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Lankide:Xabier Cañas/Proba orria/Zerrendak2

Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea
irudia Artikulua Data Bilduma
Maja biluzia 1800
18th century
Pradoko Museoa
Bernardino Sienakoa predikatzen Alfontso V.a Aragoikoaren aurrean 1781
San Frantzisko Handiaren Errege Basilika
Txakurra 1819
Pradoko Museoa
Charles IV in Red 1789 Pradoko Museoa
The Death of the Picador 1793 No/unknown value
Judith and Holofernes 1819
Pradoko Museoa
The Black Duchess 1797 Hispanic Society of America
The Marquesa de Pontejos 1786 Andrew W. Mellon collection
Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Karlos IV.aren familia 1800 Pradoko Museoa
The Burial of the Sardine 1812
19th century
San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
Portrait of the Marchioness of Santa Cruz 1805 Pradoko Museoa
The Pretty Woman and the Masked Men (The Road of Andalusia) 1777 Museo del vino
Pradoko Museoa
The Straw Manikin 1791
Pradoko Museoa
Asmodea 1819
Pradoko Museoa
Picnic on the banks of the Manzanares 1776 Pradoko Museoa
Maiatzaren hiruko fusilamenduak 1814 Pradoko Museoa
Saturno bere semea jaten 1820s Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of Doña Isabel de Porcel 1800s National Gallery
Fight with Cudgels 1820 Pradoko Museoa
The Milkmaid of Bordeaux 1827 Pradoko Museoa
Cat fight 1786 Pradoko Museoa
Kolosoa 19th century Pradoko Museoa
Akelarrea 1820s Pradoko Museoa
The Parasol 1770s Hola Ghost
Pradoko Museoa
Maja jantzia 1800 Pradoko Museoa
San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
Akelarrea 1798 Lázaro Galdiano museoa
Self-portrait with Dr Arrieta 1820 Minneapolis Institute of Art
Apparition of the Virgin of Pilar to Santiago and his disciples Zaragoza 1768 No/unknown value
Truth, Time and History 1797 Suediako Museo Nazionala
Assault of Thieves 1793
No/unknown value
La Tirana 1799 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
1808ko maiatzaren 2a Madrilen 1814 Pradoko Museoa
Don Manuel Osorio de Zuniga 1787 Metropolitan Museum of Art
the bullfight 1779
Pradoko Museoa
Banderillas en el campo 1793 No/unknown value
Majas on a Balcony 1808 Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Snowstorm (Winter) 1787 Pradoko Museoa
Two Old Men Eating Soup 1819
Pradoko Museoa
Men Reading 1819
Pradoko Museoa
A Pilgrimage to San Isidro 1820s
Pradoko Museoa
Pedro Romero 1795 Kimbell Art Museum
Atropos 1819
Pradoko Museoa
Christ Crucified 1780 Pradoko Museoa
Museo de la Trinidad
Portrait of Luis of Etruria 1800 Pradoko Museoa
The infante Francisco de Paula 1800 Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of Infante Antonio Pascual of Spain (1755-1817) 1800 Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of the Infante Carlos María Isidro of Spain 1800 Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of Maria Josefa of Spain 1800 Pradoko Museoa
The Meadow of San Isidro 1788 Pradoko Museoa
Inkisizioaren fede autoa 1812 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
The Bewitched Man 1798
National Gallery
Blind Man's Bluff 1788 Pradoko Museoa
Adoration of the Name of God 1772 Pilarreko basilika
The Victorious Hannibal Seeing Italy from the Alps for the First Time 1770 Pradoko Museoa
Self-portrait in the Studio 1790 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
The Family of the Infante Don Luis 1783
Magnani-Rocca Fundazioa
Maja and Celestine on the balcony 1808 No/unknown value
The Duke and Duchess of Osuna and their Children 1788
Pradoko Museoa
José Álvarez de Toledo, marqués de Villafranca y duque de Alba 1795 Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of the Duchess of Alba 1795 House of Alba
The stilts 1791 Pradoko Museoa
The Knifegrinder 1808 Arte Ederren Museoa (Budapest)
Munich Central Collecting Point
A Procession of Flagellants 1812 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
La Leocadia 1819
Pradoko Museoa
Charles IV in his Hunting Clothes 1799 Madrilgo Errege Jauregia
Countess of Chinchon 1800 Pradoko Museoa
The Grape Harvest 1786 Pradoko Museoa
Hunting with a decoy 1775 Pradoko Museoa
Allegory of Industry 1804 Pradoko Museoa
Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Saint Íñigo 1760 Church of San Juan el Real
Hunter at a fountain 1786 Pradoko Museoa
Consecration of Aloysius Gonzaga as patron saint of youth 1763 Zaragozako museoa
Christ on the Mount of Olives 1819 Calasanctian Museum of the Piarist Fathers
Boy on a Ram 1786 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
The Strolling Players 1793 Pradoko Museoa
El albañil borracho (boceto) 1786 Pradoko Museoa
The wounded bricklayer 1786 Pradoko Museoa
The blind guitarist 1778 Pradoko Museoa
The swing (1787) 1787 No/unknown value
The Swing 1779 Pradoko Museoa
The game of pelota with rackets 1779 Pradoko Museoa
Majo with a Guitar 1779 Pradoko Museoa
The soldier and the lady 1779 Pradoko Museoa
the Boy with a bird 1779
Pradoko Museoa
El Médico 1780 National Galleries Scotland
The tree boy 1779
Pradoko Museoa
The arrest of Christ 1798 Pradoko Museoa
the tobacco guards 1779
Pradoko Museoa
A Fight at the Venta Nueva 1777 Pradoko Museoa
Summer 1787
Pradoko Museoa
Harassed cat 1788 No/unknown value
Women carrying pitchers 1791 Pradoko Museoa
Familia Santua 1775 Pradoko Museoa
The seller of acerola 1778
Pradoko Museoa
The Fall 1787 No/unknown value
the Rendezvous 1779
Pradoko Museoa
The Greasy Pole 1787 No/unknown value
The hermitage of Saint Isidor 1798 Pradoko Museoa
Madrid fair 1778
Pradoko Museoa
Blind Man's Bluff (sketch) 1789
Pradoko Museoa
School scene 1780 Zaragozako museoa
The magpie in a tree 1786 Pradoko Museoa
The Threshing Floor 1786 Lázaro Galdiano museoa
the washerwomen 1779
Pradoko Museoa
Women carrying pitchers (sketch) 1791 No/unknown value
the lumberjacks 1780
18th century
Pradoko Museoa
The Poor at the Fountain 1786 Pradoko Museoa
Picnic 1786 National Gallery
Haurrak soldadu jolasean 1778
Pradoko Museoa
Boys climbing a tree 1791 Pradoko Museoa
Women chatting 1791 Wadsworth Atheneum
Boys with Mastiffs 1786 Pradoko Museoa
Children with a Cart 1779 Toledoko Arte Museoa
Shepherd playing a Dulzaina 1786 Pradoko Museoa
Village procession 1787 No/unknown value
Ferdinand Guillemardet 1798 Louvreko margogintza saila
San Adriango markesaren erretratua 1804 Nafarroako Museoa
Riña en el Mesón del Gallo 1777 Pradoko Museoa
Saint Barbara 1773
Pradoko Museoa
A woman and two children by a fountain 1786 Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza bilduma
Our Lady of the Pillar 1769 Zaragozako museoa
Josefa Bayeu 1810s Pradoko Museoa
Pilgrimage to the Fountain of San Isidro 1819
Pradoko Museoa
The Game of Horse and Rider 1791 Pradoko Museoa
Man Mocked by Two Women 1819
Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of the Duke of Wellington 1812 National Gallery
Prison Interior 1815 Bowes Museum
The Forge 1819 The Frick Collection
The Junta of the Philippines 1815 Goya Museum
Yard with Lunatics 1790s Meadows Museum
Allegory of the City of Madrid 1809
Madrilgo Historia Museoa
Attack on a Coach 1787 No/unknown value
Self-Portrait (1815, Prado) 1815 Pradoko Museoa
The Madhouse 1814 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
Hunter loading his rifle 1775 Pradoko Museoa
Two Old Men 1819
Pradoko Museoa
Dance of the Majos at the Banks of Manzanares 1776 Pradoko Museoa
the Drinker 1777 Pradoko Museoa
Hunter with his Dogs 1775 Pradoko Museoa
fisherman with his rod 1775 Pradoko Museoa
The Duchess of Alba and la Beata 1795 Pradoko Museoa
The Quail Shoot 1775 Pradoko Museoa
The Kite 1778
Pradoko Museoa
Boys picking fruit 1778 Pradoko Museoa
children inflating a bladder 1778
Pradoko Museoa
Dogs and hunting gear 1775 Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of Manuel Godoy 1801 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
The Holy Family with Saint Joachim and Saint Anne Before the Eternal Glory 1769 No/unknown value
St. Francis Borgia Helping a Dying Impenitent 1788 Valentziako katedrala
Self-portrait on Linen 1790s
Pradoko Museoa
Self-portrait 1783 Ageneko arte ederretako museoa
Self portrait with spectacles 1800 Goya Museum
The Time and the old woman 1810s Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
La Tirana (Goya, 1794) 1794 No/unknown value
Portrait of Sebastián Martínez y Pérez 1792 Metropolitan Museum of Art
María Luisa of Parma wearing panniers 1789 Pradoko Museoa
The Flower Girls or Spring 1786 Pradoko Museoa
The Seesaw 1779 Valentziako Arte Ederretako Meseoa
The Crockery Vendor 1779
Pradoko Museoa
Card Players 1777 Pradoko Museoa
Self-portrait 1770s No/unknown value
The Boar Hunt 1775 Madrilgo Errege Jauregia
The last communion of St Joseph of Calasanz 1819 école Pías de San Antón
Still Life with Golden Bream 1808 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Cardinal Luis María de Borbón y Vallabriga 1790s São Pauloko arte museoa
Portrait of Charles IV of Spain 1789 Historiaren Errege Akademia
The Letter 1814
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
Dead duck 1800s No/unknown value
Still life with fruit, bottles, breads 1820s Museum collection Am Römerholz
Still-Life: A Butcher's Counter 19th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Dead turkey 1808
19th century
Pradoko Museoa
Plucked turkey 1810 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Still Life with Three Salmon Slices 19th century Museum collection Am Römerholz
Dead Birds 1800s Pradoko Museoa
Dead hares 1800s No/unknown value
Still Life with Woodcocks 1800s Meadows Museum
The Water Bearer 1808 Arte Ederren Museoa (Budapest)
Asensio Juliá 1814 Clark Art Institute
Portrait of Asensio Julià 1798 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museoa
Portrait of Francisco Bayeu 1786 Valentziako Arte Ederretako Meseoa
Francisco Bayeu 1795 Pradoko Museoa
Charles IV of Spain 1789 Zaragozako museoa
María Teresa de Borbón y Vallabriga, later Condesa de Chinchón 1783 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Portrait of María Luisa de Borbón y Vallabriga 1800 Uffizi Galeria
Portrait of Doña María Teresa de Vallabriga y Rozas (1759-1820) 1783 Pérez Simón Collection
Doña Maria Teresa de Vallabriga 1783 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Portrait of Maria Teresa de Vallabriga 1783 Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of María Teresa de Vallabriga on Horseback 1783 Uffizi Galeria
Martín Zapaterren erretratua 1790 Museo de Arte de Ponce
Portrait of Senora Ceán Bermudez 1790s
Arte Ederren Museoa (Budapest)
Portrait of Martín Zapater 1797 Bilboko Arte Ederren Museoa
Portrait of Rafael Esteve i Vilella 1815 Valentziako Arte Ederretako Meseoa
Luis María de Borbón y Vallabriga 1783 Zaragozako museoa
portrait of Infante Luis of Spain 1783 No/unknown value
Allegory of Love, Cupid and Psyche 1798 Kataluniako Arte Museo Nazionala
Witches' Flight 1797
Pradoko Museoa
The wedding 1792
Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of Doña Antonia Zárate 1805 Irlandako Galeria Nazionala
Driving an ashlar 1786 No/unknown value
The Sacrifice to Pan 1771 No/unknown value
Portrait of Jacques Galos 1826 Barnes Foundation
Portrait of Maria Luisa de Parma 1800 Víctor Balaguer Liburutegi-Museoa
Rounding up the bulls 1787 No/unknown value
A spearman 1795 Pradoko Museoa
The Count of Floridablanca 1783 No/unknown value
Dead game 1775 No/unknown value
Portrait of Jose Duaso y Latre 1824 Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Portrait of José Pío de Molina 1827 Kunst Museum Winterthur | Reinhart am Stadtgarten
Portrait of Juan Bautista de Muguiro 1827 Pradoko Museoa
Leandro Fernández de Moratín 1799 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
Portrait of Manuel Silvela 1809 Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of María Martínez de Puga 1824 The Frick Collection
Portrait of Jose de La Canal 1808 Lázaro Galdiano museoa
Don Ramón Satuéren erretratua 1823 Rijksmuseum
A Village Bullfight 1815 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
Boys hunting with an owl 1775 No/unknown value
Flying birds 1786 Fundación Goya en Aragón
El Sueño 1790 Irlandako Galeria Nazionala
The Countess del Carpio, Marquesa de La Solana 1790s Louvreko margogintza saila
The hold up 1776 No/unknown value
The Seesaw (1791) 1791 Filadelfiako Arte Museoa
Cannibals contemplating human remains 1800s Besançoneko arte ederretako eta arkeologia museoa
Cannibals Chopping up Victims 1800s Besançoneko arte ederretako eta arkeologia museoa
Bullfight in a Divided Ring 1816 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Manufacture of bullets in the Sierra de Tardienta 1810 Zarzuela jauregia
Powder manufacturing in the Sierra de Tardienta 1814 San Lorenzo de El Escorial monasterioa
Portrait of Bartolomé Sureda y Miserol 1804 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
José Moñino y Redondo, count de Floridablanca 1783 Pradoko Museoa
Equestrian portrait of Ferdinand VII 1808 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (margolana) 1798 Pradoko Museoa
General Nicolas Philippe Guye 1810 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Portrait de Juan Martin Diez, the Determined 1809 Mendebaldeko Artearen Museo Nazionala
Lazarillo de Tormes (Goya) 1804 No/unknown value
Portrait of Tomás Pérez de Estala 1798 No/unknown value
Fernán Núñez kondesaren erretratua 1803 No/unknown value
Portrait of the Duchess of Osuna 1785 No/unknown value
Portrait of the Marquise de Lazán 1804 No/unknown value
Portrait of the Marquesa de Santiago 1804 J. Paul Getty Museoa
Señora Sabasa Garcia 1804 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Andrew W. Mellon collection
The Marchioness of Villafranca Painting her Husband 1804 Pradoko Museoa
Teresa Sureda 1804 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Fernán Núñez kondearen erretratua 1803 No/unknown value
Portrait of the Poet Moratín 1824 Bilboko Arte Ederren Museoa
Sleeping woman 1790 No/unknown value
SS. Justa and Rufina 1817 Santa María de la Sedeko katedrala
Heads in a landscape 1819 No/unknown value
The Architect Ventura Rodriguez 1784 Suediako Museo Nazionala
Poetry and Poets 1808 Suediako Museo Nazionala
Portrait of El General Ricardos 18th century Walters Art Museum
Mariana Waldstein, Ninth Marquesa de Santa Cruz 1790s Louvreko margogintza saila
Woman with a Fan 1800s Louvreko margogintza saila
Portrait of a Man 18th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Portrait of Luis María de Cistué Martínez 1791 Louvreko margogintza saila
Charles IV 1789 Víctor Balaguer Liburutegi-Museoa
Queen María Luisa 1789 Historiaren Errege Akademia
An Officer (probably the Count of Teba) 1804 The Frick Collection
Don Pedro, Duque de Osuna 1785 The Frick Collection
Ferdinand VII (1784–1833), Prince of Asturias 1800 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of Tiburcio Pérez y Cuervo, the Architect 1820 Metropolitan Museum of Art
José Costa y Bonells, Called Pepito 1800 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Narcisa Barañana de Goicoechea 1815 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of Josefa de Castilla Portugal y van Asbrock de Garcini 1804 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of Ignacio Garcini y Queralt 1804 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of Charles IV, King of Spain 1790s National Museum of Capodimonte
Portrait of Maria Luisa di Parma National Museum of Capodimonte
Armario relicario de Fuendetodos 1763 No/unknown value
Saint Ignacius of Loyola 1780s No/unknown value
José Queraltó 1802 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Marquesa de Caballero 1807 Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
The Shipwreck 1790s Bowes Museum
Bullfight, Suerte de Varas 1824 J. Paul Getty Museoa
Young Lady Wearing a Mantilla and Basquina 19th century Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Don Antonio Noriega 1801 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Samuel H. Kress Collection
Portrait of Victor Guye 1810 Washingtongo Arte Galeria Nazionala
Condesa de Altamira and Her Daughter, María Agustina 1780s Metropolitan Museum of Art
Don Ramon de Posada y Soto 1801 Arte Ederretako Museoa (San Frantzisko)
Portrait of Isidoro Maiquez 1807 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Friar Pedro Offers Shoes to El Maragato and Prepares to Push Aside His Gun 1806 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Friar Pedro Binds El Maragato with a Rope 1806 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Friar Pedro Shoots El Maragato as His Horse Runs Off 1806 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Portrait of General José Manuel Romero 1810 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Friar Pedro Clubs El Maragato with the Butt of the Gun 1806 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
El Maragato Threatens Friar Pedro de Zaldivia with His Gun 1806 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Friar Pedro Wrests the Gun from El Maragato 1806 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
The Hanged Monk 1810 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Winter Scene 1786 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Portrait of a Man in a Brown Coat Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Officer on Horseback Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Portrait of a Young Man in Brown, possibly Javier Goya Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Annunciation 1785 Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Time, Truth and History 2nd millennium Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Mounted Cavalier with a Javelin Filadelfiako Arte Museoa
Portrait of the Toreador José Romero Filadelfiako Arte Museoa
El tío Paquete 1820 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museoa
Fernando VII.aren erretratua 1810s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museoa
Portrait of the Actress Antonia Zarate 1810 Hermitage museoa
The Repentant St. Peter 1820s The Phillips Collection
The Rape of Europa 1772 No/unknown value
Portrait of marquise de Montehermoso 1810 No/unknown value
Don Andrés del Peral 18th century National Gallery
Charles III in Hunting Dress 1780s
Pradoko Museoa
The Holy Family 1787 Pradoko Museoa
Tadea Arias de Enríquez 1789 Pradoko Museoa
The Immaculate Conception 1784
Pradoko Museoa
Tobias and the Angel 1787 Pradoko Museoa
Charles IV in Court Dress 1789 Pradoko Museoa
General Antonio Ricardos 1793 Pradoko Museoa
General José de Urrutia 1798 Pradoko Museoa
María Antonia Gonzaga, Dowager Marchioness of Villafranca 1795 Pradoko Museoa
Cardinal Luis María de Borbón y Vallabriga 1800 Pradoko Museoa
Carlos IV on Horseback 18th century Pradoko Museoa
Queen María Luisa on horseback 1799 Pradoko Museoa
Commerce 1800s Pradoko Museoa
Manuela Goicoechea y Galarza 1805 Pradoko Museoa
Agriculture 1800s Pradoko Museoa
Juana Galarza de Goicoechea 1805 Pradoko Museoa
Saint John the Baptist in the Desert 1810s Pradoko Museoa
The Actor Isidoro Máiquez 1807 Pradoko Museoa
Saint Justa and Saint Rufina 1817 Pradoko Museoa
The Duchess of Abrantes 1816 Pradoko Museoa
Ferdinand VII at an Encampment 19th century Pradoko Museoa
Ferdinand VII in Court Dress 1815
Pradoko Museoa
Portrait of a Young Man Indianapolisko Arte Museoa
Félix Colón de Larriátegui 1794 Indianapolisko Arte Museoa
Portrait of Manuel Quijano 1815 Kataluniako Arte Museo Nazionala
Apparition of Saint Isidore to Saint Ferdinand, king, before the walls of Seville 2nd millennium Arte Ederren Museo Nazionala
War Scene 1808 Arte Ederren Museo Nazionala
Fire of a Hospital Arte Ederren Museo Nazionala
Scene of Disciplines 1808 Arte Ederren Museo Nazionala
Popular Party Under a Bridge or Popular Dance Arte Ederren Museo Nazionala
The Madhouse 1790s Belvedere Galeria
Selbstbildnis Belvedere Galeria
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Portrait of Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez 1785 No/unknown value
Dogs Chasing a Cat on a Man on a Donkey Barnes Foundation
Old People Singing and Dancing Barnes Foundation
The Miracle of St. Anthony 1798 Carnegie Museum of Art
Monk Talking to an Old Woman 1820s Princeton University Art Museum
Bulls National Gallery of Armenia
Bandit murdering a woman III 2nd millennium No/unknown value
Le Christ au jardin des oliviers 1800s Louvreko margogintza saila
Le Mariage inégal 18th century Louvreko margogintza saila
Der Zweikampf 1820s Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Hexenhinrichtung 1820s Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Mönchspredigt 1820s Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Die Landpartie 18th century Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Vicente Osorio de Moscoso, hrabia Trastamara 1780s No/unknown value
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Portrait of Vicente Joaquín Osorio de Moscoso 1780s Espainiako Bankua
Portrait of Francisco Cabarrús 1788 Espainiako Bankua
Charles III of Spain 1780s Espainiako Bankua
Miguel Fernández Durán, marquis of Tolosa 1780s Espainiako Bankua
Portrait of José de Toro y Zambrano 1785 Espainiako Bankua
Portrait of Francisco Javier de Larrumbe 1787 Espainiako Bankua
portrait of Ramón Pignatelli 1790 No/unknown value
Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos 1780s Eskultura Museo Nazionala
Francesco Sabatini 1770s Meadows Museum
Charles IV in the uniform of a colonel of the Guardia de Corps 18th century Royal Collections Gallery
Portrait of Antonio de Porcel 1806 No/unknown value
Miguel de Múzquiz y Goyeneche 1780s Espainiako Bankua
Portrait of Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez 2nd millennium No/unknown value
Antonio Veián y Monteagudo 1782 Huescako Museoa
Saint Lucy 18th century Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Königin Maria Luisa, Gemahlin Karls IV. von Spanien (Kopie nach) Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Der Verwundete 1820s Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Ländlicher Tanz am Ufer einer Meeresbucht Bavariako Estatuko Margo-Bilduma
Francisco Téllez-Girón, 10th Duke de Osuna 1816 Léon Bonnat museoa
Apparition of the Virgin of the Pilar 1775 Kataluniako Arte Museo Nazionala
Portrait of the Duke of Osuna 1785 No/unknown value
Portrait of Don Fr. Miguel Fernandez y Flores 1815 Worcester Art Museum
The Ecstasy of Saint Anthony Abbot 1771 Zaragozako museoa
Death of Saint Francis Xabier 1770s Zaragozako museoa
Seated Woman and Man in Spanish Cloak Suediako Museo Nazionala
San Luis Gonzaga 1798 Zaragozako museoa
Portrait of the Duke of San Carlos 1815
María Luisa de Parma, reina de España 18th century Pradoko Museoa
Venus and Adonis 1771 Zaragozako museoa
Portrait of Ferdinand VII in his royal coat 1815
Retrato de Dama con Mantilla 1820s
Archbishop Joaquin Company 1800 Alma Mater Museum
Portrait of Felix de Azara 1805 Museo Camón Aznar
The Junta of the Philippines 1816 Gemäldegalerie
El general Ricardos, ante su cañón de batalla por Goya 1794 No/unknown value
Portrait of Juan Antonio Cuervo 1819 Cleveland Museum of Art
Portrait of Tadeo Bravo de Rivero 1806 Brooklyn Museum
Juan Antonio Llorente 19th century São Pauloko arte museoa
Portrait of Ferdinand VII of Spain 1808 São Pauloko arte museoa
The Countess of Casa Flores 1790s São Pauloko arte museoa
The Maypole 19th century Alte Nationalgalerie
Portrait of Don Ignacio Omulryan y Rourera 1815 The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
José Luis Munárriz 1815 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
Portrait of Juan de Villanueva 1805 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia
Portrait of Don Miguel De Lardizábal 1815 National Gallery Prague
Portrait of José Antonio Marqués de Caballero 1807 Arte Ederren Museoa (Budapest)
A Scene from the Spanish War of Independence 1810 Arte Ederren Museoa (Budapest)
Portrait of Francisco del Mazo 1810s Goya Museum
No/unknown value
Portrait of the Officer Pantaleón Pérez de Nenin 1808
Don Francisco Bayeu y Subias (1734-1795) 19th century National Trust
The embroiderer Juan López de Robredo 2nd millennium No/unknown value
Portrait of Manuel García de la Prada 1800s Des Moines Art Center
Munich Central Collecting Point
No/unknown value
Night Scene from the Inquisition 1810 National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Portrait of a Picador No/unknown value National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Pigeons and Fowls 18th century Juan B. Castagnino Fine Arts Museum
Bandits shooting their prisoners 19th century No/unknown value
Tomás Pérez de Estala 1795
Hamburger Kunsthalle
Mariano Ferrer y Aulet 1780 Valentziako Arte Ederretako Meseoa
Santa Lutgarda 1787 Real Monasterio de San Joaquín y Santa Ana
Portrait of Joaquina Candado Ricarte 1802 Valentziako Arte Ederretako Meseoa
Queen of Spain Maria Louisa, née Bourbon-Parma 1790 Pradoko Museoa
Víctor Balaguer Liburutegi-Museoa
The transit of St. Joseph 1787 Real Monasterio de San Joaquín y Santa Ana
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux curing a cripple Real Monasterio de San Joaquín y Santa Ana
General José de Palafox on Horseback 1814 Pradoko Museoa
Sacrifice to Vesta 1771 No/unknown value
Portrait of King Charles IV 1790 Pradoko Museoa
Saint Christopher 1767 Zaragozako museoa
Juan Martín de Goicoechea y Galarza 1790 Zaragozako museoa
Don Manuel Lapeña, later Marquis of Bondad Real 1799 Hispanic Society of America
San Francisco de Borja says goodbye to his family 1788
Saint Ambrose 1796 Cleveland Museum of Art
Portrait of Don Juan Antonio Cuervo 1819 Cleveland Museum of Art
Bernarda Tavira No/unknown value
Portrait of Cesárea Goicoechea y Galarza 1805 Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Portrait of Gerónima Goicoechea y Galarza 1805 Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Two Children Looking at a Book 1820s Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Dona Amalia Bonells de Costa 1805 Detroit Institute of Arts
Act of Violence against Two Women 1810s Städel Museoa
Attack on a Woman 1810s Städel Museoa
The incantation Lázaro Galdiano museoa
Antonio Adán de Yarza 1780s No/unknown value
María Ramona de Barbachano 1780s No/unknown value
The Balloon 1810s Ageneko arte ederretako museoa
Don Juan Bautista de Goicoechea y Urrutia 1815 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
José de Cistué y Coll 1788 No/unknown value
José de Cistué y Coll 1788 Museo Camón Aznar
the witches kitchen
Admirał José de Mazarredo 1785 Lowe Art Museum
Portrait of a Lady in a Black Mantilla 1824 Irlandako Galeria Nazionala
The Count of the Tagus 1800 Irlandako Galeria Nazionala
Equestrian Portrait of the 1st Duke of Wellington 1812 Apsley House
Portrait of Don Francisco de Saavedra 1798 Courtauld Gallery
Portrait of Mariano Luis de Urquijo 1790s Historiaren Errege Akademia
Portrait of prince Aloys Wenzel von Kaunitz-Rietberg 1816 Private Collection
Portrait of Camilo Goya 1780s Zuloaga museoaren etxea
Portrait of Mariano Goya, the Artist's Grandson 1810s
Portrait of Mariano Goya, the Artist’s Grandson 1827 Meadows Museum
Portrait of Mariano Goya 1810 No/unknown value
Don Juan and the Commendatore
Moratín poetaren erretratua 1824
Juan Antonio Meléndez Valdés 1797 Bowes Museum
Portrait of Carlos López Altamirano 1796 Montrealgo Arte Ederren Museoa
Portrait of Pedro Gil de Tejada 1790s No/unknown value
Portrait of Juan José de Arias Saavedra y Verdugo 1790s No/unknown value
Portrait of Valentín Bellvís de Moncada y Pizarro 1795 Juan Miguel Villar Mir
Portrait of Ferdinand VII of Spain 1814 Santander eta Kantabriako Arte Moderno eta Garaikide Museoa
Portrait of the Duke of Roca 1795 San Diego Museum of Art
Bernardo de Iriarte 1796 Arte Ederren Museoa (Estrasburgo)
Don Juan Bautista de Goicoechea y Urrutia 1815 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Autumn 1786 Clark Art Institute
Portrait of Pedro Mocarte 1805 Hispanic Society of America
Sketch for a Portrait of an Officer of the King's Dragoons 1808 Hispanic Society of America
Brigadier General Alberto Foraster 1804 Hispanic Society of America
The Duchess of Alba, Sketch 1796 Hispanic Society of America
Banderillas in the field 1793 No/unknown value
Blaze, Fire at night 1793 No/unknown value
Hercules and Omphale 1784 No/unknown value
Children playing leapfrog 1780 Valentziako Arte Ederretako Meseoa
Ghostly Vision 1801 Museo Camón Aznar
Actress Rita Luna 1810s
Charles IV, King of Spain 18th century Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
Masked ball 19th century Museo Camón Aznar
El dos de mayo de 1808 en Madrid 1814 Museo Camón Aznar
Aesop and Menippus 1778 Museo Camón Aznar
Bildnis eines Mönchs Gemäldegalerie
Brother Juan Fernández de Rojas Historiaren Errege Akademia
Majas on the Balcony 19th century No/unknown value
The Friar's visit 19th century Marquess of la Romana
Interior of a prison 19th century Marquess of la Romana
Matrimonio desigual 1819 Lázaro Galdiano museoa
Apparition of the Virgin to St. Julian 1790
Knabenbildnis 1771 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Bildnis der Clara de Sonia im Alter von 6 Jahren 1771 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Maja (...unleserlich) 1771 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Death of Saint Albert of Jerusalem 1770s No/unknown value
Portrait of Isabella of Bourbon Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
head of a gentleman with hat Munich Central Collecting Point
La Junta Munich Central Collecting Point
Portrait of a gentleman Munich Central Collecting Point
Luck of killing 1793 No/unknown value
The arrest of Christ 1798
Volksfest unter einer Brücke 19th century Arte Ederren Museo Nazionala
El arrastre 1793 No/unknown value
House of Medinaceli
Escena de bandidos 19th century Arte Ederren Museo Nazionala
Sebastián Gabriel de Borbón as a child 1822 No/unknown value
What a sacrifice! 1799 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
The Madman Voergaard Castle
Act of Violence against Two Women 1810s
Time, Truth and History Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Nude Woman Reclining Against a Rock 1820s Bostongo Arte Ederren Museoa
Boys Playing at See-Saw 18th century Pollok House
Boys Playing at Soldiers 18th century Pollok House
Don Francisco de Saavedra 1798 Courtauld Gallery
Scene at a Bullfight: División de place Ashmolean Museoa
Scene at a Bullfight: Diversión de España Ashmolean Museoa
Saint Anthony Raising a Dead Man Bowes Museum
La Visitación de Santa Isabel 1774 Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
La Messe des relevailles 19th century Ageneko arte ederretako museoa
Portrait of Juan Meléndez Valdés (1754-1817), Spanish writer 1790 No/unknown value
Boceto para el retrato ecuestre de Manuel Godoy, duque de la Alcudia 1794 No/unknown value
Portrait of José María Álvarez de Toledo, 15th Duke of Medina Sidonia (1756-1796) 1795 Chicagoko Arte Institutua
Portrait of José María Álvarez de Toledo, 15th Duke of Medina Sidonia (1756-1796) 1795 No/unknown value
Portrait of Queen Maria Luisa of Spain 1799 No/unknown value
Portrait of Queen Maria Luisa of Spain 1800 Taft Museum of Art
Portrait of Countess of Haro
Porträt des Grafen Fernand Núnez VII. 1803 No/unknown value
Don Antonio Raimundo Ibáñez 1800s Baltimoreko Arte Museoa
Portrait of Francisca Vicenta Chollet y Caballero 1806 Norton Simon museoa
María Isabel de Braganza 1810s Meadows Museum
Porträt des Francisco Téllez-Girón, 10th Duke de Osuna (1785-1820) 1816
José de Vargas Ponce 1805 Historiaren Errege Akademia
Porträt der Maria Luisa of Parma (1751-1819) 19th century
María Luisa de Parma, reina de España 1789 Indietako Agiritegi Nagusia
The last communion of Saint José de Calasanz (1557-1648) 1810s Léon Bonnat museoa
Autoportrait 1800 Léon Bonnat museoa
Alberto Foraster 1804 Hispanic Society of America
Hannibal the Conqueror viewing Italy for the first time from the Alps (sketch) 1771 Zaragozako museoa
Antonio Aniceto de Porlier, marqués de Bajamar 1780 No/unknown value
The Communion (A Mass) Clark Art Institute
Procesión de disciplinantes 19th century
Selbstporträt 1815 San Fernandoko Arte Ederren Errege Akademia