Edward Hopper
Edward Hopper (Nyack, 1882ko uztailaren 22a - New York, 1967ko maiatzaren 15a), Ipar Amerikako Estatu Batuetako margolari famatua izan zen. Ezaguna, batez ere, AEBetako bizitza garaikidean bakardadeari buruz egindako erretratuengatik. Ashcan Eskolaren ordezkaria izan zen. Arshile Gorkyren bitartez Bigarren Mundu Gerraren ostean espresionismo abstraktura heldu zen.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Nude crawling into bed (1903 – 1905 inguru)
- Self-portrait (1903 - 1906)
- Steps in Paris (1906)
- Le pont des Arts (1907)
- Le bistrot o The wine shop (1909)
- Summer interior (1909)
- Blackwell's Island (1911)
- New York corner o Corner Saloon (1913)
- Soir Bleu (1914)
- Yonkers (1916)
- Small town station (1918 – 1920)
- East river (1920-1923)
- New York restaurant (1922 inguru)
- New York pavements (1924 – 1925)
- House by the railroad (1925)
- Self-portrait (1925 - 1930)
- Eleven A.M. (1926)
- Automat (1927)
- The city (1927)
- Two on the aisle (1927)
- Night windows (1928)
- Chop Suey (1929)
- The lighthouse at two lights (1929)
- Railroad sunset (1929)
- Early sunday morning (1930)
- Corn Hill (1930)
- Hotel Room (1931)
- Room in New York (1932)
- House at dusk (1935)
- Compartement C, Car 293 (1938)
- New York movie (1939)
- Cape Cod evening (1939)
- Office at Night (1940)
- Gas (1940)
- Nighthawks (1942)
- Summertime (1943)
- Approaching a city (1946)
- Summer evening (1947)
- Seven A.M. (1948)
- Conference at night (1949)
- Cape Cod morning (1950)
- First row orchestra
- Rooms by the sea (1951)
- Morning sun (1952)
- Office in a small city (1953)
- South Carolina Morning (1955)
- Four lane road (1956)
- Western motel (1957)
- A woman in the sun (1961)
- New York office (1962)
- Two comedians (1966)
Kanpo estekak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
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