gai misteriotsuak eta biologikoak azpimarratzen diote, hala nola "Genetika", "Garuneko parasitoak", "Gorputzen aldaketa", "Beste dimentsio batzuk", etab.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Fantasia
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]The Dying Earth
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Dying Earth (1950)
- The Eyes of the Overworld (1966)
- Cugel's Saga (1983)
- The Laughing Magician (2007)
- Rhialto the Marvellous (1984)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Lyonesse: Suldrun's Garden (1983)
- Lyonesse: The Green Pearl (1985)
- Lyonesse: Madouc (1989)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]The Demon Princes Saila
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Star King (1964)
- The Killing Machine (1964)
- The Palace of Love (1967)
- The Face (1979)
- The Book of Dreams (1981)
The Cadwal Chronicles
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Araminta Station (1987)
- Ecce and Old Earth (1991)
- Throy (1992)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Trullion: Alastor 2262 (1973)
- Marune: Alastor 933 (1975)
- Wyst: Alastor 1716 (1978)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Anome (1973)
- The Brave Free Men (1973)
- The Asutra (1974)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- City of the Chasch (1968)
- Servants of the Wankh 1969)
- The Dirdir (1969)
- The Pnume (1970)
Beste zientzia-fikziozko eleberri batzuk
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Five Gold Bands (1953)
- Vandals of the Void (1953)
- To Live Forever (1956)
- Big Planet (1957)
- The Languages of Pao (1958)
- Slaves of the Klau (1958)
- Space Opera (1965)
- The Blue World (1966)
- Emphyrio (1969)
- The Gray Prince (1974)
- Showboat World (1975)
- Maske: Thaery (1976)
- Night Lamp (1996)
- Ports of Call (1998)
- Lurulu (2004)
Eleberri labur hautatuak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- "Overlords of Maxus" (1951)
- "Son of the Tree" (1951)
- "Abercrombie Station" eta "Cholwell's Chickens" (1952)
- "Telek" (1952)
- "The Houses of Iszm" (1954)
- "The Miracle Workers", (1958)
- "The Moon Moth" (1961)
- "Gateway to Strangeness" (1962)
- "The Dragon Masters" (1963 - Hugo sariko irabazlea)
- "The Brains of Earth" (1966)
- "The Last Castle" (1966, Nebula sariko irabazlea)
- "Three-Legged Joe"
- "Dodkin's Job"
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Take My Face (1957)
- Isle of Peril (1957)
- Strange People, Queer Notions (1958)
- The Man In the Cage (1960)
- The Four Johns (1964)
- A Room to Die In (1965)
- The Fox Valley Murders (1966)
- The Madman Theory (1966)
- The Pleasant Grove Murders (1967)
- The Deadly Isles (1969)
- Bad Ronald (1973)
- The View from Chickweed's Window (1979)
- The House on Lily Street (1979)
- The Dark Ocean (1985)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Future tense (1964)
- The World Between and Other Stories (1965)
- The Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph (1966)
- Eight Fantasms and Magics (1969)
- The Worlds of Jack Vance (1973)
- Galactic Effectuator (1980)
- Lost Moons (1982)
- The Narrow Land (1982)
- The Augmented Agent and Other Stories (1986)
- The Dark Side of the Moon (1986)
- Chateau D'If and Other Stories (1990)
- When the Five Moons Rise (1992)
- Tales of the Dying Earth (1999)
- The Jack Vance Treasury (2007)
- Wild Thyme, Green Magic (2009)
- Hard-Luck Diggings: The Early Jack Vance, Volume One (2010)
- Dream Castles : The Early Jack Vance, Volume Two (2012)
- Magic Highways: The Early Jack Vance (2013)
- Minding The Stars: The Early Jack Vance, Volume Four (2014)
- Grand Crusades : The Early Jack Vance, Volume Five (2015)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- This is Me, Jack Vance! (Subterranean Press, 2009) (Hugo sariko irabazlea 2010ean)