Lankide eztabaida:Theklan/Artxiboa
This page is an archive. Do not edit the contents of this page. Please direct any additional comments to the current talk page.
Ongietorriak Theklanen eztabaida orrialdera. Hemen dituzun kezka, kexa eta galdera guztiak egin ahal dituzu. Beheko karratuan aurreko gaiak ere ikusi ahal dituzu, denboran sailkatuak.
Artikulu nabarmendua
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Aupa, Theklan! Herenegun proposatu nuen artikulu bat nabarmendua izatea, Biziaren jatorriarena, hain zuzen. Aurreko asteetan artikulu hau txukuntzen ibili naiz eta erreferentziak gehitzen. Hala ere, ez dakit zergatik, nahiz eta artikulu hori proposatu ez da artikulu nabarmenduak izateko hautagaien artean azaltzen....Zeozer gaizki egin nuen? -Josu (eztabaida) 14:40, 3 otsaila 2019 (UTC)
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Buenos días, Theklan. Espero que estés bien. Estoy a punto de procesar Wikipedia:Txokoa/2019#IMPORTANT: Admin activity review (ya archivado). Me he dado cuenta que en el pasado vosotros habíais votado sobre retirar los permisos localmente a los usuarios, pero no nos consta en Meta la existencia de una política local de inactividad de administradores. Ante la duda, prefiero preguntar. ¿Tenéis política de inactividad? En caso contrario y dado que ni el usuario ni la comunidad se ha pronunciado en contra, retiraré los permisos de Zariquiegui. Un saludo, MarcoAurelio (eztabaida) 12:06, 5 otsaila 2019 (UTC)
This Month in Education: February 2019
[aldatu iturburu kodea]The Signpost: 28 February 2019
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- From the editors: Help wanted (still)
- News and notes: Front-page issues for the community
- Discussion report: Talking about talk pages
- Featured content: Conquest, War, Famine, Death, and more!
- Arbitration report: A quiet month for Arbitration Committee
- Traffic report: Binge-watching
- Technology report: Tool labs casters-up
- Gallery: Signed with pride
- From the archives: New group aims to promote Wiki-Love
- Humour: Pesky Pronouns
Mikomorfotaula taxotaulan
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo Theklan, Arazo bat daukat Mikomorfotaula infotaularekin. Wikidatan bi data (txapel ganbila eta txapel laua) gehitu ditut Ardotsu artikulurako txapelaren forma erabiltzean. Informazio bat ipini dudanean, dena badabil eta infotaulan agertzen da, bestela bi informazioekin, ez dabil, ez dago informaziorik, fitsik. Ez naizenez aditua, ez dakit zer egin kodea konpontzeko. -- Zorionecho 7 martxoa 2019, 20:11 (EOE)
- Kaixo Zorion. Ez dut ulertzen zien den arazoa. Diozu Wikidatan bi jartzen badituzu dena izorratzen dela? -Theklan · · 21:36, 11 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
- Kaixo Theklan, Adibidez Ardotsu, txapelaren forma ikusten badituzu, bi datak dira txapel ganbila eta txapel laua. Baina ez dira Mikomorfotaula taxotaulako artikuluan gertatu. Ez dut ulertzen zergatik. -- Zorionecho 12 martxoa 2019, 08:55 (EOE)
- @Zorion: Kontua da bakarra izan dezakela. Kasu horretan, suposatzen dut, concave to plane (Q23058598) hartu beharko zenukela. -Theklan · · 14:30, 12 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
- Ok , beste adibidea Marasmio jangarriarekin, bi datak dira. Zergatik bi datekin {{mikomorfotaula taxotaulan}} ongi badabil, baina {{taxotaula automatikoa}} ez dabil ? -- Zorionecho 12 martxoa 2019, 13:55 (EOE)
- @Zorion: Kontua da bakarra izan dezakela. Kasu horretan, suposatzen dut, concave to plane (Q23058598) hartu beharko zenukela. -Theklan · · 14:30, 12 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
- Kaixo Theklan, Adibidez Ardotsu, txapelaren forma ikusten badituzu, bi datak dira txapel ganbila eta txapel laua. Baina ez dira Mikomorfotaula taxotaulako artikuluan gertatu. Ez dut ulertzen zergatik. -- Zorionecho 12 martxoa 2019, 08:55 (EOE)
Parametro guztietan izena eta himenioa parametroetan salbu, bigarren mailako ezaugarri bat adierazi daiteke. Esaterako, perretxiko batek txapel ganbila edo titi-formakoa eduki dezake heldua denean. Ikusi Marasmio jangarri, bi Mikomorfotaula taxotaulan ipini ditut ulertzeko, bigarren Mikomorfotaula taxotaulan (automatikoa), ez dira bi datak txapel ganbila gero titi-formakoa gertatzen. Lehen Mikomorfotaula taxotaulan bai, azaltzen dira. -- Zorionecho 12 martxoa 2019, 15:06 (EOE)
- @Zorion: Bale, ba agian hori ezin da automatikoki egin. Kasu horietan eskuz egin beharko litzateke. -Theklan · · 19:16, 12 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
Kabyle Infobox city
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Hey Theklan,
Thanks for creating the Kabyle Infobox city, there's just a little annoying bug with data21: it displays the coordinates twice, compare the Kabyle article Dzayer with the Basque article Aljer. If you could fix it, that'll be great. -Sami At Ferḥat (eztabaida) 13:21, 11 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
- @Sami At Ferḥat: The problem is not within the template, but within the CSS that should put the second coordinate in the top right of the page. You should copy this code inside kab:MediaWiki:Vector.css:
/* Position coordinates */ #coordinates { position: absolute; top: 0em; right: 0em; float: right; margin: 0em; padding: 0em; line-height: 1.5em; text-align: right; text-indent: 0; font-size: 85%; text-transform: none; white-space: nowrap; }
-Theklan · · 21:18, 11 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
- Thanks for the detailed explanation! -Sami At Ferḥat (eztabaida) 22:59, 11 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
Argazkiak copyleft den jakin.
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo Theklan Googlen agertzen diren hainbat argazki eta bideo copyfree edo copyleft dira. Hoiek aurkitzen baditut, nire testura txertatu eta wikipediara igo ahal dira?? nola jakin dezaket copyfree diren?? Eskerrik asko.-Pausoka (eztabaida) 12:19, 24 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
- Kaixo Pausoka. Argazkiak cc-0, cc-by edo cc-by-sa izan behar dira igotzeko. Zehazki jarri behar du hori irudia dagoen lekuan. Eta bai, hori jartzen badu, Wikimedia Commosnera igo dezakezu arazorik gabe, beti ere aipatuz nondik datorren, nor den egilea eta zein lizentzia. -Theklan · · 19:58, 24 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #357
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Stanglavine
- An open discussion on how to model one-way train routes is now taking place, and everyone is welcome to pitch in
- Events
- Past: Researcher meets Curator, 22 March 2019, Maastricht: meeting about biographies, where Wikidata was mentioned in many talks, eg. Visual Biographies of Scholars and the Topics they Studied, Egon Willighagen
- Upcoming: Training "Valoriser les collections patrimoniales et la recherche en histoire de l’art sur Wikipédia, WikiCommons et Wikidata" in Paris, 28 and 29 March (in French)
- Upcoming: GLAM and Wikidata in National Library, Bern (Switzerland), on March 28th (in German and French)
- Upcoming: Wikidata Workshop for GLAM in Lausanne (Switzerland), on March 29th (in French)
- Upcoming: Monthly Wikidata meetup in Buenos Aires
- Upcoming: Where iNaturalist meets Wiki April 16th, in Meise (Belgium)
- Press, articles, blog posts
- SPARQL via WDQS (very basic introduction for archivist) (in French).
- "Build your own Digital Bodleian with IIIF and SPARQL", Martin Poulter, Bodleian Digital Library blog
- A call to action: Wikidata-fy your Commons photos, Martin Poukter, Wikimedia UK blog
- On Wikimedia Research from March 2019: Learning How to Correct a Knowledge Base from the Edit History, by Thomas Pellissier Tanon, Camille Bourgaux and Fabian Suchanek (slides, video)
- The panEuropean Research Infrastructure "Mobilising Data, Experts and Policies in Scientific Collections" initiative's kick-off meeting had a workshop on the "Authority Management of People Names". Wikidata featured strongly - and was highly praised: Twitter thread
- Lexicographical data on Wikidata: Words, words, words by Jens Ohlig
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- It is now possible to filter by property in EditGroups. For instance, you can get an overview of the author disambiguation efforts by filtering on egile (P50).
- Related Wikidata Properties: new tool to explore Wikidata properties and find properties used together (example: external id properties used in conjunction with Elo rating (P1087)).
- New tool: BNF Scrapper generates content ready for QuickStatement from an author file from the French National Library
- Tips for Wikidata SPARQL query optimization
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: study or design for, constraint clarification, General Material Designation, value hierarchy property
- External identifiers: Plant Illustrations artist ID, Ashmolean museum ID, Semantic Scholar topic ID, FFS athlete ID, CSKA person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: quotation or excerpt (music), Classification RCQ, CHVRS Classification
- External identifiers: player ID, XING company ID, Le Figaro tag ID, Le Parisien tag ID, L'Express tag ID, Orlando person ID, Identifier, Sumo Reference, SA Rugby Player ID, EUNIS ID for habitats, Japan Search name ID, FIS telemark skier ID, Rxivist author ID, Rxivist preprint ID, Motorsports Hall of Fame of America ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Update property suggester data (phab:T216270)
- Add a link to the shex-simple tool to make it easier to check entities against a Schema (phab:T217331)
- Make the placeholders on Special:NewSchema now match the ones on Special:NewItem (phab:T215386)
- Check for edit conflicts when editing schemas (phab:T217338, phab:T218300)
- Enable the parser cache for Schema pages (phab:T218459, phab:T218769)
- Use the FormatAutocomments hook for Schemas to implement translatable edit summaries (phab:T218889)
- Implement a proper Wikibase-Termbox-Integration according to the ADR (phab:T214679)
- Fix the emoji breaking the termbox column layout (phab:T217244)
- Correctly showing revisions with the new termbox (phab:T210615)
- Correctly handle user-specific language settings in the new termbox (phab:T218111)
- Fix an issue for score extension (phab:T218535)
- Turn off RDF support for entity types that doesn't support it (phab:T213483)
- Respect nofollow config on wikidata identifier links (phab:T175230)
- Allow accessing Wikibase entities from multiple (Wikibase) databases (phab:T214557)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in Education: March 2019
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Wikidata Query Service + QuickCategories = ♥
[aldatu iturburu kodea]SELECT ?titleEu ("+Category:Alemaniako futbolariak" AS ?command) WHERE {
hint:Query hint:optimizer "None".
SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "Generator";
wikibase:endpoint "";
mwapi:generator "categorymembers";
mwapi:gcmtitle "Category:German_footballers";
mwapi:gcmnamespace 0;
mwapi:gcmprop "title";
mwapi:gcmlimit "max".
?titleEn_ wikibase:apiOutput mwapi:title.
BIND(STRLANG(?titleEn_, "en") AS ?titleEn)
?articleEn schema:name ?titleEn;
schema:isPartOf <>;
schema:about ?item.
?articleEu schema:about ?item;
schema:isPartOf <>;
schema:name ?titleEu.
Copy the result, paste it into QuickCategories, submit the batch and run the commands. Try it out! --Lucas Werkmeister (eztabaida) 20:19, 29 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
- With subcategory support:
SELECT ?titleEu ("+Category:BASQUE CATEGORY HERE" AS ?command) WHERE {
hint:Query hint:optimizer "None".
SERVICE mediawiki:categoryTree {
bd:serviceParam mediawiki:start <>;
mediawiki:direction "Reverse";
mediawiki:depth 5 . # change this if needed
?out schema:name ?categoryEn.
SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "Generator";
wikibase:endpoint "";
mwapi:generator "categorymembers";
mwapi:gcmtitle ?categoryEn;
mwapi:gcmnamespace 0;
mwapi:gcmprop "title";
mwapi:gcmlimit "max".
?titleEn_ wikibase:apiOutput mwapi:title.
BIND(STRLANG(?titleEn_, "en") AS ?titleEn)
?articleEn schema:name ?titleEn;
schema:isPartOf <>;
schema:about ?item.
?articleEu schema:about ?item;
schema:isPartOf <>;
schema:name ?titleEu.
- --Lucas Werkmeister (eztabaida) 20:25, 29 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
- Now also documented at meta:User:Lucas Werkmeister/QuickCategories#Copying category members from another wiki (if I improve the query in the future it’ll be updated over there) --Lucas Werkmeister (eztabaida) 21:14, 29 martxoa 2019 (UTC)
The Signpost: 31 March 2019
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- From the editors: Getting serious about humor
- News and notes: Blackouts fail to stop EU Copyright Directive
- In the media: Women's history month
- Discussion report: Portal debates continue, Prespa agreement aftermath, WMF seeks a rebranding
- Featured content: Out of this world
- Arbitration report: The Tides of March at ARBCOM
- Traffic report: Exultations and tribulations
- Technology report: New section suggestions and sitewide styles
- News from the WMF: The WMF's take on the new EU Copyright Directive
- Recent research: Barnstar-like awards increase new editor retention
- From the archives: Esperanza organization disbanded after deletion discussion
- Humour: The Epistolary of Arthur 37
- In focus: The Wikipedia SourceWatch
- Special report: Wiki Loves (50 Years of) Pride
- Community view: Wikipedia's response to the New Zealand mosque shootings
Wikidata weekly summary #358
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Events
- Past: Wikidata meetup during the Wikimedia Summit, March 29th in Berlin (collaborative notes)
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop for archives in Saint-Etienne, France, on April 3rd and 5th
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin in Wikibär on April 14th
- Upcoming: Where iNaturalist meets Wiki April 16th, in Meise (Belgium)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WikidataCon 2019 application, program submission and scholarship processes are now open until April 29th
- Structured Data on Commons: You can now test creating depicts statements
- While editing OpenStreetMap from the iD editor, it will now be possible to match map data with Wikidata by typing in names and getting an autocompleted label.
- OpenStreetMap is participating in this year's Google Summer of Code, and quite a few of the project ideas involve Wikidata integration.
- Discussion going on in W3C SPARQL 1.2 Community Group about the improvements in SPARQL language
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: capacity factor, position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation
- External identifiers: Libreflix ID, player ID, Library of Parliament of Canada person ID, RoMEO publisher ID, Federal-State Cooperative System ID, XING company ID, L'Express person ID, Le Figaro tag ID, Le Parisien tag ID, Gamepedia article ID, skater ID, Salvador Dali Museum ID, Index to American Botanical Literature ID, FaroeSoccer player ID, FaroeSoccer coach ID, Artcurial lot ID, SNISB ID, Tainacan MHN ID, 100 bombardirov person ID, Cini Foundation ID, LinkedIn personal profile ID, ACA author ID, CDEC ID, AWARE ID, JRC Names id, Zomato ID, TV Spielfilm series ID, Fandango theater ID, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ID, JMdictDB ID, Zagat ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: First attestation, match interval, réédité par, calligrapher, Ordained by, code produit, Wikidata property example for media
- External identifiers: Baden-Württemberg Schutzgebiete-ID, K10plus editions, Utpictura18 ID, Le Vif tag ID, Common Sense Media review ID, DBApp ID, Libregamewiki ID, Democracy Club Election ID, MARGS ID, Kobo author ID, WoRMS source ID, Kobo narrator ID, NGMDb Prod ID, Memórias da Ditadura ID, Placar UOL Eleições ID, AntWiki, MESH Concept ID, MESH Term ID, Desaparecidos Políticos ID
- Query examples:
- Siblings who have won the Israel Prize (source)
- British female engineers, 1919-2019 (source)
- Female scientific illustrators (source)
- French archivists with a picture (source)
- Archive institutions in Switzerland and how much they hold (source)
- Graph of open source research software by field (source)
- Groups of characters in the Marvel universe (source)
- In what type of places are ancient Greek potteries stored? (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Work on a dashboard for external identifiers (phab:T204440)
- Add baserevid to WikibaseLexeme API modules (phab:T217243)
- Add tests for embed.html (phab:T212649)
- Improve features for wikibase vandalism detection model (phab:T194737)
- Improve Property Info cache performance (phab:T218115, phab:T218197)
- Adding nofollow to external identifiers links (phab:T175230)
- Hide query helper by default in Query Service (phab:T217886)
- More work on wb_terms normalization (Phab board)
- Enable trimming whitespace around Label/Description/Aliases and Schema text (phab:T215761)
- Prevent moving Schemas between namespaces (and generally) (phab:T219313)
- Limit the length of Schema labels, descriptions, aliases, and schema text in the frontend (phab:T218867)
- Add tracking for clicks on the “check entities against this Schema” link (phab:T218899)
- Disallow importing of Schemas from another wiki or XML files to avoid ID conflicts (phab:T218181)
- Make sure RTL text is being handled correctly in the Schema labels, descriptions and aliases table (phab:T219136)
- Add a publish button on mobile termbox: (phab:T218573)
- Building the wbeditentity request to be fired on save request: (phab:T218577)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Euskal Herriko mendilerroen zerrenda
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo, Theklanǃ , Nire lana amaitu dut eta nahi duzunean posible al da bot-arekin orri bakoitzeko Euskal Herriko mendilerroen zerrendan azpiko esaldiak gehitzea, 330 orri inguru dira. (adibidez)
== Ikus, gainera == * [[Zerrenda:Euskal Herriko mendilerroak|Euskal Herriko mendilerroen zerrenda]]
Milesker. -- Zorionecho 2 apirila 2019, 16:13 (EOE)
- Kaixo, Zorionǃ Sartzen jarri dut Kategoria:Euskal Herriko mendilerroen zerrenda kategoriako guztietan. -Theklan · · 21:06, 2 apirila 2019 (UTC)
Bring your idea for Wikimedia in Education to life! Launch of the Wikimedia Education Greenhouse
[aldatu iturburu kodea]style="Txantiloi:Pre style;width:100%"|
Are you passionate about open education? Do you have an idea to apply Wikimedia projects to an education initiative but don’t know where to start? Join the the Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse! It is an immersive co-learning experience that lasts 9 months and will equip you with the skills, knowledge and support you need to bring your ideas to life. You can apply as a team or as an individual, by May 12th. Find out more Education Greenhouse. For more information reachout to |
—MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaida) 11:16, 5 apirila 2019 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #359
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Stanglavine (welcome onboard!)
- New request for comments: Countries, subdivisions, and disputed territories
- Closed request for comments: Talk pages consultation 2019
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata IRC office hour, April 9th at 16:30 UTC (18:30 in Berlin)
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Berlin, April 14th in Wikibär
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Paris, April 19th
- Upcoming: The Celtic Knot Conference, dedicated to languages on the Wikimedia projects, will take place in Cornwall on July 4-5. Call for submissions is now open
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Using Wikidata’s entities and ontology to measure how much attention content receives, by Conrad Lee on
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- [Breaking change] Empty containers in JSON outputs will be serialized as empty object "{}"
- [Breaking change] A new status of constraint will be enabled, causing some changes in the WikibaseQualityConstraints constraint checking API
- The Wikimedia URL shortener will be launched on 11 April; see Wikidata:URLShortener. It will not be immediately incorporated into the Query Service but the feature is planned.
- The Library of the African Studies Centre in Leiden compiled an experimental web dossier which combines the components of a classical ASCL web dossier with features offered by Wikidata.
- The gender gap tool Delenezh is online again and now hosted by Wikimedia France
- New tool: Related Properties, exploring Wikidata properties by the similarity of their use (see blog post by Envlh)
- Property statistics on Wikiprojects: sum of all paintings, video games
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: stroke order, CHVRS Classification, Classification RCQ, musical quotation or excerpt
- External identifiers: Democracy Club Election ID, Martindale-Hubbell profile, Sumo Reference ID, ETS Designated Institution code, Periscope, BHCL ID, Baden-Württemberg protected area ID, Rxivist author ID, Rxivist preprint ID, Springboks Rugby Player ID, Utpictura18 artwork ID, Le Vif tag ID, DBApp ID, Libregamewiki ID, MARGS ID, ID, FIS telemark skier ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Arcade system, Audio system, IANA time zone identifier, has sequenced genome, WMF short URL, translated to (language translation)
- External identifiers: OpenEdition books ID, OpenEdition ID, MassBank Accession ID, identyfikator sztuki w, identifiant GameFAQs d'un jeu, CIN ID, New York City Neighborhood Tabulation area ID, Alexander Turnbull Library Name ID, Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards ID, DCMI metadata term, CroRec ID, Radio Courtoisie program ID, actor profile ID, LNB Coach id, Sachsen Schutzgebiete-ID, Dictionnaire des Vendéens ID, Trainline ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: first names of Italians
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on documenting and preparing the announcement for the Wikidata External Landscape dashboard (phab:T204440)
- Improved the documentation of WMDE analytic documents (phab:T219844)
- Set up translatable schema edit summaries using the FormatAutocomments hook (phab:T218893)
- Improved right-to-left support on schema pages (phab:T219298)
- Protected schemas against imports (phab:T218181) and page moves (phab:T219313) and disabled the useless “move” and “create” protections for them (phab:T219980)
- Improved schema edit conflict detection to allow merging of non-conflicting edits (phab:T218300, phab:T219173)
- Improved the Extension:WikibaseSchema documentation on (phab:T219979)
- Fixed a bug on Lexicographical Data when editing existing grammatical features (phab:T219318)
- Increased musical notation datatype string length limit to 1500 characters (phab:T218767)
- Got ready for the last steps of new constraint level for suggestions (phab:T204439)
- More work on allowing editing of mobile termbox fields (phab:T216987)
- Let term value fields grow with their content (phab:T220185)
- More work on migrating away from wb_terms
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #360
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Non-free content
- Events
- Past: Wikidata IRC office hour, on April 9th (read the log)
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Paris, April 19th
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XIV, April 25th in São Paulo, Brazil
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool: qwikidata, a Python package to process Wikidata entities and dumps
- New dashboard: visualisations of external identifiers on Wikidata
- Several Wikidata-related projects will be funded by WMF Project Grants
- The page Wikidata:Wikimania 2019 is here to help you coordinating with other people regarding your submissions for Wikimania 2019. The opening of submissions is planned for late April.
- Reminder: you can apply to participate to the WikidataCon 2019 before April 29th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: first attested from, Wikidata property example for media, musical motif
- External identifiers: French public service directory ID, Placar UOL Eleições ID, Memórias da Ditadura ID, Desaparecidos Políticos ID, OpenEdition book ID, OpenEdition Books author ID, WoRMS source ID, play ID, MESH Term ID, EUNIS ID for habitats, Motorsports Hall of Fame of America ID, Alexander Turnbull Library Name ID, IANA timezone ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Recognition, recognized by, not recognized by, jurisdiction status, job title, military unit size, business partner, microarchitecture, Video system, Mesh Qualifier ID, cache l1-l2-l3, text features, Software development model, Dimore Storiche Italiane ID, SIUSA ID, FTP server
- External identifiers: Shanghai Library person ID, Shanghai Library place ID, id, CNV-SP ID, political party ID, GruCultura ID, CEMDP ID, identifiant Projet de recherche en littérature de langue bretonne, player ID, club ID, news ID, Heritage Gazetteer of Libya, FoodOn ID, Finnish Trade Register ID
- Query examples:
- Gender balance of art prizes and Gender balance of literary awards (source)
- Images used on more than one item about a person (source)
- Map of public libraries in Wales coloured by county (source)
- Artworks by street artist Invader in Versailles (source)
- American Sign Language signs for the letters of the English alphabet
- French Sign Language signs for the letters of the French alphabet
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Added Sámi monolingual language codes
(Kemi) andsjt
(Ter), thanks to Jon Harald Søby (phab:T217521) - Moving forward with enabling constraints suggestions for everyone and remove beta feature (phab:T220609)
- Fixing an issue with displaying mapframes for geocoordinate on client (phab:T220122)
- Make it impossible to set the same content in the same language for label and description (phab:T212869)
- Catch Exceptions where the entity can not be serialized due to being too big (phab:T217741)
- Fix the order of value suggestions based on constraint (phab:T220587)
- Add links on entity suggestions from constraint definitions (phab:T207363)
- Increase musical notation datatype string length limit to 1500 characters (phab:T218767)
- More work on making the new mobile termbox editable (phab:T216987)
- More work on migrating away from wb_terms
- Added Sámi monolingual language codes
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Argazki lehiaketa
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo, Galder. Mesedetxo bat. Asteko argazkiarako argazkiren bat jarri nahi nuke baina ez dut aurkitzen publikatzeko modua. Goitik behera irakurri dut Asteko argazkiari buruzkoak, baina nola bozkatu besterik ez dut aurkitu. Egia da ere, Wikipedian aritzea kostatu egiten zaidala, ez da oso intuitiboa erabilera. Eskerrik asko zure denboragatik, Iñigo Onandia -Iñigoo (eztabaida) 16:12, 17 apirila 2019 (UTC)inigoo PD: Ez dakit ondo sinatu dudan, baina tira, inigoo ezizenez aritzen naiz.
- @Iñigoo: Kaixo! Berez nahiko erraza da:
Wikipedia:Bozketak/Asteko argazkia/Proposamenak/<Argazkiaren izena>
jartzen duen lekuan <Argazkiaren izena> ordez jarri nahi duzun argazkia (adibidez, Adibidez.jpg) eta egin klik "Proposamena sortu" botoian. Hor agertuko zaizun orrialdean bete eremuak eta eskubian agertuko zaizun leihoko (<!>) sinboloa bilatu) kode hori kopiatu aurreko orrialdean. Arazorik baduzu, esan zein argazki nahi duzun, eta lagunduko dizut. -Theklan · · 18:28, 17 apirila 2019 (UTC)
Eskerrik asko Galder, baina, argazkia Wikipediako tokiren batean igo edo kargatu beharko dut ezta? Horixe da nire zalantza.
- @Iñigoo: Bai, noski! Argazkiak igotzeko ezkerrean duzu "Fitxategia igo" jartzen duen botoia. Basikoki Commonsera joango zara, gure argazki biltegia. Laguntza behar baduzu, hemen duzu. -Theklan · · 09:48, 18 apirila 2019 (UTC)
Bertsoen inguruan
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo!! Milesker abisuagatik, ez nekien ezim zirenik igo. Barkaidazu!! Segituan aldatuko dut Gureesku (eztabaida) 23:50, 21 apirila 2019 (UTC)
- @Gureesku: Ez didazu barkamena eskatu behar! Egunero ikasten dugu elkarrekin. Eurek libre utzi badituzte, edo bertso zatiak baldin badira (bertsokerari buruz hitz egiteko) posible da aipatzea. -Theklan · · 08:57, 22 apirila 2019 (UTC)
This Month in Education: April 2019
[aldatu iturburu kodea]
This Month in Education Volume 8 • Issue 4 • April 2019 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issue |
Wikidata weekly summary #361
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Events
- Past: Editathon Where iNaturalist meets Wiki, on April 16th in Meise, Belgium
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Argentina, April 25th
- Upcoming; Wikidata workshop in Pardubice, Czech Republic
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Association of Research Libraries White Paper on Wikidata: Opportunities and Recommendations
- Open-sourcing PyTorch-BigGraph for faster embeddings of extremely large graphs and the example of Wikidata, on AI Facebook blog
- OpenTapioca: Lightweight Entity Linking for Wikidata (paper by Antonin Delpeuch)
- Update on the Factgrid project with Wikibase and GND by Olaf Simons
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Plenty of documentation pages have been translated into Spanish: Wikidata in one page, Query Service in one page, a new data model example based on Marie Curie, and the flyer "Wikidata for developers". Thanks a lot to Mlemusrojas and the Wikidata group in Argentina!
- Depicts statements were due to arrive on Commons on April 23rd
- The Wikimedia URL Shortener is live and now included in the Query Service to create short links to queries or direct results (announcement)
- Reminder: the application phase for the WikidataCon is open until April 29th: if you want to attend to the conference, don't forget to participate!
- Wikidata Sign Languages Browser
- You can help by training ORES, the machine learning system, to better judge if edits are good or bad. We need another 7000 edits judged
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: number of sentences, Football Money League rank
- External identifiers: National Wrestling Hall of Fame wrestler ID, MassBank Accession ID, CNV-SP ID, GruCultura ID, CEMDP ID, NGMDb Prod ID, MESH Concept ID, PRELIB organization ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: supported metadata, expansion, ID, Musixmatch track ID, transfer speed, KeyWiki page ID, художник-мультипликатор, Number of polling stations, music video
- External identifiers: The Atlas of African Frogs, Ming Qing Archive authority ID, Kinosozvezdie biography ID, RGALI ID, person ID, NSW Capital Conviction ID, Australian War Memorial ID, Flora of Australia (new) ID, Drobné památky ID, Identifiant IndieDB for video game, Whitney Museum of American Art ID, Archaeology Data Service person ID, CanLII ID, Justia Patents assignee ID, interwiki, Identifiant Mod DB for video game, OBIS ID, Alvin, FemBio ID
- Query examples:
- All deaths in Game of Thrones (source)
- Wikidata knows of at least 5263 buildings started before Notre Dame de Paris (query based on this discussion)
- Timeline for the History of Telecommunications (source)
- Graph of London Tube stations that are on at least three lines (source)
- Map of churches in Sri Lanka (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Improved the external identifiers landscape (phab:T204440)
- Prepare process and announcement for the wb_terms migration to come
- Allow configuring WDQS UI without changes to files under version control (phab:T194179)
- Configure suggestion constraint level on Beta (phab:T221107)
- Graduate suggestions based on constraints beta feature out of beta features (phab:T209879)
- Editing of labels and descriptions on mobile (phab:T216987)
- Editing aliases on mobile (phab:T218690)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #362
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: BRPever
- Events
- Past: WikiNusantara 2019, the first Wikimedia Indonesia conference was successfully held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on Apr 27-28, 2019. The conference included two Wikidata talks:
- Wikidata I: Intro to Wikidata by Raisha Abdillah from WMID
- Wikidata II: Advancements for Wikidata by Adila Krisnadhi, Ph.D. and Dr. Fariz Darari from Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in London on May 2nd
- Upcoming: Ghent University Wikidata and Wikibase Workshop, 3 - 5 July 2019
- Past: WikiNusantara 2019, the first Wikimedia Indonesia conference was successfully held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on Apr 27-28, 2019. The conference included two Wikidata talks:
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Breaking change - Important for Wikidata tools maintainers: wb_terms table to be dropped at the end of May
- The ability to add structured depicts (P180) statements to file pages is live on Commons.
- Suggestions based on the on-of constraints are now enabled for all users
- New tool: Wikimedia Related Projects provides statistics about Wikimedia projects and the relations between them, using the number of sitelinks they have in common
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: approach angle, departure angle, Løøv classification, linear reference, data transfer speed
- External identifiers: Japan Search name ID, Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards ID, Saxony protected area ID, person ID, Shanghai Library person ID, Shanghai Library place ID, FrogMAP ID, Ming Qing Archive ID, De Agostini ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: specifying descriptor, SciGraph IDs, era name, moved by, seconded by, debated by, Commons quality assessment, National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities code, OBO Gazetteer ID
- External identifiers: FemBio ID, ID, CineChile filmmaker ID, person ID, Whitney Museum of American Art artwork ID, Arabic Ontology ID
- Query examples:
- A map of the Rio de Janeiro light rail network
- Nigerian women with Wikipedia article and pictures (source)
- Map of places of residence for accused witches with a layer for occupations (source)
- Map of Wikidata items that are dedicated to, named after or depict etc, St George. (source)
- Partigiani color-coded by year of death (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Displaying mapframes for geocoordinate on client requires preprocessing by the user (phab:T220122)
- Fixing cursor jumping to next field and overlapping of menus (phab:T172937)
- Wikidata a focus issue on grammatical features field (phab:T218229)
- Add language codes rm-rumgr, rm-sursilv, rm-surmiran, rm-sutsilv, rm-vallader, rm-puter for Lexemes (phab:T210293)
- Align RTL languages in glosses to right (phab:T203081)
- Add new monolingual codes: qya + sjn, el-cy, syc, abq, hbo) (phab:)
- Fix a bug with NewLexeme suggester menu (phab:T199409)
- Created a dedicated Phab board to help tool builders with the changes on wb_terms
- More internal work to get the first version of mobile termbox ready for deployment
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #363
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: BRPever, welcome on board!
- Events
- Upcoming: Adding structured and machine-readable data for copyright and licensing on Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata, workshop by Sandra Fauconnier about modelling copyright statuses on Wikidata, 10 May, at the Creative Commons Global Summit in Lisbon
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop in Utrecht, Netherlands, on May 11th
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XV about lexicographical data, May 23th in São Paulo, Brazil
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Kennisverrijking via Wikidata (in Dutch), by Netwerk Oorlogsbronnen, Hanno Lans and Janneke Jorna
- Solving Art's Data Problem - Part One, Museums. Interview with Neil Stimler by Jason Bailey, mentioning Wikidata quite a few times
- Technical usability of Wikidata's linked data: Evaluation of machine interoperability and data interpretability - Nuno Freire and Antoine Isaac.
- Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition using ELMo and Wikidata - C. Deha Doğan, et al.
- Debiasing Vandalism Detection Models at Wikidata (PDF), Stefan Heindorf et al.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Scholia receiving a grant from the Sloan Foundation
- An upcoming version of the iD OpenStreetMap editor will prevent users from accidentally removing notable features if they have a link to Wikidata QIDs
- New status of constraint, "suggestion", is now enabled
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: precedes word-initial, music video, specifying descriptor
- External identifiers: Australian War Memorial ID, Whitney Museum of American Art artist ID, SIUSA ID, political party ID, IndieDB video game ID, interwiki prefix at Wikimedia, K10plus editions, FemBio ID, ID, Trainline ID, ID, NSW Capital Conviction ID, Dimore Storiche Italiane ID, Dictionnaire des Vendéens ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: gene sequence, Has written for, Rigging, Guix Variable Name, review of, NSF FICE Code ID
- External identifiers: Watercolour World artist ID, VTB United League player ID, GNU ELPA package ID, MELPA package ID, Paměť národa ID, FragDenStaat public body ID, MobyGames genre ID, Interactive Fiction Database ID, campground ID, HAL institution ID, Swedish Royal Theater
- Query examples:
- Some people are named after the strangest sorts of things (source)
- Commons categories for a set of books, that have categories for people other than those 'explained' by statements on Wikidata for author, contributor, etc. (source)
- Timeline for members of the Illuminati Order (source)
- Newspapers founded before 1900 with their Twitter hashtag (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Remove heading elements in Wikibase diffs (phab:T220772)
- Fix several issues on the Query Service interface (phab:T222182, phab:T222133, phab:T222129)
- Rename the Schema extension to EntitySchema (phab:T221942)
- Add data value type to Special:ListDatatypes (phab:T210598)
- Investigate surprising rise in mobile page views (phab:T220977)
- Show placeholders for label, description and alias on mobile termbox (phab:T217000)
- Show each alias in a separate line in edit mode on mobile termbox (phab:T218690)
- Cancel edit mode on mobile termbox (phab:T215951)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #364
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Events
- Upcoming: Wikimedia hackathon in Prague, that will include many Wikidata-related sessions and projects, May 17-19
- Upcoming: UGent Wikidata and Wikibase Workshop 2019, by Julie Birkholz, 3 - 5 July 2019 Ghent, Belgium
- Upcoming: DC-2019 Hack Day on Wikidata, Wikibase, Application Profiles and FAIR data at DC19 in Seoul, South Korea 23rd - 26th September 2019, Hackathon by Tom Baker and Andra Waagmeester
- Upcoming: How does Wikimedia Solve the Problems of Biodiversity Informatics, Workshop in Leiden, the Netherlands, 20-25 October
- Press, articles, blog posts
- How to use a Wikidata full json dump, requirements, steps and script, by Aliakbar Akbaritabar
- New testing ground for Wikibase: A federal agency goes on an expedition in the Wiki universe, by Barbara Fischer and Jens ohlig
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities code, number of polling stations
- External identifiers: VTB United League player ID, Archaeology Data Service person ID, Watercolour World artist ID, Drobné památky ID, person ID, Whitney Museum of American Art artwork ID, actor profile ID, Justia Patents assignee ID, Kinosozvezdie biography ID, Musixmatch track ID, LNB Coach id, FragDenStaat public body ID, Orlando author ID, Paměť národa ID, campground ID, Unique Identifier, CanLII ID, CineChile filmmaker ID, Heritage Gazetteer of Libya ID, RGALI ID, OBIS ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Xikao School ID, Xikao Repertoire ID, langue d'écriture, nominalised item for this sense, copyright clarification, WMI Code, archevêque, langue liturgique, date d'élévation, province ecclésiastique, diocèse suffragant, f-number, paroisse, prêtre, religieux, religieuse, diacre
- External identifiers: Victoria and Albert Museum name ID, Campendium ID, ROR ID, MEMORIA ID, Unified Social Credit Identifier, Prazdne Domy architect ID, Know Your Meme entry, person ID, Harper's author ID, The Atlantic author ID, Character entry on LGBT fans deserve better database, Igromania ID, Pro-Football-Reference coach ID, Keybase username, RFGS person ID
- Query examples:
- Street signs in Rennes (source)
- Lines linking UK MPs' place of birth and their constituency with colour-coded layers for each political party (source)
- Map of birthplaces for Members of Scottisch Parliament born outside Scotland (source)
- Global map of dams and reservoirs (source)
- Lexemes language overlap tree map (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Limits of Wikidata
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Finish renaming WikibaseSchema to EntitySchema
- Investigate how to port Wikibase Selenium tests from Ruby to Node.js (phab:T221638)
- Include a clear two step process in shex simple tool (phab:T221612)
- Fix the "edit visually" on the Query Service interface (phab:T222181)
- More work on wb_terms redesign (see documentation on phab:T221764)
- More work on mobile termbox
- Investigate on a bug found on wbeditentity not removing all aliases (phab:T203337)
- Getting ready for the Wikimedia hackathon
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Industrializazioa Euskal Herrian
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo, Theklan. Lehenengo eta behin, zorionak artikulu horretan egin ari zaren lanagatik. Baita commonsera irudi interesgarriak igotzeagatik ere (ea egunen batean nola egiten den azaltzen didazun ). Bizkaiko industrializazioari buruzko bi kontutxo besterik ez. Sidergurgia eta metalurgia atalean gehitu dituzun irudien inguruan: "Marqués de Mudela, 1883" eta "San Francisco, 1887" irudi oin dutenak egiatan enpresa eta instalazio berbera dira, San Francisco de Mudela, alegia. Bestalde, enpresa hori Desertu auzoan zegoen bai, baina ez Barakaldon, Sestaon baizik, egun Urbinaga deritzon auzoan. Aihotz (eztabaida) 17:18, 14 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
- Aihotz Eskerrik asko, mezuagatik eta argipenagatik! Nahi baduzu zuk aldatu hori eta puntuak zuretzat! -Theklan · · 18:19, 14 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
Berritasuna Txikipedian
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo, Theklan: Asko gustatzen zait Txikipediako artikuluen azpimarra berria, oso lagungarria dela esango nuke. Eskerrik asko. --Koldo Biguri (eztabaida) 11:02, 18 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
- Eskerrik asko Koldo Biguri! Lehen zegoen logotipotxo hori baino hobea, noski! -Theklan · · 11:04, 18 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
- Bai, benetan. Bide batez, txantiloia izanik, nola txertatzen da? Eskuz kopiatu behar da ... hori?--Koldo Biguri (eztabaida) 11:09, 18 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
- @Koldo Biguri: Txertatu > Txantiloia > Txp -Theklan · · 13:46, 18 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
- Bai, benetan. Bide batez, txantiloia izanik, nola txertatzen da? Eskuz kopiatu behar da ... hori?--Koldo Biguri (eztabaida) 11:09, 18 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
«Txantiloi:Artelan infotaula automatikoa» → «Txantiloi:Lan infotaula automatikoa»
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo, Galder. Oker ez banabil, birbideratze hau egitea komeni zaigu, zer iruditzen?:
{{Artelan infotaula automatikoa}}
→ {{Lan infotaula automatikoa}}
Ondo izan, --Xabier Armendaritz 2019-05-20, 08:22 (UTC)
- @Xabier Armendaritz: Bai, baina emaidazu tartetxo bat botekin eta gauzak mugitzeko! -Theklan · · 09:08, 20 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
Argumentu errepikatuak?
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Theklan. Begiratu mesedez zergatik esaten duen 901 artikulutan, kategorietan, "Argumentu errepikatuak dituzten Txikipediako artikuluak". --Koldo Biguri (eztabaida) 16:54, 20 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
- Nik konpondu ahal izateko sortutako kategoria da, Koldo Biguri -Theklan · · 18:06, 20 maiatza 2019 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #365
[aldatu iturburu kodea]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Talk pages consultation 2019, phase 2
- Events
- Past: Wikimedia hackathon 2019 in Prague, where plenty of people worked on Wikidata and Wikibase related projects (see list below)
- Upcoming: Wikidata Affinity Group Meeting, 21 May 2019
- Upcoming: Hacknowledge 2019 hackathon, where you can make a project that uses or improves Wikidata. Moscow, Russia, May 25-26
- Upcoming: Let's start Wikidata!/ウィキデータを始めよう!, 25 May 2019@Tokyo
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Ordia: A Web application for Wikidata lexemes, by Finn Årup Nielsen
- Papers on Rust by Magnus Manske
- Building Knowledge Base through Deep Learning Relation Extraction and Wikidata (Published in AAAI Spring Symposium: Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering, 2019)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- [Breaking Change] wbeditentity including empty alias set will remove all aliases
- Update: change of dates regarding wb_terms redesign. More information in this ticket
- Support for shape expressions will be enabled on Wikidata on May 28th
- Reminder: the program submission phase for Wikimania runs until June 1st
- QAnswer, a question answering system based on Wikidata and other projects, now supports lexicographical data
- Wikidata-related projects presented during the Wikimedia Hackathon 2019 (see all documented projects)
- Integraality/Template:Property dashboard, to generate property statistics tables for Wikiprojects like the ones made for Sum of all Paintings, hospitals and video games
- BlockQuery: Prototype of a graphical QueryBuilder to click and drag.
- Prototype of an Alexa Skill of Voice assisted editing of Wikidata Source Code Screenshot
- Wikidata Quality Score Display: Gadget that displays on a Wikipedia article the quality level of the related Wikidata item
- Wikidocumentaries service approaches beta quality and displays content from Wikimedia and other openly licensed sources for each Wikidata item. The latest user interface translations are Indonesian and Russian, and the newest content source plugin for the related images section is the brand new Creative Commons Search catalog.
- GPS-friendly download of query result & Download of RDF Formats
- Some documentation about shape expressions was prepared
- Improvements on Namescript (documentation, descriptions for kanji names)
- Wiki loves iNaturalist, a tool to look for images in iNaturalist, matching them with Wikidata
- Mortar: easily upload GLAM collections in Wikidata and Commons
- Fixing the URL shorteners on the Query Service interface
- AddQuickClaim.js: pass the property and target item you want to add to an item into the url so you can quickly add a statement
- ExternalItemSuggester.js: a gadget that provides autocomplete for selected external ID properties
- Localization for the Saami and Romani languages was improved.
- All of the copyright-negative pictures and metadata of the digital image repository of the National Archive of Curaçao were scraped. They will possibly be batch-uploaded later on.
- Wikidata Stream: A nice view of the Wikidata edit stream to use as an eye-catcher for people interested in Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: exposure time, supported sports team
- External identifiers: Flora of Australia ID (new), NARA record group number, Know Your Meme ID, NARA collection identifier, FilmFreeway ID, Dictionary of Anhui Writers ID, V&A artist ID, Guix Variable Name, Who's on First ID, FoodOn ID, news ID, CNKI article ID, Swiss National Sound Archives ID, Arabic Ontology ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Seating chart properties, Arachne Bauwerk ID, ISO speed, target muscle, Pinakes author ID, University of Amsterdam Album Academicum ID
- External identifiers: Buddhist Author Authority Database ID, ITF women's tournament ID, Digital Giza ID, National Library of Wales Catalogue ID, ATP tennis tournament edition ID, NooSFere edition ID, TV Tropes identifier, Find New Zealand Artists iD, Kobo author ID, Malaysia company number, GLIMS ID, Gamepedia Wiki id, ProofWiki ID, Mediapart tag ID, abART ID, Corporate Number (South Korea), Art Gallery of South Australia work ID, Art Gallery of South Australia creator ID, game ID, JIS standard, Hoopla artist ID, OSZMI ID, Hoopla publisher ID, Repology, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Grant ID, Elhuyar Dictionary ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Added
of entities to JSON dumps – thanks Pintoch! - Working to scale the Wikidata Concepts Monitor system (phab:T203366)
- Imrpove logging in on mobile (phab:T215913)
- More work on mobile termbox
- Several developers from the Wikidata team attended to the hackathon, discussed with the community, gathered feedback, hacked on things together with volunteers :)
- Added
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Nola igo argazkiak commonsera?
[aldatu iturburu kodea]Kaixo, Theklan. Aurreko mezu batean esan nizun bezala, eta zuk ondo kontrolatzen duzula jakinik, commonsera argazkiak nola igotzen diren galdetu nahi dizut. Adibide bat jartzearren: Vicente Arana idazlearen artikulua lantzen ari naiz eta XIX. mendean Euskal-Erria aldizkarian argitaratu zen irudi hau igo nahi dut. Nola jakin dezaket ea jabetza publikokoa den? Jabetza publikokoa bada, commonsera nola igo dezaket? Aldez aurretik, esker mila! Aihotz (eztabaida) 04:17, 22 maiatza 2019 (UTC)