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Lankide eztabaida:Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick

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Ongi etorri, Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick, euskarazko Wikipediara!

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--EnzaiBot (eztabaida) 15:58, 26 maiatza 2013 (UTC)

Program Cycling race

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Hi Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick. Thank you for your great work. Here goes my translation:

l10nDef["//"] = {"Lasterketaren xehetasunak", "Ibilbidea", "Lehiaketa", "Lehiaketak", "Etapak", "Data", "Datak", "Distantzia", "Herrialdea", "Herrialdeak",
	"Jardunaldiko abiapuntua", "Jardunaldiko helmuga", "Taldeak", "Abiatutako txirrindulariak", "Iritsitako txirrindulariak", "Batez besteko abiadura", "Kostua", "Azken sailkapena", "Irabazlea", "Bigarrena", 
	"Hirugarrena", "Puntuak", "Mendiak", "Esprintak", "Gazteak", "Saiatuena", "Konbinatua", "Taldeak"}

l10nDef["en"] = {plain = "plain stage", hilly="hilly stage", inter='intermediate stage', mount='mountain stage', time_prologue='time trial stage', time_team='team time trial stage', time_indiv='individual time trial stage', uphill='uphill time trial stage', rest='rest day'}
l10nDef["eu"] = {plain = "etapa laua", hilly="etapa gorabeheratsua", inter='bitarteko etapa', mount='etapa menditsua', time_prologue='aitzinetapa', time_team='taldekako erlojupekoa', time_indiv='banakako erlojupekoa', uphill='erlojupeko igoera', rest='atseden eguna'}

I've found where to insert those latter translations ("plain stage", etc.), but not the former ones ("Lasterketaren xehetasunak", etc.).

On the other hand, the other Basque translations are OK, as far as I can see. Thank youǃ --Xabier Armendaritz 2016-03-09, 23:50 (UTC)

Yes, dates are rather complicated in Basque, if we compare them for example with English. The most standard date format gives a complex combination of suffixes both for the year number and the day number, plus one invariable suffix for the month (we use the templates {{Data}} and {{Epentesi kalkulagailua}} for automatically giving dates in that format). I have tried to insert that standard format in the local cycling race module, but I couldn't make it work, so I have resorted to the simplified date format, which uses only one suffix for the year (always the same suffix) and only one suffix for the month (always the same suffix). I have inserted the code in the Wikidata module, as you have probably already seen. --Xabier Armendaritz 2016-03-11, 12:03 (UTC)
Done. I have inserted the Catalan localization for date formats. --Xabier Armendaritz 2016-03-11, 12:29 (UTC)
Thank you, it works, but I have a little problem with ca:Plantilla:Cycling race/listofstages (date are making in another part of the module) and with ca:Plantilla:Cycling race/teamroster (I am sure it is nothing, just a letter).
We have had a very big work about dates. I have for exemple a correction to do for PL Wiki, where month seens to have a declinaison when they are in a date (not difficult, I juste have to replace 12 values).
Your will start to receive roster from cycling teams today. I am not able to contribute in euskara, so I am interested if you can create articles about WorldTeams and continental professional teams this week end. When I will finish to enter a roster of the team since its creation, I will give you it. More later in the year, we will become able to list victories for example. Jérémy-Günther-Heinz Jähnick (eztabaida) 12:52, 11 martxoa 2016 (UTC)
It seems that ca:Plantilla:Cycling race/teamroster works properly now, but I have not been able to fix ca:Plantilla:Cycling race/listofstages, as I couldn't find out which code gives that funny result ("2. juliol", etc.)
On the other hand, I will be offline from this afternoon on (as usual, I'll spend all the weekend with my family), so regretfully I won't be able to help you with this project during the next 60 hours. Back on Monday, I'll be happy to help you in whatever I can — anyway, I'll post a note to other Basque wikipedians, just in case somebody els can help you this weekend. Thank you and have a nice weekendǃ --Xabier Armendaritz 2016-03-11, 13:31 (UTC)
I've made a last attempt and it seems that I've managed to fix ca:Plantilla:Cycling race/listofstages as well. With the changes I've made, es:Plantilla:Cycling race/listofstages should also be fixed now, but I'm out of time. I hope you can verify that, as I see that you've got some knowledge of Spanish. --Xabier Armendaritz 2016-03-11, 15:09 (UTC)

Har ezazu parte Wikimedia 2030 Estrategiaren eztabaidan

[aldatu iturburu kodea]

16 urtez Wikilariok lan egin dugu, elkarrekin, gizateriaren historian eraiki den jakintza librearen iturririk handiena eraikitzeko. Gaur egun webgune talde bat baino zerbait gehiago gara. Mugimendu bat gara, baloreekin eta helburu indartsu batekin: mundu bat non gizaki bakoitzak, libreki, jakintza guztiaren batura parteka dezakeen.

Mugimendu gisa eztabaida bat hasi dugu etorkizuneko munduan Wikimediak izan behar duen paperari buruz. Eztabaidan parte hartzera gonbidatzen zaitugu.

Honako hau da erantzun nahi dugun galdera handia:

Zer da mugimendu gisa
lortu edo eraiki nahi duguna hurrengo 15 urteotan?
Har ezazu parte eztabaidan

Mezu hau jaso duzu azken 30 egunotan aldaketaren bat egin duzulako Wikipedian. Edozein galdera baduzu, idatzi Theklan lankideari. -MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaida) 20:35, 19 martxoa 2017 (UTC)