Edukira joan

Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea


Urtarrila Otsaila Martxoa Apirila Maiatza Ekaina Uztaila - Abuztua Iraila Urria Azaroa Abendua
Euskal Herria XVIII. eta XIX. mendeetan
Euskal Herria XVIII. eta XIX. mendeetan
Atari:Hezkuntza/Lehiaketak/2019/04/Artikuluak artikulutik lotuta
  • 5 puntu orrialde berri bat sortzeagatik (birzuzenketak kenduta)
  • 0,005 puntu gehitutako byte bakoitzagatik
  • 0,02 puntu gehitutako hitz bakoitzagatik
  • 100 bonus puntu 1.000 hitz gehitzen bazaizkio orrialde bati
  • 2,5 puntu erreferentzia berri bat gehitzeagatik eta 1 puntu jada existitzen den erreferentzia bat berrerabiltzeagatik
  • 5 puntu gehitutako irudi bakoitzagatik (15 norberak igotakoak badira), baina ez da emango 20 puntu baino gehiago orrialde bakoitzean
Guztion artean
gehitu dira
gehitu dira
sortu dira
gehitu dira
gehitu dira

Euskal Herriko historian garai garrantzitsua izan ziren XVIII. eta XIX. mendeak. Bi mende hauetako gertakari nagusien artikuluak egitea izango da gakoa. Eta bi urteurren beteko direnez gero, lehiaketa hau luzatuko dugu: martxoan 225 urte beteko dira Lapurdiko deportazioak gertatzen hasi zirenetik; uztailean, berriz, 230 urte Frantziako Iraultza hasi zenetik. Lehiaketa, beraz, apirilaren 1ean hasi eta uztailaren 14 arte hedatuko da.

Sariak[aldatu iturburu kodea]

1. saria
  • ALTUS motxila bat
  • Euskal Herriko historia ilustratua, 3, Joseba Asiron, Txalaparta
  • Historiagintzaren ikuspegi berriak: teoria eta praktika, UEU
  • Txanton Garrote agertokitik jaitsi zen eguna, Iñigo Aranbarri, Pamiela
2. saria.
  • Bai mundu berria, Aldous Huxley Txalaparta
  • El euskera en las altas instituciones de gobierno a traves de la historia / Euskara gobernuko goi erakundetan historian zehar, Pamiela
  • Euskara Jendea, gure hizkuntzaren historia gure historiaren hizkuntza, Pamiela
3. saria.
  • Euskal Herria, Elkar/Sua Edizioak 2014
  • Back to Leizarraga, Kepa Altonaga, Pamiela
  • 1984 Oskar Arana Txalaparta

Parte-hartzaileak[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Artikuluak[aldatu iturburu kodea]

XVIII. mendea Euskal Herrian[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Frantziako Iraultza, Konbentzioaren Gerra eta Lapurdiko deportazioa[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Atal honetan zenbatuko dira Konbentzioaren Gerra Euskal Herrian artikulura eta behekoetara doazen esteka guztiak, baldin eta toki eta garai berekoak badira. Toki eta garai bereko beste pertsonaia, gertaera eta toki adierazgarriak ere landu daitezke.

XIX. mendea Euskal Herrian[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Emaitzak[aldatu iturburu kodea]

Last updated 15. July 2019, 00:10. The contest is open from 1. April 2019, 00:00 to 14. July 2019, 23:59.

Theklan (2283 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 189,72 kB

  1. 1755eko haragiaren matxinada N (20.4 p)
    02.04, 23:41: 5.0 p (new page) + 7.5 p (1507 bytes) + 1.7 p (85 words) + 6.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    02.04, 23:42: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    02.04, 23:47: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    Total 1.548 bytes, 86 words
  2. Foruen amaiera Hego Euskal Herrian (31.2 p)
    04.05, 00:00: 0.2 p (44 bytes)
    05.05, 00:36: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    05.05, 00:38: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    06.05, 13:51: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    08.05, 11:03: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    08.06, 11:06: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    08.06, 11:34: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    08.06, 11:41: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    08.06, 11:46: 1.0 p (208 bytes)
    08.06, 14:22: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    09.06, 10:19: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    09.06, 10:22: 0.9 p (174 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words)
    09.06, 10:37: 0.5 p (91 bytes)
    09.06, 10:37: 0.4 p (76 bytes)
    09.06, 10:40: 0.8 p (163 bytes)
    09.06, 10:45: 1.2 p (239 bytes)
    09.06, 10:46: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    09.06, 10:51: 1.1 p (214 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.06, 10:58: 0.4 p (76 bytes)
    09.06, 11:03: 0.3 p (62 bytes)
    09.06, 11:04: 0.4 p (74 bytes)
    09.06, 11:05: 0.3 p (59 bytes)
    09.06, 11:19: 0.2 p (49 bytes)
    01.07, 11:50: 10.7 p (2131 bytes) + 9.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.07, 18:42: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    Total 3.424 bytes, 7 words
  3. Industrializazioa Euskal Herrian (1574.2 p)
    06.05, 11:22: 6.6 p (1317 bytes) + 1.1 p (53 words) + 7.5 p (references)
    06.05, 13:30: 7.9 p (1588 bytes) + 2.5 p (124 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    06.05, 13:31: 0.4 p (80 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    06.05, 13:35: 0.3 p (68 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    06.05, 13:41: 4.3 p (855 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.05, 13:42: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    06.05, 13:52: 0.5 p (105 bytes)
    06.05, 13:52: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    06.05, 13:52: 0.3 p (69 bytes)
    06.05, 13:53: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    06.05, 13:57: 0.9 p (184 bytes) + 10.0 p (images)
    06.05, 15:24: 0.2 p (50 bytes)
    06.05, 15:31: 13.3 p (2667 bytes) + 1.9 p (97 words) + 12.5 p (references)
    06.05, 15:40: 0.4 p (88 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    06.05, 15:58: 7.5 p (1494 bytes) + 0.4 p (18 words) + 7.5 p (references)
    06.05, 16:01: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    06.05, 16:05: 0.6 p (118 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    06.05, 16:06: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    06.05, 16:35: 4.4 p (872 bytes) + 0.9 p (44 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    06.05, 17:46: 8.3 p (1653 bytes) + 3.2 p (160 words) + 5.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    06.05, 17:50: 0.9 p (186 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    06.05, 18:08: 6.5 p (1302 bytes) + 2.4 p (118 words) + 5.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    06.05, 18:25: 3.7 p (749 bytes) + 1.6 p (82 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    06.05, 18:31: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    06.05, 18:45: 0.1 p (5 words)
    06.05, 19:17: 5.9 p (1177 bytes) + 1.5 p (76 words) + 8.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    06.05, 19:18: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    06.05, 19:28: 3.9 p (784 bytes) + 1.8 p (88 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    06.05, 19:30: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    06.05, 21:51: 1.4 p (278 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    07.05, 11:14: 2.6 p (524 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.05, 11:21: 5.1 p (1011 bytes) + 1.2 p (58 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    08.05, 08:58: 14.9 p (2984 bytes) + 7.2 p (362 words) + 100.0 p (bonus 1000 words)
    08.05, 09:01: 1.5 p (304 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.05, 11:13: 11.6 p (2327 bytes) + 2.3 p (116 words) + 15.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.05, 11:56: 3.8 p (752 bytes) + 0.9 p (45 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.05, 17:11: 2.3 p (469 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.05, 17:22: 3.5 p (706 bytes) + 1.3 p (63 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.05, 17:44: 5.3 p (1054 bytes) + 1.9 p (94 words) + 5.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.05, 17:45: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    08.05, 20:22: 2.2 p (434 bytes) + 0.9 p (46 words) + 3.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.05, 20:32: 7.1 p (1421 bytes) + 1.5 p (74 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 0.0 p (images)
    08.05, 20:36: 1.9 p (373 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.05, 20:52: 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.05, 20:53: 1.4 p (290 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.05, 21:01: 3.6 p (727 bytes) + 1.0 p (49 words) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.05, 21:04: 1.5 p (301 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    08.05, 22:05: 3.4 p (686 bytes) + 0.7 p (37 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.05, 22:06: 0.6 p (120 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    08.05, 22:14: 0.6 p (119 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    08.05, 23:13: 0.6 p (115 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.05, 23:22: 5.3 p (1058 bytes) + 1.3 p (66 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    08.05, 23:26: 2.5 p (497 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.05, 08:44: 2.2 p (449 bytes) + 0.5 p (27 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.05, 13:30: 3.3 p (653 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    09.05, 15:58: 4.5 p (900 bytes) + 1.4 p (69 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.05, 16:08: 2.2 p (441 bytes) + 0.6 p (31 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    09.05, 16:24: 2.6 p (511 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.05, 10:48: 5.8 p (1159 bytes) + 2.3 p (113 words) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    10.05, 10:58: 3.8 p (763 bytes) + 1.8 p (92 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    10.05, 18:16: 1.0 p (198 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    10.05, 18:16: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    10.05, 18:37: 0.4 p (83 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    11.05, 10:24: 2.5 p (505 bytes) + 0.3 p (14 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    11.05, 10:33: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    11.05, 10:38: 0.6 p (120 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words)
    11.05, 10:45: 4.5 p (892 bytes) + 1.0 p (52 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    11.05, 10:55: 3.8 p (760 bytes) + 1.7 p (87 words)
    11.05, 10:56: 0.1 p (21 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    11.05, 22:58: 3.4 p (688 bytes) + 1.5 p (76 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    11.05, 23:01: 3.4 p (688 bytes) + 1.5 p (75 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    11.05, 23:50: 2.1 p (423 bytes) + 0.9 p (44 words)
    12.05, 10:41: 1.5 p (297 bytes) + 0.6 p (31 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 15:03: 0.7 p (140 bytes) + 0.3 p (14 words)
    12.05, 16:11: 9.8 p (1970 bytes) + 1.3 p (64 words) + 10.0 p (references)
    12.05, 16:40: 6.6 p (1315 bytes) + 1.2 p (62 words) + 7.5 p (references)
    12.05, 16:47: 1.5 p (309 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.05, 16:55: 2.4 p (486 bytes) + 1.2 p (62 words)
    12.05, 16:56: 0.1 p (27 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 17:11: 0.5 p (101 bytes) + 0.4 p (19 words)
    12.05, 17:19: 5.0 p (996 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words) + 8.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    12.05, 20:46: 1.1 p (225 bytes) + 0.5 p (23 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 21:54: 2.2 p (436 bytes) + 1.0 p (50 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 22:07: 0.7 p (137 bytes)
    12.05, 22:13: 0.2 p (42 bytes)
    12.05, 23:31: 2.1 p (416 bytes) + 0.3 p (17 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.05, 23:43: 7.1 p (1413 bytes) + 3.4 p (168 words) + 3.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 23:43: 0.1 p (27 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 23:53: 2.9 p (580 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.05, 11:17: 6.0 p (1204 bytes) + 1.5 p (73 words) + 6.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    13.05, 13:26: 2.2 p (449 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    13.05, 15:26: 0.5 p (106 bytes) + 0.3 p (17 words)
    13.05, 15:26: 0.1 p (17 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    13.05, 18:32: 18.4 p (3674 bytes) + 3.9 p (197 words) + 23.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    13.05, 19:04: 1.5 p (298 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    13.05, 19:18: 8.7 p (1739 bytes) + 1.4 p (71 words) + 11.0 p (references, reference pointers) + 0.0 p (images)
    13.05, 19:36: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.05, 20:13: 5.2 p (1043 bytes) + 2.1 p (107 words)
    13.05, 20:17: 1.9 p (379 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    13.05, 20:48: 5.8 p (1156 bytes) + 1.1 p (53 words) + 5.0 p (references) + 0.0 p (images)
    13.05, 21:37: 8.5 p (1702 bytes) + 2.6 p (128 words) + 8.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    13.05, 21:38: 0.5 p (91 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    13.05, 21:40: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    13.05, 22:05: 1.6 p (311 bytes) + 0.5 p (27 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    13.05, 22:30: 3.1 p (612 bytes) + 0.7 p (35 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    13.05, 22:34: 0.3 p (52 bytes)
    14.05, 09:05: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    14.05, 10:39: 16.1 p (3219 bytes) + 5.7 p (285 words) + 14.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    14.05, 10:41: 0.4 p (79 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.05, 10:50: 10.1 p (2011 bytes) + 1.9 p (96 words) + 6.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    15.05, 21:12: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    15.05, 21:23: 5.5 p (1107 bytes) + 1.5 p (77 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    15.05, 21:24: 0.6 p (128 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    15.05, 22:07: 5.0 p (992 bytes) + 0.7 p (34 words) + 6.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    22.05, 13:26: 6.4 p (1271 bytes) + 2.3 p (116 words) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    22.05, 13:27: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    26.05, 11:14: 20.9 p (4180 bytes) + 5.0 p (251 words) + 19.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    26.05, 11:24: 4.3 p (857 bytes) + 1.2 p (60 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    26.05, 11:30: 7.5 p (1494 bytes) + 1.3 p (64 words) + 7.5 p (references)
    26.05, 11:45: 0.7 p (136 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    26.05, 12:02: 0.5 p (94 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    26.05, 14:52: 1.0 p (193 bytes)
    27.05, 11:19: 1.3 p (253 bytes) + 0.6 p (28 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    27.05, 11:28: 2.7 p (532 bytes) + 0.8 p (42 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    27.05, 16:59: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    27.05, 17:01: 1.8 p (359 bytes) + 0.8 p (40 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    27.05, 17:27: 3.5 p (695 bytes) + 1.4 p (68 words) + 4.0 p (reference pointers)
    27.05, 17:32: 4.0 p (810 bytes) + 1.2 p (61 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    27.05, 17:36: 1.9 p (376 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    27.05, 19:37: 3.8 p (760 bytes) + 0.7 p (35 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    27.05, 19:38: 0.4 p (72 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    27.05, 19:56: 0.9 p (176 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    27.05, 19:59: 0.5 p (92 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    27.05, 20:06: 3.6 p (727 bytes) + 0.5 p (25 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    27.05, 20:07: 1.7 p (331 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    27.05, 20:08: 0.4 p (73 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    27.05, 20:14: 0.2 p (46 bytes)
    27.05, 20:26: 6.2 p (1233 bytes) + 1.4 p (69 words) + 6.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    27.05, 20:27: 0.0 p (images)
    27.05, 20:41: 6.0 p (1203 bytes) + 2.5 p (127 words) + 5.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    27.05, 20:45: 1.0 p (206 bytes) + 0.5 p (25 words)
    27.05, 20:55: 8.6 p (1725 bytes) + 2.2 p (109 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    27.05, 21:01: 0.7 p (149 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    27.05, 21:07: 1.5 p (298 bytes) + 0.8 p (39 words)
    27.05, 22:46: 3.9 p (781 bytes) + 1.1 p (57 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    28.05, 08:31: 8.5 p (1696 bytes) + 2.2 p (111 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    28.05, 08:38: 7.1 p (1418 bytes) + 3.2 p (159 words)
    28.05, 08:50: 1.0 p (195 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    Revision 6872751: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (973) is larger than the byte increase (2). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 28.05, 08:50: 0.0 p (2 bytes) + 19.5 p (973 words)
    28.05, 09:58: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    28.05, 10:34: 1.6 p (324 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.05, 10:57: 8.5 p (1702 bytes) + 2.4 p (121 words) + 7.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    28.05, 11:08: 3.4 p (687 bytes) + 1.4 p (72 words) + 3.0 p (reference pointers)
    28.05, 11:13: 2.6 p (516 bytes) + 0.8 p (42 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.05, 11:47: 0.9 p (182 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    28.05, 12:50: 3.6 p (723 bytes) + 1.1 p (55 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.05, 13:08: 7.6 p (1511 bytes) + 1.7 p (86 words) + 6.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    28.05, 13:25: 9.6 p (1918 bytes) + 2.7 p (136 words) + 8.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    28.05, 14:56: 2.1 p (417 bytes) + 0.3 p (14 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.05, 15:35: 5.7 p (1149 bytes) + 1.4 p (68 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.05, 15:42: 0.3 p (57 bytes)
    28.05, 15:42: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    28.05, 15:46: 0.6 p (117 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    28.05, 15:48: 0.0 p (images)
    28.05, 16:01: 0.5 p (95 bytes)
    28.05, 16:05: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    28.05, 17:53: 1.8 p (355 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.05, 17:55: 0.3 p (56 bytes)
    28.05, 18:03: 2.6 p (514 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.05, 18:08: 1.6 p (316 bytes) + 0.8 p (39 words)
    28.05, 18:15: 5.6 p (1126 bytes) + 0.4 p (20 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    28.05, 18:43: 10.6 p (2111 bytes) + 2.4 p (118 words) + 9.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    28.05, 18:47: 4.8 p (959 bytes) + 0.6 p (31 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    28.05, 18:50: 2.0 p (396 bytes) + 0.6 p (28 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.05, 19:05: 6.4 p (1272 bytes) + 1.9 p (97 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    28.05, 21:30: 10.2 p (2033 bytes) + 2.7 p (134 words) + 7.0 p (references, reference pointers) + 0.0 p (images)
    28.05, 21:41: 3.8 p (765 bytes) + 0.7 p (37 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    28.05, 21:45: 2.4 p (482 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    29.05, 13:19: 5.6 p (1114 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    29.05, 13:25: 1.4 p (284 bytes) + 0.7 p (36 words)
    29.05, 13:28: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    29.05, 13:38: 4.3 p (857 bytes) + 1.1 p (55 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    29.05, 13:41: 0.3 p (54 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    29.05, 13:44: 2.5 p (504 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    29.05, 13:49: 3.8 p (756 bytes) + 0.9 p (44 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    29.05, 13:52: 2.0 p (408 bytes) + 0.8 p (41 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    29.05, 13:53: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    29.05, 15:05: 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    29.05, 15:10: 0.4 p (78 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    29.05, 15:12: 0.9 p (178 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words)
    29.05, 15:19: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    29.05, 15:33: 0.3 p (64 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    29.05, 15:52: 2.2 p (448 bytes) + 0.6 p (30 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    29.05, 19:53: 4.8 p (959 bytes) + 1.6 p (79 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 0.0 p (images)
    29.05, 20:17: 5.6 p (1117 bytes) + 2.6 p (129 words) + 4.0 p (reference pointers)
    29.05, 20:20: 2.3 p (455 bytes) + 1.3 p (64 words)
    29.05, 20:21: 0.1 p (22 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    29.05, 20:41: 0.3 p (68 bytes)
    29.05, 21:14: 2.1 p (429 bytes) + 0.4 p (19 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    29.05, 21:18: 0.5 p (105 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    29.05, 21:21: 3.0 p (600 bytes) + 0.4 p (19 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    29.05, 21:33: 10.7 p (2143 bytes) + 1.5 p (74 words) + 11.0 p (references, reference pointers) + 0.0 p (images)
    29.05, 21:34: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    29.05, 21:39: 6.8 p (1354 bytes) + 2.6 p (129 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    29.05, 21:41: 1.5 p (301 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    29.05, 22:02: 5.4 p (1087 bytes) + 1.5 p (77 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 0.0 p (images)
    29.05, 22:06: 1.0 p (201 bytes) + 0.5 p (23 words)
    29.05, 22:21: 5.6 p (1121 bytes) + 2.3 p (113 words)
    29.05, 22:49: 2.8 p (551 bytes) + 1.0 p (50 words)
    29.05, 22:53: 0.7 p (136 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words)
    29.05, 22:56: 0.7 p (143 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    29.05, 23:10: 5.7 p (1142 bytes) + 2.1 p (106 words)
    30.05, 00:05: 1.7 p (332 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words)
    30.05, 00:10: 1.7 p (335 bytes) + 0.5 p (26 words)
    30.05, 10:26: 2.2 p (444 bytes) + 1.1 p (53 words)
    30.05, 11:12: 1.4 p (277 bytes) + 0.4 p (20 words)
    30.05, 11:13: 0.4 p (85 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    30.05, 11:41: 6.1 p (1229 bytes) + 1.1 p (57 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    30.05, 11:47: 1.3 p (259 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words)
    30.05, 11:50: 0.5 p (103 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    30.05, 13:00: 2.0 p (397 bytes) + 1.0 p (48 words)
    30.05, 13:26: 3.9 p (771 bytes) + 1.4 p (69 words)
    30.05, 13:27: 0.4 p (71 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    30.05, 13:48: 8.6 p (1716 bytes) + 1.3 p (67 words) + 10.0 p (references)
    30.05, 13:48: 0.4 p (70 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    30.05, 20:55: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    30.05, 21:02: 0.4 p (88 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    30.05, 21:32: 5.9 p (1172 bytes)
    30.05, 22:25: 2.3 p (465 bytes) + 2.5 p (references) + 0.0 p (images)
    30.05, 23:21: 5.9 p (1182 bytes) + 1.9 p (95 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    30.05, 23:22: 0.1 p (23 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    31.05, 09:03: 0.9 p (178 bytes) + 0.4 p (20 words)
    31.05, 09:08: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    31.05, 09:17: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    03.06, 10:52: 0.5 p (105 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    03.06, 10:54: 0.4 p (86 bytes)
    03.06, 12:16: 2.6 p (523 bytes) + 0.4 p (18 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 0.0 p (images)
    03.06, 12:21: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    03.06, 12:47: 2.9 p (575 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    03.06, 12:48: 0.5 p (98 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    10.06, 16:12: 2.8 p (557 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    01.07, 11:11: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    Total 136.383 bytes, 8673 words
  4. Bilboko setioa (1874) (15.8 p)
    13.05, 13:05: 0.8 p (157 bytes) + 15.0 p (images)
    Total 157 bytes, 0 words
  5. Bizkaiko Labe Garaiak (93.4 p)
    03.06, 18:02: 41.3 p (8260 bytes) + 8.9 p (443 words) + 43.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    03.06, 18:02: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    03.06, 18:03: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    Total 8.312 bytes, 444 words
  6. Bizenta Mogel (4.3 p)
    04.06, 11:17: 1.6 p (311 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    04.06, 14:21: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    04.06, 14:22: 0.2 p (38 bytes)
    Total 364 bytes, 4 words
  7. Armand David (0.5 p)
    Revision 6881987: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (25) is larger than the byte increase (-33). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 05.06, 22:29: 0.5 p (25 words)
    Total −33 bytes, 25 words
  8. Nafarroako Foruak Eraldatzeko Legea (0.1 p)
    08.06, 14:27: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    Total −45 bytes, 0 words
  9. Orconera Iron Ore Company Limited N (528.8 p)
    06.07, 14:54: 5.0 p (new page) + 4.6 p (911 bytes) + 0.6 p (32 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 15.0 p (images)
    06.07, 15:03: 1.6 p (321 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.07, 20:35: 1.6 p (319 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    06.07, 20:48: 22.3 p (4457 bytes) + 4.3 p (214 words) + 21.0 p (references, reference pointers) + 5.0 p (images)
    06.07, 21:13: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    06.07, 21:14: 0.3 p (59 bytes)
    06.07, 21:15: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    06.07, 21:22: 5.6 p (1123 bytes) + 2.1 p (105 words) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    07.07, 11:44: 0.6 p (126 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    07.07, 12:13: 2.6 p (523 bytes) + 1.3 p (67 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    07.07, 23:40: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    07.07, 23:41: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    07.07, 23:48: 2.4 p (476 bytes) + 0.6 p (28 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.07, 23:49: 0.4 p (81 bytes)
    08.07, 08:52: 0.4 p (70 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    08.07, 11:21: 13.9 p (2781 bytes) + 4.9 p (246 words) + 8.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.07, 11:25: 2.9 p (574 bytes) + 0.7 p (36 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.07, 11:32: 1.8 p (366 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.07, 16:39: 3.4 p (670 bytes) + 1.6 p (78 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.07, 16:39: 0.1 p (27 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.07, 16:59: 5.4 p (1084 bytes) + 1.3 p (64 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    08.07, 17:00: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    08.07, 18:11: 0.5 p (102 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    08.07, 19:00: 0.5 p (96 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    08.07, 19:08: 2.6 p (528 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    08.07, 19:19: 3.5 p (690 bytes) + 1.6 p (82 words) + 100.0 p (bonus 1000 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.07, 19:26: 0.4 p (89 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    08.07, 20:49: 3.7 p (747 bytes) + 1.0 p (48 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.07, 20:49: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    08.07, 21:00: 1.1 p (213 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    08.07, 21:01: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    08.07, 21:21: 2.2 p (431 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    08.07, 21:39: 2.1 p (420 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.07, 10:07: 0.3 p (64 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    09.07, 10:27: 0.7 p (145 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    09.07, 10:37: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    09.07, 11:20: 3.9 p (789 bytes) + 1.2 p (60 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.07, 11:23: 2.6 p (510 bytes) + 1.0 p (50 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.07, 11:23: 0.3 p (52 bytes)
    09.07, 11:25: 0.6 p (112 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    09.07, 13:43: 3.0 p (591 bytes) + 1.4 p (71 words)
    09.07, 13:53: 4.4 p (875 bytes) + 2.1 p (104 words) + 3.0 p (reference pointers)
    09.07, 14:44: 0.3 p (52 bytes)
    10.07, 09:13: 0.9 p (177 bytes)
    10.07, 10:14: 1.6 p (325 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    10.07, 10:15: 0.3 p (51 bytes)
    10.07, 10:15: 0.3 p (59 bytes)
    10.07, 18:38: 1.5 p (299 bytes) + 0.7 p (37 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    10.07, 18:47: 1.0 p (197 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.07, 23:55: 3.4 p (679 bytes) + 1.6 p (82 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    11.07, 00:08: 2.8 p (563 bytes) + 1.2 p (60 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    11.07, 00:09: 0.7 p (139 bytes)
    11.07, 00:16: 2.0 p (392 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    11.07, 18:57: 5.2 p (1049 bytes) + 2.3 p (114 words) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    11.07, 19:00: 1.4 p (282 bytes) + 0.7 p (33 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    11.07, 19:22: 0.8 p (155 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    11.07, 21:29: 3.3 p (662 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    11.07, 21:44: 2.9 p (581 bytes) + 0.9 p (45 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    11.07, 23:08: 10.2 p (2042 bytes) + 3.3 p (163 words) + 8.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    11.07, 23:09: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    11.07, 23:20: 2.5 p (493 bytes) + 0.3 p (14 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    11.07, 23:59: 3.3 p (657 bytes) + 0.9 p (46 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.07, 00:22: 1.4 p (285 bytes)
    12.07, 09:20: 6.9 p (1386 bytes) + 1.4 p (72 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    12.07, 09:23: 1.6 p (325 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.07, 12:11: 1.5 p (309 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.07, 15:15: 9.5 p (1897 bytes) + 2.1 p (103 words) + 10.0 p (references)
    12.07, 15:30: 3.9 p (783 bytes) + 1.1 p (56 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.07, 15:31: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    12.07, 15:33: 0.9 p (174 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words)
    12.07, 15:46: 13.0 p (2605 bytes) + 1.5 p (73 words) + 12.5 p (references)
    12.07, 15:50: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    12.07, 18:31: 10.1 p (2019 bytes) + 3.5 p (176 words) + 7.5 p (references)
    Total 39.061 bytes, 2584 words
  10. Merkataritza Libreko Erregelamendua (1778) N (14.1 p)
    13.07, 15:50: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.4 p (671 bytes) + 0.7 p (37 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 671 bytes, 37 words

Iñaki LL (2041 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 147,55 kB

  1. San Ignazioren Kongregazioa (0.0 p)
    01.04, 19:25: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    Total 9 bytes, 0 words
  2. Konbentzioaren Gerra Euskal Herrian (21.9 p)
    02.04, 21:39: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    21.04, 21:04: 0.2 p (37 bytes)
    25.04, 23:49: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    10.05, 22:52: 1.5 p (298 bytes) + 0.5 p (26 words)
    10.05, 23:01: 2.8 p (569 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.05, 23:07: 0.3 p (59 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.05, 23:13: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    21.05, 01:18: 6.6 p (1319 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    21.05, 01:27: 1.4 p (286 bytes)
    21.05, 01:47: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    21.05, 21:56: 0.6 p (124 bytes)
    21.05, 22:03: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    05.07, 10:00: 0.2 p (44 bytes)
    Total 2.779 bytes, 27 words
  3. Jean-Lambert Tallien (0.8 p)
    03.04, 21:18: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    13.07, 22:10: 0.5 p (90 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    Total 130 bytes, 7 words
  4. Pierre-Étienne Cabarrus N (35.7 p)
    03.04, 21:53: 5.0 p (new page) + 2.1 p (416 bytes) + 0.9 p (44 words)
    03.04, 21:55: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    03.04, 22:02: 2.1 p (416 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    03.04, 22:04: 0.4 p (73 bytes)
    03.04, 22:11: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    03.04, 22:12: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    03.04, 23:14: 1.0 p (191 bytes) + 0.4 p (19 words)
    03.04, 23:17: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    03.04, 23:17: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    03.04, 23:19: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    03.04, 23:29: 1.0 p (203 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    03.04, 23:40: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    04.04, 18:54: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    21.04, 21:48: 4.3 p (869 bytes) + 1.2 p (62 words)
    21.04, 21:50: 2.4 p (471 bytes) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    21.04, 21:54: 0.8 p (157 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words)
    23.04, 20:53: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.05, 14:51: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    28.06, 12:25: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    13.07, 22:19: 0.9 p (186 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words)
    Total 3.222 bytes, 173 words
  5. Francisco Cabarrús (0.5 p)
    03.04, 22:57: 0.3 p (68 bytes)
    03.04, 23:47: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    Total 98 bytes, 3 words
  6. Teresa Cabarrús (0.1 p)
    03.04, 23:47: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    Total 30 bytes, 0 words
  7. Claude-Anne de Rouvroy de Saint Simon N (16.4 p)
    04.04, 00:09: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.1 p (621 bytes) + 1.3 p (63 words)
    04.04, 00:10: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    21.05, 22:07: 4.3 p (857 bytes) + 2.0 p (101 words)
    21.05, 22:10: 0.5 p (107 bytes)
    Total 1.607 bytes, 164 words
  8. Mendebaldeko Pirinioetako Armada (0.5 p)
    04.04, 00:18: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    04.04, 00:19: 0.3 p (51 bytes)
    04.04, 00:21: 0.2 p (32 bytes)
    Total 92 bytes, 3 words
  9. Foruen amaiera Hego Euskal Herrian N (1032.8 p)
    08.04, 08:42: 5.0 p (new page) + 4.3 p (868 bytes) + 1.4 p (72 words)
    08.04, 08:44: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    08.04, 08:44: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    08.04, 08:46: 0.2 p (43 bytes)
    08.04, 08:48: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    08.04, 23:42: 6.2 p (1240 bytes) + 2.6 p (130 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    08.04, 23:43: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    08.04, 23:50: 1.0 p (208 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    08.04, 23:55: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    08.04, 23:56: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    08.04, 23:57: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    09.04, 00:03: 0.5 p (101 bytes)
    09.04, 00:05: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    09.04, 11:51: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.04, 23:14: 6.9 p (1389 bytes) + 2.9 p (147 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    10.04, 23:33: 0.2 p (42 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.04, 23:34: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    10.04, 23:35: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    10.04, 23:39: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    10.04, 23:49: 0.8 p (151 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.04, 23:50: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    10.04, 23:51: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.04, 23:52: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    10.04, 23:56: 0.2 p (43 bytes)
    11.04, 00:08: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    11.04, 00:08: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    11.04, 00:10: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    11.04, 22:23: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    11.04, 23:03: 11.7 p (2347 bytes) + 3.6 p (181 words) + 5.0 p (references) + 5.0 p (images)
    11.04, 23:05: 0.4 p (84 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Revision 6820124: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (99) is larger than the byte increase (27). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 6826390: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (55) is larger than the byte increase (6). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 6835183: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (86) is larger than the byte increase (1). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 6837691: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (55) is larger than the byte increase (-29). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 6838451: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (1486) is larger than the byte increase (34). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 6838454: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (68) is larger than the byte increase (1). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 6847096: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (2714) is larger than the byte increase (0). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 6849706: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (400) is larger than the byte increase (2). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 6855919: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (11) is larger than the byte increase (9). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 11.04, 23:12: 0.1 p (27 bytes) + 2.0 p (99 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    11.04, 23:15: 0.4 p (82 bytes)
    11.04, 23:17: 0.3 p (62 bytes)
    11.04, 23:37: 2.8 p (555 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    11.04, 23:38: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    11.04, 23:39: 0.1 p (18 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    11.04, 23:42: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    11.04, 23:44: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    12.04, 08:03: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    12.04, 14:32: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    12.04, 20:42: 0.4 p (73 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.04, 20:44: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    12.04, 20:47: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    12.04, 21:13: 0.4 p (89 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.04, 21:14: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    12.04, 21:28: 0.9 p (180 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words)
    12.04, 22:46: 8.4 p (1673 bytes) + 3.1 p (154 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 5.0 p (images > max)
    12.04, 22:47: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    12.04, 22:53: 0.6 p (129 bytes) + 5.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    12.04, 22:54: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.04, 17:22: 5.2 p (1039 bytes) + 1.8 p (89 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.04, 17:29: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    13.04, 17:29: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    13.04, 17:31: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    13.04, 17:35: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    13.04, 23:15: 1.5 p (300 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    13.04, 23:50: 11.6 p (2326 bytes) + 3.3 p (164 words) + 100.0 p (bonus 1000 words) + 0.0 p (images)
    13.04, 23:51: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.04, 00:00: 0.2 p (38 bytes)
    14.04, 00:05: 0.3 p (62 bytes)
    14.04, 00:24: 4.7 p (932 bytes) + 2.3 p (113 words)
    14.04, 00:25: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.04, 00:27: 0.2 p (48 bytes)
    14.04, 00:37: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    14.04, 00:41: 0.4 p (76 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    16.04, 18:25: 2.5 p (492 bytes) + 1.0 p (52 words)
    16.04, 18:28: 0.1 p (28 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    16.04, 18:33: 0.9 p (186 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words) + 0.0 p (images)
    17.04, 14:28: 3.5 p (695 bytes) + 1.6 p (79 words)
    17.04, 14:29: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    17.04, 14:43: 0.2 p (42 bytes)
    18.04, 22:37: 9.3 p (1859 bytes) + 2.6 p (129 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    18.04, 22:42: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    18.04, 22:43: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    18.04, 22:48: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    18.04, 22:51: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    18.04, 22:52: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    18.04, 22:58: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    18.04, 23:03: 0.2 p (44 bytes)
    18.04, 23:12: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    20.04, 00:06: 7.8 p (1551 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    Revision 6826390: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (55) is larger than the byte increase (6). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 20.04, 00:06: 0.0 p (6 bytes) + 1.1 p (55 words)
    20.04, 00:10: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    20.04, 00:21: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    20.04, 10:39: 3.4 p (680 bytes) + 11.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    20.04, 11:13: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    23.04, 23:06: 12.5 p (2500 bytes) + 3.0 p (150 words) + 7.5 p (references) + 0.0 p (images)
    23.04, 23:06: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    23.04, 23:26: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    24.04, 11:06: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    24.04, 12:30: 0.3 p (52 bytes)
    24.04, 18:03: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    29.04, 14:56: 3.9 p (782 bytes) + 1.5 p (73 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    29.04, 14:59: 0.2 p (32 bytes)
    29.04, 15:03: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    29.04, 17:04: 0.3 p (69 bytes)
    29.04, 19:10: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    30.04, 16:37: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    01.05, 20:59: 2.4 p (470 bytes)
    01.05, 21:12: 2.3 p (455 bytes) + 7.5 p (references)
    01.05, 21:15: 0.2 p (42 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    01.05, 21:56: 9.5 p (1891 bytes) + 3.0 p (148 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    01.05, 21:57: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    01.05, 22:08: 0.3 p (69 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    01.05, 22:11: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    01.05, 22:13: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    01.05, 22:14: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    01.05, 22:17: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    01.05, 22:19: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    01.05, 22:26: 0.7 p (147 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    01.05, 22:41: 0.8 p (165 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    01.05, 22:43: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    01.05, 22:46: 0.2 p (41 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    01.05, 22:48: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    01.05, 22:51: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    01.05, 22:53: 0.2 p (49 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    01.05, 23:20: 0.3 p (61 bytes)
    02.05, 00:29: 0.8 p (160 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    02.05, 00:55: 2.1 p (428 bytes) + 7.5 p (references)
    02.05, 00:55: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    02.05, 01:00: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    Revision 6835183: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (86) is larger than the byte increase (1). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 02.05, 01:04: 0.0 p (1 bytes) + 1.7 p (86 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    02.05, 01:07: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    03.05, 00:35: 5.0 p (1007 bytes) + 1.7 p (84 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    03.05, 00:37: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    03.05, 11:03: 0.6 p (113 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    03.05, 11:05: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    03.05, 20:22: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    03.05, 22:15: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    03.05, 22:20: 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    03.05, 22:29: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    03.05, 22:49: 3.0 p (597 bytes) + 1.2 p (61 words)
    03.05, 23:53: 6.9 p (1376 bytes) + 1.8 p (92 words) + 8.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    03.05, 23:54: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    03.05, 23:57: 0.4 p (72 bytes)
    04.05, 00:22: 6.0 p (1207 bytes) + 2.7 p (135 words)
    04.05, 00:28: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    04.05, 00:47: 2.3 p (461 bytes) + 1.0 p (52 words)
    04.05, 00:52: 0.4 p (85 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    04.05, 00:55: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    04.05, 01:03: 0.3 p (69 bytes)
    04.05, 01:05: 0.3 p (54 bytes)
    04.05, 01:08: 0.0 p (1 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    04.05, 10:05: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    04.05, 10:05: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    04.05, 10:21: 1.6 p (313 bytes)
    04.05, 10:25: 0.1 p (20 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    04.05, 10:42: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    04.05, 16:03: 8.5 p (1699 bytes) + 2.5 p (124 words) + 5.0 p (references) + 0.0 p (images)
    04.05, 16:12: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    04.05, 20:24: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    04.05, 20:42: 0.0 p (9 bytes) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    04.05, 21:01: 7.7 p (1543 bytes) + 2.4 p (122 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    04.05, 21:08: 0.6 p (111 bytes)
    Revision 6837691: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (55) is larger than the byte increase (-29). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 04.05, 21:16: 1.1 p (55 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    04.05, 21:18: 2.5 p (references)
    04.05, 21:21: 0.1 p (24 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    04.05, 21:23: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    04.05, 21:31: 0.1 p (15 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    04.05, 22:12: 4.0 p (795 bytes) + 1.5 p (75 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    04.05, 22:15: 0.2 p (37 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    04.05, 22:16: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    04.05, 22:28: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    05.05, 17:17: 0.2 p (8 words)
    05.05, 18:55: 5.3 p (1053 bytes) + 1.6 p (78 words) + 7.5 p (references)
    05.05, 18:59: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    05.05, 21:05: 5.7 p (1134 bytes) + 0.8 p (38 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    05.05, 21:44: 4.4 p (878 bytes) + 8.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    Revision 6838451: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (1486) is larger than the byte increase (34). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 05.05, 21:48: 0.2 p (34 bytes) + 29.7 p (1486 words)
    05.05, 21:48: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    05.05, 21:51: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    Revision 6838454: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (68) is larger than the byte increase (1). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 05.05, 21:54: 0.0 p (1 bytes) + 1.4 p (68 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    05.05, 21:55: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    05.05, 23:38: 5.2 p (1044 bytes) + 2.1 p (104 words)
    05.05, 23:55: 0.8 p (157 bytes)
    06.05, 00:06: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    06.05, 10:42: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    06.05, 10:43: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    06.05, 11:34: 0.7 p (136 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.05, 12:34: 0.6 p (116 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    06.05, 13:34: 0.4 p (71 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    06.05, 13:40: 1.3 p (261 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.05, 13:46: 1.0 p (194 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words)
    06.05, 13:47: 1.3 p (259 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.05, 13:49: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    06.05, 20:00: 0.5 p (100 bytes) + 0.4 p (18 words)
    06.05, 21:57: 0.5 p (105 bytes) + 0.4 p (20 words)
    06.05, 22:02: 0.4 p (87 bytes) + 0.3 p (14 words)
    07.05, 00:11: 1.2 p (244 bytes)
    07.05, 00:14: 0.3 p (64 bytes)
    07.05, 00:18: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    07.05, 00:47: 4.6 p (929 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    07.05, 00:48: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    07.05, 00:49: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    07.05, 09:24: 0.5 p (104 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    07.05, 09:31: 0.5 p (93 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    07.05, 19:37: 0.3 p (55 bytes)
    07.05, 19:37: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    07.05, 21:21: 0.2 p (35 bytes) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    07.05, 21:29: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    07.05, 21:47: 0.6 p (115 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    07.05, 21:48: 0.1 p (18 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.05, 00:43: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    10.05, 18:40: 0.8 p (166 bytes)
    10.05, 18:46: 1.6 p (325 bytes)
    10.05, 18:48: 1.0 p (201 bytes)
    10.05, 18:51: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    10.05, 22:32: 0.4 p (77 bytes)
    11.05, 00:24: 9.1 p (1820 bytes) + 4.4 p (222 words)
    11.05, 00:30: 0.4 p (76 bytes)
    11.05, 00:40: 1.9 p (370 bytes) + 0.7 p (34 words)
    11.05, 00:52: 0.5 p (102 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    11.05, 01:05: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    11.05, 01:09: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    11.05, 01:11: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    11.05, 10:07: 0.6 p (111 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    13.05, 23:14: 0.7 p (148 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.05, 15:15: 2.1 p (430 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    14.05, 22:28: 1.3 p (263 bytes)
    14.05, 23:16: 2.5 p (498 bytes) + 8.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    Revision 6847096: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (2714) is larger than the byte increase (0). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 14.05, 23:19: 54.3 p (2714 words)
    14.05, 23:30: 2.1 p (430 bytes) + 1.1 p (55 words)
    14.05, 23:36: 0.4 p (79 bytes) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    14.05, 23:43: 0.2 p (44 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    14.05, 23:49: 0.4 p (81 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.05, 23:52: 2.4 p (470 bytes)
    14.05, 23:55: 2.5 p (504 bytes)
    14.05, 23:57: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    14.05, 23:58: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    15.05, 00:13: 1.0 p (201 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words)
    15.05, 00:14: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    15.05, 00:15: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    15.05, 09:44: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    15.05, 10:33: 0.8 p (170 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words) + 0.0 p (images)
    15.05, 22:41: 6.8 p (1354 bytes)
    15.05, 22:43: 1.2 p (242 bytes)
    15.05, 22:48: 0.6 p (125 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    15.05, 22:53: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    15.05, 22:54: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    15.05, 23:28: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    15.05, 23:33: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    15.05, 23:39: 0.3 p (57 bytes)
    16.05, 10:03: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    16.05, 10:46: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    16.05, 10:47: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    16.05, 14:44: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    16.05, 14:44: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    16.05, 14:49: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    16.05, 18:46: 1.1 p (217 bytes) + 0.3 p (14 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    16.05, 18:58: 1.6 p (328 bytes) + 0.5 p (25 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    16.05, 19:00: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    16.05, 19:05: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    16.05, 23:28: 5.8 p (1151 bytes) + 2.2 p (112 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    16.05, 23:38: 0.5 p (95 bytes) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    16.05, 23:41: 0.3 p (66 bytes)
    16.05, 23:49: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    16.05, 23:51: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    17.05, 11:08: 0.0 p (1 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    17.05, 16:15: 0.8 p (169 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words) + 0.0 p (images)
    17.05, 21:03: 0.2 p (37 bytes)
    17.05, 21:12: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    17.05, 21:42: 4.1 p (820 bytes) + 1.7 p (84 words)
    17.05, 21:45: 0.5 p (98 bytes) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    17.05, 21:51: 0.4 p (74 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    17.05, 21:58: 0.5 p (91 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    Revision 6849706: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (400) is larger than the byte increase (2). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 17.05, 21:59: 0.0 p (2 bytes) + 8.0 p (400 words)
    17.05, 22:39: 0.3 p (51 bytes)
    17.05, 23:58: 14.7 p (2933 bytes) + 6.3 p (316 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    17.05, 23:58: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    18.05, 00:07: 0.7 p (139 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words) + 5.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    18.05, 00:20: 2.9 p (580 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    18.05, 00:45: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    18.05, 01:07: 3.5 p (692 bytes) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    18.05, 01:09: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    18.05, 01:18: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    18.05, 01:26: 1.6 p (321 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.05, 01:31: 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    18.05, 01:33: 0.0 p (images)
    18.05, 01:36: 0.8 p (168 bytes)
    18.05, 01:37: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    18.05, 01:38: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    18.05, 01:38: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    18.05, 01:47: 1.2 p (243 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.05, 01:48: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    18.05, 10:49: 0.9 p (185 bytes)
    18.05, 10:55: 1.4 p (282 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    18.05, 10:57: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    18.05, 11:03: 0.9 p (175 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.05, 11:10: 0.5 p (98 bytes)
    18.05, 15:11: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    18.05, 15:15: 0.3 p (55 bytes)
    18.05, 15:17: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    18.05, 22:22: 1.1 p (212 bytes) + 0.5 p (23 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    19.05, 00:21: 2.6 p (510 bytes) + 0.6 p (32 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    19.05, 00:27: 0.9 p (187 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    19.05, 00:56: 1.9 p (380 bytes)
    19.05, 01:33: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    19.05, 01:43: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    19.05, 01:53: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    19.05, 09:26: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    19.05, 09:27: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Revision 6855919: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (11) is larger than the byte increase (9). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 19.05, 10:52: 0.0 p (9 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    19.05, 23:31: 0.7 p (144 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    19.05, 23:46: 0.5 p (91 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    20.05, 00:45: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    20.05, 12:28: 2.2 p (450 bytes) + 1.1 p (54 words)
    20.05, 12:30: 0.3 p (51 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    20.05, 12:35: 1.5 p (309 bytes)
    20.05, 12:42: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    20.05, 16:43: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    20.05, 16:50: 1.3 p (265 bytes) + 0.6 p (31 words)
    20.05, 17:06: 3.2 p (649 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    20.05, 17:08: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    20.05, 17:10: 0.2 p (39 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    20.05, 17:12: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    20.05, 17:41: 1.9 p (381 bytes)
    20.05, 22:37: 0.7 p (138 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words)
    20.05, 23:01: 0.7 p (145 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    20.05, 23:11: 2.3 p (452 bytes)
    20.05, 23:14: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    20.05, 23:18: 0.4 p (84 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    20.05, 23:19: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    20.05, 23:20: 0.3 p (67 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    20.05, 23:30: 1.1 p (224 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words)
    21.05, 00:34: 1.5 p (296 bytes) + 0.5 p (23 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    21.05, 00:37: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    21.05, 01:05: 1.3 p (255 bytes) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    21.05, 01:25: 1.4 p (286 bytes)
    21.05, 01:38: 0.5 p (109 bytes)
    21.05, 01:39: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    21.05, 08:47: 0.3 p (61 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    22.05, 00:02: 0.5 p (98 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    22.05, 00:04: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    22.05, 00:17: 1.2 p (234 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    22.05, 00:21: 1.7 p (339 bytes)
    22.05, 12:33: 0.5 p (106 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    22.05, 22:14: 1.9 p (374 bytes) + 0.9 p (44 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    22.05, 22:23: 0.2 p (46 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    22.05, 22:25: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    22.05, 22:29: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    22.05, 22:34: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    22.05, 22:40: 0.2 p (32 bytes)
    22.05, 22:43: 0.6 p (112 bytes)
    22.05, 22:49: 0.2 p (49 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    23.05, 00:02: 1.8 p (355 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    23.05, 00:29: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    23.05, 00:31: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    23.05, 07:10: 0.4 p (70 bytes)
    23.05, 19:41: 0.1 p (16 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    23.05, 19:41: 0.0 p (1 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    23.05, 19:56: 0.6 p (126 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    24.05, 00:16: 1.1 p (229 bytes) + 0.5 p (26 words)
    24.05, 00:19: 0.1 p (25 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    24.05, 00:25: 1.0 p (196 bytes)
    24.05, 00:26: 0.1 p (16 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    24.05, 10:03: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    24.05, 19:43: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    24.05, 22:31: 1.5 p (299 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    24.05, 22:36: 0.3 p (65 bytes)
    24.05, 22:39: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    24.05, 23:24: 3.1 p (619 bytes) + 6.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    24.05, 23:26: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    24.05, 23:35: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    25.05, 17:54: 1.6 p (323 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    25.05, 17:59: 1.2 p (250 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    26.05, 00:11: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    26.05, 15:36: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    26.05, 15:51: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    26.05, 18:55: 0.4 p (73 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    26.05, 18:58: 1.3 p (254 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    27.05, 22:18: 2.8 p (563 bytes) + 0.9 p (43 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    30.05, 22:49: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    30.05, 22:57: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    31.05, 14:44: 0.3 p (56 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    31.05, 22:15: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    31.05, 22:17: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    31.05, 22:40: 0.4 p (83 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    31.05, 23:12: 1.5 p (306 bytes) + 0.3 p (17 words)
    01.06, 22:26: 0.7 p (137 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    01.06, 22:41: 0.3 p (58 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    01.06, 22:42: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    01.06, 23:35: 0.8 p (158 bytes)
    02.06, 00:24: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    02.06, 00:38: 2.4 p (484 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    02.06, 00:43: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    02.06, 01:02: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    02.06, 01:27: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    02.06, 08:23: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    02.06, 22:56: 0.6 p (118 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    05.06, 10:54: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    06.06, 20:21: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    07.06, 20:23: 0.3 p (60 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    07.06, 20:29: 0.3 p (52 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.06, 20:37: 1.7 p (335 bytes)
    07.06, 20:38: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    07.06, 22:11: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    07.06, 23:11: 2.3 p (455 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.06, 23:13: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    08.06, 09:58: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    08.06, 22:05: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    09.06, 10:07: 2.0 p (402 bytes)
    09.06, 10:16: 0.3 p (51 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.06, 15:28: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    09.06, 15:29: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    09.06, 17:14: 0.9 p (183 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.06, 17:36: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    18.06, 08:55: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    23.06, 15:32: 0.2 p (38 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    24.06, 00:39: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    26.06, 18:13: 0.1 p (17 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    26.06, 18:15: 0.1 p (17 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    28.06, 19:35: 0.9 p (181 bytes)
    28.06, 19:47: 1.0 p (208 bytes)
    28.06, 19:51: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    01.07, 12:15: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    01.07, 17:18: 0.5 p (101 bytes)
    03.07, 20:47: 5.6 p (1112 bytes) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    03.07, 21:24: 3.1 p (616 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    03.07, 22:09: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    03.07, 22:53: 0.5 p (90 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    Total 76.351 bytes, 3584 words
  10. Foruen amaiera Ipar Euskal Herrian (227.9 p)
    08.04, 09:03: 0.7 p (136 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    20.06, 00:48: 13.6 p (2728 bytes) + 6.5 p (324 words)
    20.06, 00:49: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    20.06, 00:54: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    20.06, 01:09: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    20.06, 22:09: 0.5 p (95 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    20.06, 22:25: 0.5 p (92 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    20.06, 22:28: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    25.06, 23:55: 7.1 p (1425 bytes) + 3.4 p (172 words)
    25.06, 23:59: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    28.06, 00:40: 4.0 p (794 bytes)
    28.06, 00:46: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    28.06, 23:29: 1.3 p (269 bytes)
    28.06, 23:34: 0.4 p (87 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    28.06, 23:35: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    28.06, 23:41: 0.3 p (53 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    29.06, 00:19: 1.2 p (245 bytes)
    29.06, 13:51: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    29.06, 13:52: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    29.06, 22:00: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    29.06, 23:43: 16.5 p (3302 bytes) + 7.9 p (395 words)
    30.06, 09:59: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    30.06, 16:23: 0.7 p (135 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    30.06, 16:32: 0.4 p (88 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    30.06, 16:48: 0.2 p (49 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    03.07, 23:42: 1.7 p (339 bytes) + 0.8 p (39 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    03.07, 23:56: 1.1 p (217 bytes) + 0.6 p (28 words) + 100.0 p (bonus 1000 words)
    04.07, 00:02: 0.4 p (76 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    04.07, 00:05: 0.9 p (177 bytes)
    04.07, 00:06: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    04.07, 00:12: 0.2 p (37 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    04.07, 00:46: 3.3 p (662 bytes) + 1.0 p (49 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    04.07, 22:37: 1.9 p (390 bytes) + 0.8 p (41 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    06.07, 14:37: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    13.07, 12:51: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    13.07, 13:15: 2.5 p (493 bytes) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    13.07, 13:16: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    13.07, 13:24: 1.7 p (331 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.07, 13:25: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    13.07, 13:28: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    13.07, 13:30: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    13.07, 13:34: 0.4 p (87 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    13.07, 13:39: 0.5 p (102 bytes) + 3.0 p (reference pointers)
    13.07, 13:45: 1.3 p (261 bytes)
    Total 12.833 bytes, 1110 words
  11. El Imposible Vencido. Arte de la Lengua Vascongada (0.8 p)
    09.04, 14:29: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    09.04, 21:02: 0.3 p (51 bytes)
    09.04, 21:03: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    12.06, 00:17: 0.4 p (81 bytes)
    Total 166 bytes, 3 words
  12. Hiztegi Hirukoitza (0.4 p)
    09.04, 14:31: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    09.04, 22:52: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    16.04, 22:51: 0.2 p (49 bytes)
    16.04, 22:54: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    16.04, 22:57: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    Total 78 bytes, 4 words
  13. Jurramendiko gudua (1873) (0.0 p)
    09.04, 21:06: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    Total 2 bytes, 0 words
  14. José Yanguas (0.1 p)
    12.04, 08:19: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    Total 7 bytes, 0 words
  15. Cánovas del Castilloren erailketa (15.7 p)
    12.04, 23:08: 1.7 p (346 bytes) + 0.3 p (14 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.04, 23:08: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    09.05, 23:03: 4.8 p (968 bytes) + 2.2 p (108 words)
    09.05, 23:04: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    09.05, 23:08: 1.0 p (191 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.05, 23:11: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    09.05, 23:23: 0.4 p (74 bytes)
    09.05, 23:25: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    Total 1.646 bytes, 122 words
  16. Nafarroako Foruak Eraldatzeko Legea (0.3 p)
    16.04, 18:50: 0.2 p (37 bytes)
    16.04, 18:53: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    Total 65 bytes, 4 words
  17. Foruzaletasun (0.1 p)
    17.04, 11:40: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    Total 15 bytes, 0 words
  18. Getariako Sardinazaleen Errege Konpainia (0.0 p)
    19.04, 00:17: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    Total 5 bytes, 0 words
  19. Zaragozatik Iruñea eta Bartzelonarako Burdinbide Konpainia (0.1 p)
    19.04, 11:56: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    Total 12 bytes, 0 words
  20. Antzinako Erregimenaren krisia Hego Euskal Herrian (2.8 p)
    22.04, 12:06: 1.0 p (208 bytes) + 0.4 p (18 words)
    22.04, 12:06: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    22.04, 12:08: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    01.06, 23:16: 0.6 p (121 bytes)
    01.06, 23:21: 0.2 p (49 bytes)
    01.06, 23:26: 0.3 p (56 bytes)
    Total 478 bytes, 20 words
  21. Karlistaldi (13.0 p)
    23.04, 17:05: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    18.05, 22:43: 9.0 p (1805 bytes) + 3.9 p (196 words)
    18.05, 22:45: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    Total 1.819 bytes, 198 words
  22. Iberiar Penintsulako Gerra Euskal Herrian (0.4 p)
    28.04, 15:38: 0.2 p (42 bytes)
    29.05, 23:55: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    Total 71 bytes, 1 words
  23. 1727ko Hitzarmena (0.2 p)
    24.05, 19:25: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    Total 40 bytes, 0 words
  24. Miguel Antonio Zuaznabar (0.8 p)
    30.04, 00:45: 0.6 p (117 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    30.04, 00:45: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    Total 119 bytes, 11 words
  25. Industrializazioa Euskal Herrian (43.9 p)
    09.05, 14:35: 3.3 p (652 bytes) + 1.4 p (69 words)
    09.05, 14:36: 0.5 p (104 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    09.05, 14:37: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    09.05, 14:50: 2.9 p (575 bytes) + 1.3 p (67 words)
    09.05, 14:53: 0.2 p (48 bytes)
    09.05, 15:01: 0.3 p (52 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    09.05, 22:27: 0.4 p (85 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.05, 23:51: 0.4 p (76 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    30.05, 23:34: 0.4 p (88 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    30.05, 23:39: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    03.06, 14:53: 0.8 p (152 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    03.06, 16:59: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    08.06, 23:47: 1.1 p (225 bytes) + 0.3 p (17 words) + 15.0 p (images > max)
    23.06, 15:04: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    Total 2.083 bytes, 182 words
  26. Euskalerriaren Adiskideen Elkartea (0.2 p)
    09.05, 23:41: 0.2 p (50 bytes)
    Total 50 bytes, 0 words
  27. Juan Jose Vicente Mitxelena N (76.3 p)
    12.05, 01:05: 5.0 p (new page) + 5.7 p (1131 bytes) + 1.9 p (96 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    12.05, 01:07: 0.3 p (60 bytes)
    12.05, 01:33: 2.2 p (435 bytes) + 0.9 p (46 words)
    12.05, 01:44: 1.5 p (308 bytes) + 0.7 p (34 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 01:46: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    12.05, 01:46: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    12.05, 02:00: 0.7 p (141 bytes)
    12.05, 02:04: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    12.05, 10:15: 10.3 p (2063 bytes) + 3.5 p (176 words) + 5.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    12.05, 10:16: 0.3 p (53 bytes)
    12.05, 10:19: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    12.05, 11:32: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    12.05, 20:27: 6.6 p (1317 bytes) + 1.8 p (92 words) + 5.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    12.05, 20:56: 6.0 p (1193 bytes) + 2.6 p (129 words) + 3.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 20:56: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    12.05, 20:59: 0.3 p (69 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.05, 21:03: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    12.05, 21:06: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    12.05, 21:14: 1.6 p (317 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.05, 21:15: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    12.05, 21:18: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    12.05, 22:30: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    13.05, 10:44: 0.2 p (37 bytes)
    Total 7.276 bytes, 577 words
  28. Gipuzkoako Errepublika (0.3 p)
    12.05, 10:24: 0.3 p (55 bytes)
    12.05, 10:25: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 56 bytes, 2 words
  29. Manuel Aguirre de Tejada (0.6 p)
    12.05, 21:27: 0.5 p (98 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    Total 98 bytes, 6 words
  30. Bigarren Karlistaldia (5.8 p)
    16.05, 10:44: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    28.05, 14:28: 0.7 p (130 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 160 bytes, 3 words
  31. Manuela Salazar Santxez de Samaniego (0.1 p)
    20.05, 14:57: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    Total 14 bytes, 0 words
  32. 1718ko matxinada (12.8 p)
    24.05, 17:20: 2.1 p (421 bytes)
    24.05, 17:26: 0.7 p (141 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    24.05, 17:36: 1.2 p (248 bytes) + 0.8 p (38 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    24.05, 17:40: 0.3 p (60 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    24.05, 17:43: 0.2 p (45 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    24.05, 17:46: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    24.05, 18:19: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    Total 970 bytes, 51 words
  33. Jenaro Quesada (0.2 p)
    24.05, 18:21: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    Total 34 bytes, 0 words
  34. Mateo Moraza (0.2 p)
    24.05, 19:27: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    Total 39 bytes, 0 words
  35. Lorenzo Arrazola (1.1 p)
    24.05, 19:35: 0.8 p (163 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words)
    Total 163 bytes, 15 words
  36. Jesusen Lagundiaren kanporaketa (0.0 p)
    26.05, 13:46: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    Total 6 bytes, 2 words
  37. 1812ko Espainiako Konstituzioa Euskal Herrian N (57.4 p)
    02.06, 18:11: 5.0 p (new page) + 13.8 p (2753 bytes) + 6.5 p (326 words)
    02.06, 18:12: 0.2 p (42 bytes)
    02.06, 18:12: 0.3 p (54 bytes)
    02.06, 21:13: 3.1 p (629 bytes) + 0.4 p (19 words)
    02.06, 21:35: 0.9 p (172 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words)
    16.06, 21:39: 0.2 p (47 bytes)
    16.06, 22:29: 6.9 p (1372 bytes) + 2.3 p (114 words)
    17.06, 00:19: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    18.06, 00:13: 1.7 p (342 bytes) + 0.8 p (40 words)
    18.06, 00:23: 1.1 p (217 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words)
    18.06, 00:48: 1.9 p (376 bytes) + 0.9 p (43 words)
    19.06, 21:42: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    19.06, 21:46: 0.6 p (127 bytes)
    19.06, 21:46: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    19.06, 21:56: 1.1 p (213 bytes) + 8.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    19.06, 21:58: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    19.06, 21:59: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    19.06, 22:03: 0.2 p (46 bytes)
    19.06, 22:03: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    Total 6.513 bytes, 588 words
  38. Bilboko setioa (1874) (0.1 p)
    14.06, 07:28: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    Total 2 bytes, 0 words
  39. Étienne-Joseph de Pavée de Villevieille (0.3 p)
    29.06, 16:18: 0.3 p (54 bytes)
    Total 54 bytes, 1 words
  40. Étienne Polverel (7.1 p)
    29.06, 22:20: 2.0 p (400 bytes) + 0.9 p (47 words)
    29.06, 22:20: 1.4 p (286 bytes)
    29.06, 22:25: 0.3 p (51 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 737 bytes, 47 words
  41. Dominique Garat Hiriarte (2.8 p)
    06.07, 22:56: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    06.07, 22:56: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    06.07, 23:46: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    07.07, 00:34: 0.6 p (125 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    14.07, 22:19: 1.7 p (343 bytes)
    Total 485 bytes, 11 words
  42. Lapurdiko deportazioa (1794) N (451.0 p)
    04.07, 23:27: 5.0 p (new page) + 42.2 p (8438 bytes) + 12.3 p (616 words) + 49.0 p (references, reference pointers) + 20.0 p (images)
    04.07, 23:29: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    04.07, 23:44: 1.2 p (233 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    04.07, 23:47: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    05.07, 00:05: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    05.07, 00:09: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    05.07, 00:10: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    05.07, 00:10: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    05.07, 00:19: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    05.07, 10:13: 0.4 p (81 bytes)
    05.07, 16:25: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    05.07, 18:26: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    05.07, 20:39: 1.5 p (301 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    05.07, 21:55: 13.1 p (2627 bytes) + 6.2 p (308 words)
    05.07, 22:36: 0.2 p (38 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    05.07, 22:38: 0.2 p (37 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    05.07, 22:41: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    05.07, 22:47: 0.3 p (64 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    05.07, 22:53: 0.5 p (91 bytes) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    05.07, 23:19: 4.3 p (868 bytes) + 1.8 p (92 words) + 100.0 p (bonus 1000 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    05.07, 23:37: 0.7 p (145 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words) + 2.0 p (reference pointers)
    05.07, 23:53: 0.6 p (117 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    06.07, 00:01: 0.6 p (129 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words) + 0.0 p (images)
    06.07, 00:04: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    06.07, 00:15: 0.0 p (images)
    06.07, 11:03: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    06.07, 16:16: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    06.07, 22:28: 0.3 p (53 bytes)
    06.07, 22:58: 0.8 p (152 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.07, 00:47: 0.4 p (77 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    08.07, 17:54: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    08.07, 22:50: 3.6 p (726 bytes) + 1.6 p (80 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    08.07, 23:02: 0.9 p (178 bytes)
    08.07, 23:33: 2.9 p (588 bytes) + 0.7 p (37 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    09.07, 15:13: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    09.07, 15:17: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    12.07, 00:14: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    12.07, 00:14: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    12.07, 00:55: 5.0 p (999 bytes) + 2.1 p (104 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.07, 14:29: 1.5 p (296 bytes) + 0.7 p (33 words)
    12.07, 14:48: 2.9 p (574 bytes) + 1.3 p (65 words)
    12.07, 14:52: 0.9 p (181 bytes)
    12.07, 15:01: 2.2 p (439 bytes) + 1.0 p (48 words)
    12.07, 15:03: 0.3 p (53 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.07, 00:10: 6.5 p (1301 bytes) + 3.1 p (155 words)
    13.07, 00:35: 5.9 p (1171 bytes) + 2.2 p (112 words) + 12.5 p (references)
    13.07, 00:46: 0.4 p (70 bytes)
    13.07, 01:02: 0.6 p (113 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    13.07, 10:32: 1.2 p (235 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words)
    13.07, 10:41: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    13.07, 10:42: 0.4 p (70 bytes)
    13.07, 10:43: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.07, 11:19: 5.7 p (1146 bytes) + 2.6 p (130 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    13.07, 11:28: 1.1 p (221 bytes)
    13.07, 11:31: 0.5 p (96 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    13.07, 11:33: 0.1 p (17 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    13.07, 11:33: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.07, 11:35: 1.0 p (206 bytes)
    13.07, 11:44: 1.4 p (270 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words)
    13.07, 11:47: 0.2 p (50 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    13.07, 11:47: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.07, 23:22: 2.0 p (404 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words)
    13.07, 23:28: 1.4 p (280 bytes)
    14.07, 00:03: 3.5 p (707 bytes) + 1.5 p (73 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 00:05: 0.4 p (73 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Revision 7015970: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (52) is larger than the byte increase (5). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text., Revision 7016569: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (1612) is larger than the byte increase (1). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 14.07, 00:05: 0.0 p (5 bytes) + 1.0 p (52 words)
    14.07, 00:08: 0.1 p (22 bytes)
    14.07, 00:15: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    14.07, 00:19: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    14.07, 00:20: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 18:05: 3.0 p (591 bytes) + 1.4 p (70 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    14.07, 18:06: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    14.07, 18:20: 2.3 p (458 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 18:37: 3.6 p (725 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Revision 7016569: The word count difference might be wrong, because the word count increase (1612) is larger than the byte increase (1). Wrong word counts can occur for invalid wiki text. 14.07, 18:37: 0.0 p (1 bytes) + 32.2 p (1612 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    14.07, 18:46: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    14.07, 18:49: 0.1 p (22 bytes)
    14.07, 21:36: 0.9 p (173 bytes)
    14.07, 21:52: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    14.07, 21:58: 1.1 p (222 bytes)
    14.07, 22:04: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    14.07, 22:09: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    14.07, 22:10: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    14.07, 22:23: 0.3 p (64 bytes)
    14.07, 23:00: 1.3 p (255 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words)
    14.07, 23:04: 0.3 p (51 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 23:08: 0.3 p (51 bytes)
    14.07, 23:21: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    Total 26.470 bytes, 2118 words
  43. Dominique Joseph Garat (0.1 p)
    06.07, 23:47: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    Total 27 bytes, 0 words
  44. Madeleine Larralde (1.2 p)
    14.07, 23:11: 0.6 p (119 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    14.07, 23:13: 0.4 p (74 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    Total 193 bytes, 14 words
  45. Pierre-Laurent Monestier N (8.1 p)
    14.07, 23:52: 5.0 p (new page) + 1.9 p (386 bytes) + 0.8 p (38 words)
    14.07, 23:56: 0.5 p (90 bytes)
    Total 476 bytes, 40 words

Aihotz (1295 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 105,30 kB

  1. Arturo Kanpion (66.8 p)
    01.04, 17:15: 3.4 p (676 bytes) + 10.0 p (images)
    01.04, 17:32: 0.9 p (187 bytes)
    01.04, 17:37: 0.6 p (120 bytes)
    01.04, 17:54: 0.3 p (52 bytes)
    01.04, 17:59: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    01.04, 18:06: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    01.04, 19:12: 0.5 p (98 bytes)
    01.04, 19:21: 0.9 p (172 bytes)
    01.04, 19:28: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    01.04, 19:28: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    01.04, 19:48: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    02.04, 01:03: 0.1 p (30 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    02.04, 01:35: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    02.04, 01:37: 0.3 p (58 bytes)
    02.04, 01:44: 0.7 p (143 bytes)
    02.04, 01:46: 2.6 p (515 bytes)
    02.04, 02:03: 0.7 p (135 bytes)
    02.04, 03:59: 0.5 p (105 bytes)
    02.04, 07:13: 0.8 p (167 bytes)
    02.04, 07:14: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    04.04, 03:52: 4.7 p (937 bytes)
    04.04, 06:16: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    04.04, 06:25: 1.2 p (244 bytes)
    04.04, 08:24: 0.8 p (166 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    22.04, 02:27: 0.7 p (147 bytes)
    22.04, 02:56: 0.2 p (47 bytes)
    22.04, 04:13: 0.4 p (76 bytes)
    06.05, 04:20: 1.3 p (255 bytes)
    13.05, 00:29: 0.2 p (38 bytes)
    22.05, 01:48: 1.3 p (260 bytes)
    22.05, 01:55: 0.4 p (85 bytes)
    22.05, 02:00: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    22.05, 02:26: 0.9 p (180 bytes)
    22.05, 02:37: 0.7 p (138 bytes)
    22.05, 02:41: 0.7 p (145 bytes)
    22.05, 02:50: 1.0 p (193 bytes)
    22.05, 02:56: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    22.05, 03:00: 0.6 p (113 bytes)
    22.05, 03:03: 0.4 p (81 bytes)
    22.05, 03:12: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    22.05, 03:24: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    22.05, 03:38: 0.7 p (144 bytes)
    22.05, 03:50: 0.3 p (58 bytes)
    22.05, 03:53: 0.5 p (91 bytes)
    22.05, 03:58: 0.6 p (112 bytes)
    22.05, 04:00: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    22.05, 04:20: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    22.05, 04:21: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    22.05, 04:44: 1.8 p (365 bytes)
    22.05, 04:54: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    22.05, 05:40: 1.0 p (193 bytes)
    22.05, 05:43: 0.4 p (82 bytes)
    22.05, 05:53: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    22.05, 07:24: 4.4 p (873 bytes) + 2.0 p (99 words)
    22.05, 07:25: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    22.05, 07:37: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    22.05, 08:15: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    22.05, 08:18: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    22.05, 08:19: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    23.05, 03:14: 0.4 p (84 bytes)
    23.05, 03:24: 0.3 p (52 bytes)
    23.05, 03:26: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    21.06, 19:26: 0.8 p (165 bytes)
    21.06, 19:36: 1.2 p (240 bytes)
    21.06, 19:45: 0.9 p (187 bytes)
    21.06, 19:48: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    12.07, 03:35: 1.6 p (315 bytes)
    13.07, 08:29: 0.6 p (112 bytes)
    13.07, 08:30: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.07, 08:41: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    Total 8.669 bytes, 102 words
  2. Epifania Argaitz Munibe (0.1 p)
    01.04, 19:58: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    Total 26 bytes, 0 words
  3. Bilboko setioa (1836) (293.0 p)
    01.04, 20:18: 0.7 p (147 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 06:23: 1.2 p (237 bytes)
    07.04, 06:46: 1.6 p (316 bytes)
    07.04, 06:55: 0.8 p (167 bytes)
    07.04, 07:13: 0.2 p (42 bytes)
    07.04, 07:15: 0.5 p (99 bytes)
    07.04, 22:04: 0.9 p (187 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.04, 05:04: 0.4 p (78 bytes)
    08.04, 05:45: 0.5 p (96 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    08.04, 20:20: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    22.04, 01:38: 0.3 p (59 bytes)
    14.05, 01:50: 1.0 p (199 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    26.05, 16:18: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    29.05, 02:55: 1.2 p (248 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    13.07, 16:08: 0.7 p (138 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    13.07, 16:37: 1.7 p (330 bytes) + 0.7 p (36 words)
    13.07, 16:38: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    13.07, 16:48: 0.7 p (135 bytes)
    13.07, 16:52: 0.2 p (44 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    13.07, 17:51: 4.3 p (853 bytes) + 2.1 p (103 words)
    13.07, 17:52: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    13.07, 17:56: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.07, 18:05: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    13.07, 18:09: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    13.07, 18:13: 1.1 p (226 bytes)
    13.07, 18:48: 4.1 p (815 bytes) + 1.3 p (67 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.07, 18:50: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    13.07, 21:01: 9.8 p (1964 bytes) + 4.1 p (205 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.07, 21:08: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    13.07, 21:09: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    13.07, 21:20: 0.3 p (67 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    13.07, 21:20: 0.0 p (images)
    13.07, 21:22: 0.3 p (65 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    13.07, 21:24: 0.5 p (97 bytes)
    13.07, 21:27: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    13.07, 21:36: 0.8 p (164 bytes)
    13.07, 21:39: 0.5 p (103 bytes)
    13.07, 21:45: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    13.07, 21:48: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    13.07, 21:50: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    13.07, 21:56: 0.7 p (144 bytes)
    13.07, 22:01: 0.4 p (80 bytes)
    13.07, 22:27: 8.5 p (1703 bytes) + 4.5 p (224 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    13.07, 22:45: 1.3 p (265 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.07, 22:49: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    13.07, 22:55: 0.2 p (32 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    13.07, 22:56: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    13.07, 22:59: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.07, 23:36: 5.0 p (1000 bytes) + 1.6 p (82 words)
    13.07, 23:39: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.07, 23:41: 0.3 p (57 bytes)
    13.07, 23:45: 0.1 p (10 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.07, 23:57: 1.4 p (283 bytes) + 0.6 p (32 words)
    13.07, 23:58: 0.0 p (2 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 00:03: 0.3 p (60 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 00:18: 1.4 p (285 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 00:20: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.07, 00:41: 2.8 p (563 bytes) + 1.2 p (62 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 00:59: 2.4 p (474 bytes) + 0.9 p (47 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 01:34: 4.7 p (947 bytes) + 2.1 p (107 words) + 100.0 p (bonus 1000 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 02:02: 3.7 p (742 bytes) + 1.6 p (79 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 02:37: 2.7 p (547 bytes) + 1.3 p (67 words)
    14.07, 02:55: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    14.07, 03:01: 0.4 p (87 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 03:14: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    14.07, 03:22: 0.4 p (76 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 03:24: 0.2 p (47 bytes)
    14.07, 03:30: 1.4 p (270 bytes)
    14.07, 03:36: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    14.07, 03:38: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    14.07, 03:40: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    14.07, 03:43: 0.4 p (77 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 03:45: 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 03:45: 0.0 p (1 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 04:24: 1.3 p (252 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 04:31: 0.3 p (51 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    14.07, 04:32: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    14.07, 04:33: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 04:59: 5.3 p (1060 bytes) + 1.1 p (53 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 05:00: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 05:17: 2.7 p (533 bytes)
    14.07, 05:19: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.07, 05:58: 1.2 p (230 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words)
    14.07, 06:00: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.07, 06:06: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.07, 06:07: 0.2 p (47 bytes)
    14.07, 06:59: 8.6 p (1725 bytes) + 3.9 p (194 words)
    14.07, 07:05: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    14.07, 07:58: 0.2 p (39 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    14.07, 08:03: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    14.07, 08:05: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 13:28: 0.3 p (62 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 14:27: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    14.07, 19:01: 1.1 p (211 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 19:07: 1.1 p (225 bytes)
    14.07, 19:36: 0.8 p (157 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    14.07, 19:43: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    Total 17.881 bytes, 1264 words
  4. Mateo Moraza (0.4 p)
    01.04, 20:22: 0.4 p (85 bytes)
    Total 85 bytes, 0 words
  5. Fidel Sagarminaga (106.1 p)
    01.04, 20:48: 5.0 p (994 bytes)
    01.04, 20:57: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    02.04, 04:24: 1.0 p (192 bytes)
    04.04, 06:43: 1.0 p (204 bytes)
    04.04, 07:11: 1.8 p (366 bytes)
    04.04, 07:23: 0.2 p (32 bytes)
    04.04, 07:54: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    11.04, 06:54: 1.8 p (365 bytes) + 2.5 p (references) + 5.0 p (images)
    11.04, 07:00: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    11.04, 07:03: 0.3 p (56 bytes)
    11.04, 07:05: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    11.04, 07:05: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    11.04, 08:10: 1.4 p (277 bytes)
    11.04, 08:12: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    14.04, 08:00: 0.6 p (118 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words)
    14.04, 08:01: 0.5 p (99 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    28.04, 11:06: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    28.04, 11:16: 0.6 p (110 bytes)
    14.05, 04:41: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.05, 04:44: 2.6 p (515 bytes)
    14.05, 04:59: 3.6 p (717 bytes) + 0.7 p (35 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    14.05, 05:06: 1.4 p (276 bytes) + 0.7 p (34 words)
    14.05, 05:39: 1.0 p (209 bytes)
    14.05, 05:40: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.05, 05:42: 1.4 p (271 bytes)
    14.05, 05:45: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    14.05, 05:50: 0.4 p (71 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.05, 05:53: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    21.05, 06:52: 5.7 p (1135 bytes) + 1.5 p (76 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    21.05, 06:53: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    30.05, 12:50: 1.4 p (275 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    30.05, 13:26: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    09.06, 17:32: 1.4 p (290 bytes) + 0.7 p (36 words)
    09.06, 17:34: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.06, 00:14: 0.7 p (138 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.06, 00:18: 2.2 p (435 bytes)
    10.06, 00:21: 0.4 p (73 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.06, 00:23: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.06, 00:27: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    10.06, 00:29: 0.8 p (151 bytes)
    10.06, 00:32: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    10.06, 00:34: 0.1 p (22 bytes)
    10.06, 00:47: 1.5 p (302 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.06, 00:53: 0.2 p (32 bytes)
    10.06, 00:55: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    10.06, 01:19: 1.0 p (194 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words)
    10.06, 01:22: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    10.06, 01:30: 0.8 p (160 bytes)
    10.06, 01:33: 0.3 p (67 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.06, 01:34: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.06, 01:42: 0.8 p (168 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words)
    10.06, 01:47: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    10.06, 02:05: 0.9 p (178 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    10.06, 02:13: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    10.06, 02:17: 0.7 p (140 bytes) + 0.4 p (18 words)
    10.06, 02:32: 0.5 p (101 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    10.06, 02:36: 0.2 p (50 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    10.06, 02:37: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.06, 02:42: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.06, 02:53: 0.3 p (68 bytes)
    10.06, 02:56: 0.2 p (37 bytes)
    10.06, 03:13: 1.7 p (336 bytes) + 0.8 p (39 words)
    10.06, 03:17: 0.3 p (68 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    10.06, 03:23: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    10.06, 03:26: 0.3 p (64 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    10.06, 03:35: 1.2 p (235 bytes)
    10.06, 03:38: 0.4 p (71 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.06, 03:44: 0.4 p (80 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    10.06, 03:46: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    10.06, 03:48: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    10.06, 04:16: 0.6 p (126 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.06, 04:44: 0.9 p (189 bytes) + 0.5 p (26 words)
    10.06, 04:53: 0.5 p (98 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    10.06, 04:59: 0.3 p (60 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    10.06, 05:23: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    10.06, 05:26: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    10.06, 05:56: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    10.06, 06:06: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.06, 06:45: 0.9 p (177 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.06, 06:47: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.06, 06:51: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    10.06, 06:54: 0.3 p (69 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.06, 06:56: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    10.06, 06:59: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    10.06, 18:25: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    13.07, 22:52: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 9.946 bytes, 479 words
  6. Pedro Novia de Salcedo (2.9 p)
    02.04, 00:39: 2.9 p (579 bytes)
    Total 579 bytes, 1 words
  7. Wilhelm von Humboldt (0.9 p)
    02.04, 00:50: 0.7 p (136 bytes)
    02.04, 00:51: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    02.04, 00:53: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    26.05, 13:55: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    Total 170 bytes, 0 words
  8. Elisa Zamacois (5.9 p)
    02.04, 00:58: 0.9 p (175 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    02.04, 00:59: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 176 bytes, 0 words
  9. Abartzuzako gudua (0.7 p)
    02.04, 01:09: 0.7 p (131 bytes)
    08.04, 20:08: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total 142 bytes, 0 words
  10. Martina Ibaibarriaga (0.6 p)
    02.04, 05:06: 0.6 p (129 bytes)
    Total 129 bytes, 1 words
  11. Dominique Joseph Garat (6.6 p)
    02.04, 05:44: 1.6 p (328 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 327 bytes, 1 words
  12. Jose Luis Munarritz (6.0 p)
    03.04, 03:23: 0.8 p (168 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    03.04, 03:25: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    Total −657 bytes, 0 words
  13. Rafaela Ybarra (4.1 p)
    04.04, 04:13: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    04.04, 04:16: 1.4 p (280 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 311 bytes, 0 words
  14. Pablo Pedro Astarloa (2.3 p)
    04.04, 04:46: 1.9 p (379 bytes)
    04.04, 04:50: 0.4 p (84 bytes)
    Total 463 bytes, 0 words
  15. Manuel Larramendi (9.5 p)
    04.04, 06:00: 3.9 p (788 bytes)
    04.04, 07:32: 0.5 p (103 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    10.04, 05:20: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    Total 906 bytes, 1 words
  16. José María Magallón (0.3 p)
    04.04, 08:00: 0.3 p (56 bytes)
    Total 56 bytes, 0 words
  17. Manuel Santa Kruz (57.2 p)
    05.04, 02:37: 0.4 p (75 bytes)
    01.06, 14:55: 4.5 p (895 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words)
    01.06, 17:34: 0.7 p (147 bytes)
    01.06, 17:34: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    02.06, 03:16: 0.8 p (161 bytes)
    02.06, 03:17: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    02.06, 03:18: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 20:34: 4.1 p (823 bytes) + 2.1 p (104 words)
    14.07, 20:45: 2.0 p (399 bytes)
    14.07, 20:47: 0.0 p (7 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 20:49: 0.2 p (42 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 20:52: 0.2 p (42 bytes)
    14.07, 20:52: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.07, 20:54: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.07, 21:02: 1.1 p (216 bytes)
    14.07, 21:11: 2.4 p (488 bytes)
    14.07, 21:11: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 21:54: 5.5 p (1097 bytes) + 1.9 p (95 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 21:59: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    14.07, 22:01: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 22:01: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.07, 22:05: 0.2 p (32 bytes)
    14.07, 22:06: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    14.07, 22:07: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 22:10: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    14.07, 22:21: 0.5 p (102 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    14.07, 22:25: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    14.07, 22:59: 6.4 p (1281 bytes) + 1.3 p (67 words)
    14.07, 23:05: 1.1 p (228 bytes)
    14.07, 23:07: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 23:24: 1.2 p (241 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 23:26: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 23:29: 0.6 p (120 bytes)
    14.07, 23:33: 0.9 p (171 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 23:33: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    14.07, 23:34: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 23:53: 1.2 p (234 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 23:55: 0.4 p (77 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    14.07, 23:56: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    Total 6.941 bytes, 380 words
  18. Francisco Cabarrús (0.0 p)
    05.04, 02:58: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    Total 8 bytes, 1 words
  19. Madeleine Larralde (11.3 p)
    05.04, 06:53: 0.8 p (159 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    18.06, 04:26: 1.1 p (214 bytes) + 0.5 p (23 words)
    18.06, 04:28: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    18.06, 04:34: 1.4 p (281 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.06, 04:35: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 666 bytes, 26 words
  20. Zamakolada (9.6 p)
    05.04, 07:10: 2.3 p (458 bytes)
    05.04, 07:11: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    08.04, 20:32: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    13.04, 04:40: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    17.06, 18:59: 0.9 p (173 bytes)
    17.06, 19:08: 1.1 p (224 bytes)
    17.06, 19:09: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    17.06, 19:27: 3.8 p (756 bytes)
    17.06, 19:54: 1.2 p (246 bytes)
    Total 1.923 bytes, 2 words
  21. Bilboko setioa (1874) (36.6 p)
    07.04, 04:34: 0.6 p (118 bytes)
    07.04, 05:38: 5.0 p (1003 bytes)
    07.04, 05:52: 1.2 p (249 bytes)
    07.04, 06:02: 0.8 p (164 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.04, 06:06: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    07.04, 07:32: 0.4 p (76 bytes)
    07.04, 20:57: 0.7 p (136 bytes)
    07.04, 23:50: 1.1 p (211 bytes)
    08.04, 20:08: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    22.04, 01:44: 0.7 p (135 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    14.05, 01:35: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.06, 04:20: 0.3 p (67 bytes)
    05.07, 07:02: 1.2 p (233 bytes)
    05.07, 07:03: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    09.07, 04:43: 0.7 p (131 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    09.07, 05:59: 10.0 p (images > max)
    09.07, 06:06: 0.3 p (69 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    09.07, 19:30: 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 07:07: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    14.07, 14:14: 0.8 p (153 bytes)
    Total 2.665 bytes, 6 words
  22. Bilboko setioa (1835) (69.2 p)
    07.04, 06:26: 1.2 p (237 bytes)
    07.04, 06:28: 0.3 p (54 bytes)
    07.04, 06:34: 0.7 p (132 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 06:45: 1.6 p (316 bytes)
    07.04, 06:54: 0.8 p (167 bytes)
    07.04, 07:16: 0.4 p (77 bytes)
    07.04, 08:09: 0.5 p (105 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 08:49: 0.1 p (11 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 21:49: 1.1 p (215 bytes)
    07.04, 21:58: 0.7 p (140 bytes)
    07.04, 21:59: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    08.04, 00:04: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    08.04, 05:13: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    08.04, 05:14: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    08.04, 06:30: 0.2 p (32 bytes)
    08.04, 20:20: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    19.06, 18:58: 0.4 p (80 bytes)
    10.07, 01:02: 0.6 p (113 bytes) + 5.0 p (images > max)
    13.07, 17:01: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    13.07, 17:03: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 07:19: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    14.07, 07:21: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.07, 13:25: 0.3 p (56 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    14.07, 14:33: 1.2 p (239 bytes)
    14.07, 14:35: 1.3 p (259 bytes)
    14.07, 14:39: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.07, 15:36: 6.2 p (1232 bytes) + 3.0 p (152 words)
    14.07, 15:37: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.07, 16:04: 0.6 p (112 bytes)
    14.07, 17:14: 7.0 p (1406 bytes) + 1.3 p (63 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    14.07, 17:14: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 17:18: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    14.07, 17:58: 1.2 p (243 bytes) + 0.6 p (32 words)
    14.07, 18:06: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    14.07, 18:10: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    14.07, 18:18: 0.3 p (61 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    14.07, 18:27: 2.1 p (417 bytes) + 1.1 p (53 words)
    14.07, 18:42: 2.5 p (496 bytes) + 1.2 p (61 words)
    14.07, 18:46: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 18:49: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    14.07, 19:15: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    14.07, 19:16: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    14.07, 19:17: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    14.07, 19:18: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.07, 19:22: 0.8 p (169 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.07, 19:26: 1.2 p (248 bytes)
    Total 6.814 bytes, 381 words
  23. Lutxanako gudua (25.8 p)
    07.04, 07:09: 1.4 p (286 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 07:19: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    07.04, 07:57: 1.0 p (192 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.04, 04:51: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    08.04, 04:52: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    08.04, 20:20: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    09.07, 21:45: 0.5 p (95 bytes) + 15.0 p (images)
    14.07, 02:49: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    Total 660 bytes, 1 words
  24. Lehen Karlistaldia (69.4 p)
    07.04, 07:36: 1.1 p (218 bytes)
    07.04, 07:39: 0.5 p (103 bytes)
    07.04, 07:59: 0.9 p (177 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    15.05, 05:07: 2.1 p (423 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    15.05, 05:33: 1.3 p (257 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    16.05, 05:07: 3.9 p (780 bytes) + 15.0 p (images > max)
    16.05, 05:10: 0.0 p (images)
    16.05, 05:23: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    26.05, 13:00: 1.3 p (261 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    26.05, 13:01: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    26.05, 13:05: 0.2 p (42 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    26.05, 13:06: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    26.05, 13:23: 0.8 p (160 bytes)
    26.05, 13:25: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    26.05, 13:32: 0.3 p (65 bytes)
    26.05, 13:34: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    26.05, 14:01: 1.0 p (208 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    26.05, 14:57: 0.5 p (103 bytes)
    26.05, 14:58: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    26.05, 15:47: 0.8 p (153 bytes)
    26.05, 15:56: 0.9 p (183 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    01.06, 00:11: 0.9 p (189 bytes)
    01.06, 00:12: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    01.06, 00:15: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    01.06, 00:17: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    01.06, 00:19: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    04.06, 01:59: 1.4 p (285 bytes)
    04.06, 01:59: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    19.06, 18:54: 0.4 p (80 bytes)
    19.06, 19:46: 0.5 p (108 bytes)
    21.06, 20:20: 6.3 p (1255 bytes) + 11.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    21.06, 20:22: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    09.07, 05:06: 1.1 p (225 bytes)
    10.07, 01:23: 0.8 p (168 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    10.07, 01:30: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    10.07, 01:31: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    14.07, 14:00: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 5.551 bytes, 13 words
  25. Abadiñoko gudua (1.6 p)
    07.04, 08:13: 1.5 p (300 bytes)
    08.04, 20:07: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total 311 bytes, 0 words
  26. Orokietako gudua (3.8 p)
    07.04, 08:17: 1.3 p (255 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.04, 20:09: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total 264 bytes, 1 words
  27. Somorrostroko gudua (1874ko apirila) (9.1 p)
    07.04, 21:06: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    07.04, 21:08: 0.7 p (140 bytes)
    07.04, 21:27: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    07.04, 21:40: 1.0 p (197 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    08.04, 00:06: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    19.04, 08:59: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    05.07, 06:48: 0.3 p (64 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    05.07, 06:50: 1.2 p (241 bytes)
    11.07, 06:03: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    Total 796 bytes, 12 words
  28. Somorrostroko gudua (1874ko otsaila) (2.3 p)
    07.04, 21:09: 0.7 p (140 bytes)
    08.04, 02:08: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    08.04, 02:10: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    05.07, 06:53: 1.2 p (241 bytes)
    11.07, 06:01: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    Total 455 bytes, 4 words
  29. San Pedro Abantoko gudua (29.6 p)
    07.04, 21:10: 0.5 p (107 bytes)
    07.04, 21:23: 1.9 p (384 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 21:23: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    07.04, 21:28: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    07.04, 22:08: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    19.04, 09:00: 0.3 p (69 bytes)
    05.07, 06:54: 1.2 p (241 bytes)
    05.07, 06:59: 1.2 p (247 bytes)
    05.07, 07:09: 1.1 p (229 bytes)
    11.07, 04:45: 0.9 p (186 bytes) + 15.0 p (images)
    11.07, 04:55: 0.4 p (71 bytes)
    11.07, 05:06: 0.3 p (68 bytes)
    11.07, 05:14: 0.9 p (172 bytes)
    11.07, 05:30: 0.4 p (83 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    11.07, 05:30: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    11.07, 05:32: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    11.07, 05:34: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    11.07, 05:58: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    11.07, 19:29: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    13.07, 22:08: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    Total 1.930 bytes, 5 words
  30. Alpensko gudua N (47.1 p)
    08.04, 01:43: 5.0 p (new page) + 13.7 p (2746 bytes) + 3.4 p (172 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 20.0 p (images)
    08.04, 01:43: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    08.04, 01:43: 0.2 p (44 bytes)
    08.04, 01:43: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    08.04, 01:44: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    08.04, 01:45: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    08.04, 01:53: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    08.04, 02:00: 1.4 p (282 bytes)
    08.04, 02:02: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    08.04, 02:13: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    12.04, 03:48: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    21.05, 03:58: 0.4 p (70 bytes)
    Total 3.227 bytes, 172 words
  31. Iruñeko setioa (1874-75) (0.1 p)
    06.05, 16:18: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    Total 25 bytes, 0 words
  32. Bigarren Karlistaldia (31.4 p)
    08.04, 04:42: 1.3 p (258 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    08.04, 04:45: 0.2 p (37 bytes)
    11.04, 07:46: 0.8 p (157 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    11.04, 07:52: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    11.04, 08:25: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    14.05, 01:30: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    16.05, 05:28: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    29.05, 02:20: 1.0 p (207 bytes) + 0.4 p (22 words)
    30.05, 13:29: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    30.05, 13:31: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    30.05, 13:38: 0.6 p (110 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    01.06, 14:02: 0.3 p (59 bytes)
    01.06, 14:09: 0.5 p (94 bytes) + 1.4 p (69 words)
    01.06, 14:32: 0.5 p (106 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    01.06, 15:28: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    05.06, 03:26: 1.0 p (209 bytes)
    05.06, 03:29: 0.6 p (113 bytes)
    14.06, 03:43: 0.4 p (83 bytes)
    14.06, 03:43: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    14.06, 04:15: 0.3 p (69 bytes)
    19.06, 22:01: 1.3 p (265 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 1.909 bytes, 26 words
  33. Agosti Xaho (14.4 p)
    08.04, 06:51: 0.8 p (160 bytes)
    09.04, 01:59: 3.0 p (609 bytes)
    09.04, 02:45: 1.9 p (383 bytes)
    09.04, 02:50: 0.6 p (122 bytes)
    09.04, 03:05: 0.8 p (153 bytes)
    10.04, 01:40: 0.7 p (140 bytes)
    10.04, 05:37: 0.2 p (37 bytes)
    10.04, 05:59: 1.7 p (337 bytes)
    10.04, 06:01: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    10.04, 06:28: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    12.04, 03:07: 0.6 p (126 bytes)
    13.05, 08:21: 0.4 p (89 bytes)
    13.05, 08:22: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    22.05, 06:34: 0.4 p (82 bytes)
    22.05, 06:37: 0.2 p (49 bytes)
    04.06, 02:12: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    28.06, 05:22: 0.8 p (170 bytes)
    07.07, 07:27: 1.9 p (378 bytes)
    07.07, 07:29: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 2.879 bytes, 1 words
  34. Jurramendiko gudua (1873) (0.1 p)
    08.04, 20:08: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total 11 bytes, 0 words
  35. Oteitzako gudua (0.1 p)
    08.04, 20:09: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total 11 bytes, 0 words
  36. Villaverde Turtziozko gudua (0.1 p)
    08.04, 20:09: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    Total 12 bytes, 0 words
  37. El Imposible Vencido. Arte de la Lengua Vascongada (0.6 p)
    08.04, 20:17: 0.3 p (59 bytes)
    08.04, 20:23: 0.2 p (38 bytes)
    08.04, 20:24: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    Total 113 bytes, 0 words
  38. Gasteizko setioa (1834) (0.1 p)
    08.04, 20:21: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total 11 bytes, 0 words
  39. Jurramendiko gudua (1835) (0.1 p)
    08.04, 20:28: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    Total 12 bytes, 0 words
  40. Euskal Lore Jokoak (14.1 p)
    09.04, 01:16: 0.9 p (181 bytes)
    09.04, 01:17: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    10.04, 04:38: 8.3 p (1664 bytes)
    10.04, 04:44: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    10.04, 05:01: 0.3 p (66 bytes)
    10.04, 05:16: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    13.04, 04:39: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    14.04, 06:14: 3.1 p (627 bytes)
    14.04, 07:44: 0.8 p (167 bytes)
    21.04, 20:54: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    Total 2.828 bytes, 0 words
  41. Euskal-Erria elkartea (31.0 p)
    11.04, 00:47: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    11.04, 00:51: 0.6 p (114 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    11.04, 01:32: 0.6 p (127 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    11.04, 01:32: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    11.04, 01:42: 0.9 p (189 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    11.04, 02:39: 0.9 p (173 bytes)
    13.04, 02:04: 1.4 p (281 bytes)
    13.04, 02:09: 1.2 p (248 bytes)
    13.04, 04:38: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    13.04, 07:07: 0.7 p (130 bytes)
    14.04, 06:54: 1.4 p (281 bytes)
    14.04, 06:57: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    13.05, 07:49: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    10.06, 07:30: 0.7 p (130 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words)
    18.06, 18:50: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    18.06, 18:58: 0.4 p (73 bytes)
    18.06, 19:24: 0.2 p (41 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.06, 20:33: 0.7 p (139 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.06, 20:36: 0.6 p (117 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.06, 20:39: 0.2 p (42 bytes)
    18.06, 20:54: 0.9 p (184 bytes) + 0.4 p (19 words)
    18.06, 20:59: 0.8 p (155 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 2.507 bytes, 47 words
  42. La Unión Vasco-Navarra (12.0 p)
    12.04, 00:58: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    12.04, 01:02: 0.3 p (56 bytes)
    12.04, 01:11: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    12.04, 01:19: 1.2 p (243 bytes) + 0.4 p (19 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.04, 01:24: 0.2 p (50 bytes)
    12.04, 01:26: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    12.04, 01:27: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    12.04, 01:37: 0.6 p (127 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.04, 01:38: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    12.04, 01:44: 1.2 p (236 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 792 bytes, 13 words
  43. Bizkaiko Labe Garaiak (46.1 p)
    12.04, 02:06: 0.3 p (64 bytes)
    27.04, 17:51: 1.1 p (216 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    02.06, 03:34: 0.5 p (104 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    02.06, 03:35: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    04.06, 00:05: 0.9 p (171 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    14.06, 04:51: 1.4 p (271 bytes) + 10.0 p (images > max)
    03.07, 07:20: 0.8 p (160 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    03.07, 07:28: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    03.07, 07:31: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    03.07, 07:32: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    06.07, 18:32: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    06.07, 18:33: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    06.07, 19:31: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    06.07, 19:57: 1.9 p (374 bytes) + 0.4 p (20 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.07, 20:01: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    06.07, 20:28: 1.7 p (342 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.07, 21:03: 0.3 p (58 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    06.07, 21:18: 0.4 p (88 bytes)
    06.07, 21:23: 0.3 p (51 bytes)
    06.07, 21:23: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    06.07, 21:29: 1.7 p (331 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.07, 21:39: 1.3 p (254 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    06.07, 22:32: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    07.07, 05:44: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    07.07, 05:49: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    07.07, 05:56: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    07.07, 07:18: 1.9 p (373 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.07, 07:43: 0.4 p (77 bytes)
    08.07, 19:55: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    08.07, 19:55: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 3.037 bytes, 48 words
  44. Uskal-Herriko Gaseta (0.2 p)
    12.04, 03:03: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    Total 45 bytes, 0 words
  45. Lehen Euskal Pizkundea (18.9 p)
    13.04, 01:25: 3.1 p (630 bytes)
    13.04, 01:27: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    13.04, 01:35: 0.9 p (178 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.04, 06:35: 1.1 p (213 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    21.04, 09:38: 1.0 p (196 bytes)
    21.04, 09:58: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    21.04, 10:10: 0.7 p (135 bytes)
    21.04, 10:15: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    28.04, 10:17: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    01.05, 12:48: 1.1 p (222 bytes)
    18.06, 06:08: 0.7 p (130 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    18.06, 06:11: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    Total 1.772 bytes, 5 words
  46. Toixko gudua N (83.1 p)
    13.04, 04:33: 5.0 p (new page) + 7.4 p (1480 bytes) + 0.8 p (39 words) + 10.0 p (images)
    13.04, 04:34: 2.6 p (515 bytes)
    14.04, 07:37: 4.8 p (951 bytes) + 1.7 p (86 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.04, 07:40: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    19.04, 06:00: 4.2 p (838 bytes) + 1.9 p (96 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.05, 03:37: 10.4 p (2083 bytes) + 5.3 p (264 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    14.05, 03:41: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    14.05, 04:03: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    14.05, 04:08: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.05, 04:11: 1.2 p (230 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.05, 04:15: 1.6 p (328 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.05, 04:21: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    21.05, 03:53: 1.1 p (225 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    21.05, 03:53: 5.0 p (images)
    Total 6.661 bytes, 483 words
  47. Nafarroako Euskal Elkargoa (18.9 p)
    13.04, 04:38: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    14.04, 08:14: 2.1 p (411 bytes)
    14.04, 08:42: 0.1 p (24 bytes)
    06.05, 05:02: 1.1 p (218 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.05, 05:16: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    13.05, 01:20: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    13.05, 01:22: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    11.07, 23:32: 0.5 p (108 bytes)
    11.07, 23:54: 3.4 p (676 bytes) + 1.2 p (61 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.07, 19:15: 2.0 p (394 bytes) + 0.3 p (15 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.07, 19:18: 0.2 p (44 bytes)
    Total 1.960 bytes, 77 words
  48. Gamazada (3.5 p)
    13.04, 04:41: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    21.06, 20:59: 0.7 p (138 bytes)
    21.06, 21:02: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    21.06, 21:10: 1.3 p (268 bytes)
    21.06, 21:13: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    28.06, 05:54: 1.1 p (223 bytes)
    Total 705 bytes, 0 words
  49. Foruen amaiera Hego Euskal Herrian (9.1 p)
    13.04, 04:42: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    27.04, 18:09: 0.3 p (68 bytes)
    02.05, 15:52: 0.4 p (71 bytes)
    02.05, 16:07: 0.1 p (22 bytes)
    06.05, 04:02: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    18.05, 07:42: 1.1 p (213 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    18.05, 07:44: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    18.05, 07:46: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    19.05, 01:36: 0.2 p (48 bytes)
    18.06, 05:18: 0.3 p (60 bytes)
    18.06, 05:27: 1.4 p (283 bytes)
    Total 813 bytes, 0 words
  50. Nafarroako Foruak Eraldatzeko Legea (0.2 p)
    13.04, 04:48: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    Total 41 bytes, 0 words
  51. Sagastaren tiroen gaua (0.2 p)
    13.04, 04:50: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    Total 41 bytes, 0 words
  52. Foruzaletasun (0.4 p)
    02.05, 15:58: 0.3 p (62 bytes)
    02.05, 15:59: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    02.05, 16:00: 0.1 p (20 bytes)
    Total 86 bytes, 2 words
  53. Zabalgunea (Gasteiz) (22.7 p)
    04.05, 18:49: 2.6 p (530 bytes) + 20.0 p (images > max)
    04.05, 20:44: 0.1 p (16 bytes)
    Total 546 bytes, 2 words
  54. Bilboko zabalgunea (0.4 p)
    06.05, 17:54: 0.4 p (79 bytes)
    06.05, 17:54: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 80 bytes, 0 words
  55. Euskal nazionalismoaren hastapenak (18.3 p)
    13.05, 07:41: 0.7 p (142 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    13.05, 07:45: 1.9 p (373 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    14.05, 00:54: 0.5 p (108 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    14.05, 01:03: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    14.05, 01:12: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    16.05, 05:41: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    Total 665 bytes, 1 words
  56. José Mazarredo (5.7 p)
    14.05, 05:26: 0.5 p (105 bytes)
    14.05, 05:27: 0.2 p (34 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 139 bytes, 0 words
  57. Industrializazioa Euskal Herrian (25.0 p)
    19.05, 00:24: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    19.05, 00:28: 0.5 p (107 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    19.05, 00:57: 0.9 p (175 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    19.05, 01:27: 1.2 p (231 bytes) + 10.0 p (images)
    19.05, 01:39: 0.3 p (62 bytes)
    21.05, 04:08: 0.5 p (103 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    21.05, 04:20: 0.5 p (101 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    30.05, 13:53: 0.4 p (82 bytes)
    09.06, 16:45: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    09.06, 16:55: 0.5 p (98 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    09.06, 17:06: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    09.06, 17:07: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    Total 1.006 bytes, 0 words
  58. Bizenta Mogel (0.1 p)
    04.06, 14:50: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    Total 10 bytes, 2 words
  59. 1755eko haragiaren matxinada (0.3 p)
    14.06, 06:21: 0.3 p (62 bytes)
    Total 62 bytes, 0 words
  60. Simon Bernardo Zamakola (3.2 p)
    17.06, 03:58: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    17.06, 04:00: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    17.06, 04:01: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    17.06, 04:03: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    17.06, 18:33: 1.0 p (202 bytes)
    17.06, 18:37: 0.7 p (147 bytes)
    17.06, 19:59: 1.2 p (248 bytes)
    Total 644 bytes, 0 words
  61. Victor Txabarri (8.7 p)
    18.06, 02:36: 2.7 p (535 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.07, 06:06: 1.1 p (212 bytes)
    07.07, 06:07: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 524 bytes, 1 words
  62. Joan Filipe Bela (1.3 p)
    18.06, 04:48: 1.3 p (261 bytes)
    Total 261 bytes, 2 words
  63. Joaquín José Landazuri (0.2 p)
    07.07, 08:37: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    07.07, 08:39: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    Total 33 bytes, 0 words
  64. Orconera Iron Ore Company Limited (0.2 p)
    08.07, 20:03: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    Total 41 bytes, 0 words
  65. Revista Euskara N (23.6 p)
    12.07, 01:04: 5.0 p (new page) + 13.0 p (2608 bytes) + 0.9 p (45 words)
    12.07, 01:04: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    12.07, 01:07: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    12.07, 01:10: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    12.07, 01:10: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    12.07, 01:12: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    12.07, 01:25: 1.0 p (196 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    12.07, 01:43: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    12.07, 01:48: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    12.07, 02:05: 1.5 p (306 bytes) + 0.6 p (29 words)
    12.07, 02:57: 1.0 p (195 bytes)
    Total 3.387 bytes, 84 words
  66. Karlistaldi (21.0 p)
    14.07, 13:42: 0.4 p (84 bytes) + 15.0 p (images)
    14.07, 14:01: 0.6 p (122 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 206 bytes, 0 words

Ernestobanpiroa (962 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 88,13 kB

  1. San Ignazioren Kongregazioa (43.4 p)
    01.04, 09:49: 0.5 p (102 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    01.04, 18:45: 0.6 p (126 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    12.05, 12:10: 8.7 p (1747 bytes) + 0.7 p (36 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 10.0 p (images > max)
    12.05, 12:20: 1.9 p (377 bytes) + 0.7 p (34 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.05, 12:28: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    12.05, 12:29: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    12.05, 12:30: 0.5 p (105 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.05, 12:31: 0.1 p (13 bytes)
    12.05, 20:58: 0.7 p (140 bytes)
    12.05, 21:00: 0.5 p (96 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    12.05, 21:03: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    12.05, 21:04: 0.5 p (102 bytes) + 0.0 p (images)
    Total 2.868 bytes, 82 words
  2. Maria Antonia Salcedo Txabarri N (48.9 p)
    01.04, 21:37: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.1 p (612 bytes) + 0.9 p (43 words)
    01.04, 21:39: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    02.04, 10:32: 1.4 p (277 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    02.04, 12:39: 12.0 p (2404 bytes) + 5.8 p (289 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    02.04, 16:56: 0.2 p (48 bytes)
    02.04, 17:11: 4.6 p (922 bytes) + 2.4 p (118 words)
    02.04, 17:11: 0.4 p (70 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    02.04, 17:15: 1.2 p (231 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    02.04, 22:11: 1.1 p (219 bytes) + 0.5 p (27 words)
    Total 4.794 bytes, 498 words
  3. Cánovas del Castilloren erailketa N (92.8 p)
    03.04, 13:32: 5.0 p (new page) + 10.2 p (2049 bytes) + 1.3 p (64 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 5.0 p (images)
    03.04, 13:51: 7.2 p (1439 bytes) + 3.3 p (166 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    03.04, 13:51: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    03.04, 17:03: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    03.04, 17:03: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    03.04, 17:09: 0.2 p (43 bytes)
    03.04, 17:12: 0.2 p (48 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    03.04, 21:22: 6.1 p (1224 bytes) + 2.2 p (108 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    03.04, 21:37: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    03.04, 21:46: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    04.04, 12:37: 1.2 p (230 bytes) + 0.5 p (27 words)
    04.04, 12:38: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    04.04, 13:08: 7.3 p (1461 bytes) + 2.2 p (111 words) + 5.0 p (references) + 10.0 p (images)
    04.04, 13:17: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    04.04, 13:18: 0.7 p (139 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    04.04, 16:02: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    04.04, 22:37: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    04.04, 22:43: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    06.04, 11:48: 5.2 p (1049 bytes) + 2.5 p (123 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    06.04, 11:49: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    06.04, 11:52: 0.8 p (169 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 0.0 p (images)
    06.04, 11:54: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    10.04, 13:39: 0.2 p (49 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    Total 8.061 bytes, 622 words
  4. Gamazada (0.3 p)
    03.04, 21:48: 0.3 p (58 bytes)
    Total 58 bytes, 0 words
  5. El Imposible Vencido. Arte de la Lengua Vascongada N (40.7 p)
    07.04, 15:45: 5.0 p (new page) + 8.8 p (1761 bytes) + 2.8 p (142 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 16:50: 0.3 p (67 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    07.04, 17:01: 2.0 p (407 bytes)
    07.04, 17:03: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    07.04, 20:00: 0.5 p (106 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    07.04, 20:11: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    07.04, 20:12: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    07.04, 20:17: 0.2 p (38 bytes)
    07.04, 20:18: 0.5 p (107 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    07.04, 21:54: 0.6 p (111 bytes)
    07.04, 22:12: 3.7 p (737 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    07.04, 22:15: 0.5 p (92 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    07.04, 22:24: 0.7 p (133 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    07.04, 22:24: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    07.04, 22:37: 0.6 p (111 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    07.04, 22:38: 0.2 p (48 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    07.04, 22:39: 0.5 p (97 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    07.04, 23:09: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    08.04, 09:29: 0.9 p (171 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.04, 09:54: 0.7 p (143 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 3.562 bytes, 184 words
  6. Manuel Larramendi (0.1 p)
    07.04, 22:19: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    Total −79 bytes, 0 words
  7. Hiztegi Hirukoitza N (49.1 p)
    07.04, 23:06: 5.0 p (new page) + 12.1 p (2415 bytes) + 3.8 p (191 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 23:07: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    07.04, 23:12: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    07.04, 23:23: 0.0 p (9 bytes)
    08.04, 08:59: 0.5 p (107 bytes)
    08.04, 09:28: 0.9 p (171 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.04, 09:35: 1.5 p (299 bytes) + 0.4 p (19 words)
    08.04, 09:36: 0.9 p (172 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.04, 09:45: 3.5 p (698 bytes) + 1.6 p (80 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    08.04, 09:47: 0.4 p (79 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    08.04, 09:49: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    08.04, 09:52: 0.7 p (143 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.04, 09:53: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 4.125 bytes, 300 words
  8. Jose Joaquin Ferrer (16.8 p)
    08.04, 16:33: 4.7 p (943 bytes) + 1.4 p (72 words)
    08.04, 16:34: 0.5 p (94 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.04, 16:36: 1.2 p (249 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words)
    08.04, 16:38: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    08.04, 16:40: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    09.04, 09:02: 0.6 p (128 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 1.480 bytes, 96 words
  9. Jesusen Lagundiaren kanporaketa N (56.9 p)
    09.04, 09:08: 0.3 p (53 bytes)
    09.04, 09:46: 5.0 p (new page) + 12.0 p (2403 bytes) + 2.9 p (145 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    09.04, 09:46: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    09.04, 09:47: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    09.04, 13:03: 3.7 p (746 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    09.04, 13:05: 0.7 p (130 bytes)
    09.04, 13:10: 0.8 p (163 bytes) + 0.3 p (14 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    09.04, 21:06: 4.2 p (839 bytes) + 1.8 p (90 words)
    09.04, 21:07: 1.0 p (194 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    10.04, 11:56: 0.3 p (67 bytes)
    11.04, 14:03: 0.3 p (65 bytes)
    12.05, 15:57: 0.9 p (179 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    Total 4.851 bytes, 238 words
  10. Getariako Sardinazaleen Errege Konpainia N (33.1 p)
    12.04, 10:12: 5.0 p (new page) + 17.2 p (3431 bytes) + 5.8 p (292 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    12.04, 13:34: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    12.04, 13:37: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    Total 3.440 bytes, 286 words
  11. Salbamen Publikorako Batzordea (47.2 p)
    12.04, 17:34: 19.5 p (3909 bytes) + 7.6 p (378 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 10.0 p (images)
    12.04, 17:39: 0.8 p (165 bytes)
    12.04, 17:39: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    12.04, 17:50: 4.5 p (893 bytes) + 2.2 p (110 words)
    Total 4.990 bytes, 490 words
  12. Ongizate Publikoaren Zaleen Tuterako Errege Elkartea N (46.0 p)
    04.05, 13:23: 5.0 p (new page) + 9.9 p (1971 bytes) + 2.5 p (124 words)
    04.05, 13:36: 0.7 p (130 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    04.05, 13:41: 1.6 p (320 bytes) + 0.4 p (21 words)
    04.05, 13:48: 3.0 p (602 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    04.05, 13:55: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    04.05, 13:58: 0.4 p (87 bytes) + 0.2 p (10 words)
    04.05, 14:07: 1.1 p (216 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    04.05, 16:34: 1.0 p (205 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    04.05, 16:36: 0.6 p (113 bytes)
    04.05, 16:40: 1.4 p (277 bytes)
    04.05, 16:46: 2.5 p (499 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    04.05, 16:53: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    04.05, 17:15: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    07.05, 21:30: 0.4 p (70 bytes)
    Total 4.498 bytes, 174 words
  13. Euskal Errijetako olgeeta ta dantzeen neurrizko gatz-ozpinduba N (27.1 p)
    07.05, 20:08: 5.0 p (new page) + 15.7 p (3139 bytes) + 3.4 p (169 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    08.05, 10:11: 0.1 p (27 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    08.05, 10:12: 0.1 p (12 bytes)
    10.05, 13:14: 0.2 p (47 bytes)
    Total 3.214 bytes, 176 words
  14. Bartolome Madariaga (0.6 p)
    07.05, 21:34: 0.5 p (104 bytes)
    12.05, 16:00: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    Total 47 bytes, 1 words
  15. Simon Aragorri N (71.6 p)
    08.05, 21:05: 5.0 p (new page) + 14.3 p (2864 bytes) + 5.1 p (256 words)
    08.05, 21:06: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    08.05, 21:07: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    08.05, 21:11: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    08.05, 22:53: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    09.05, 21:01: 14.6 p (2923 bytes) + 6.8 p (340 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    09.05, 21:38: 0.4 p (86 bytes)
    09.05, 22:47: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    09.05, 23:06: 1.7 p (339 bytes) + 0.7 p (37 words)
    09.05, 23:11: 0.3 p (66 bytes)
    10.05, 13:09: 3.5 p (704 bytes) + 1.1 p (54 words) + 2.5 p (references) + 5.0 p (images)
    10.05, 18:28: 1.6 p (312 bytes) + 0.2 p (8 words)
    10.05, 20:46: 0.6 p (117 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    10.05, 20:47: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    13.05, 11:48: 0.1 p (23 bytes)
    Total 7.540 bytes, 691 words
  16. Eusko-filipinar (28.0 p)
    11.05, 17:30: 6.8 p (1364 bytes) + 2.2 p (109 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    11.05, 17:37: 0.7 p (132 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    11.05, 17:40: 0.2 p (38 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    11.05, 17:56: 0.7 p (136 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 1.667 bytes, 109 words
  17. Basileako Ituna (1795eko uztailaren 22) N (90.8 p)
    12.05, 23:28: 5.0 p (new page) + 5.3 p (1068 bytes) + 1.5 p (74 words) + 5.0 p (images)
    13.05, 12:08: 12.0 p (2397 bytes) + 5.8 p (288 words)
    13.05, 12:09: 0.5 p (98 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    13.05, 12:53: 8.3 p (1667 bytes) + 2.4 p (119 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    13.05, 12:56: 2.7 p (538 bytes) + 1.1 p (54 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    13.05, 12:58: 9.5 p (1898 bytes) + 2.8 p (140 words) + 9.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    13.05, 16:30: 0.3 p (53 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    13.05, 16:31: 0.2 p (38 bytes)
    13.05, 16:38: 1.6 p (319 bytes)
    13.05, 16:40: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    13.05, 16:41: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    25.05, 13:46: 1.1 p (212 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    26.05, 21:20: 2.2 p (434 bytes) + 0.3 p (13 words)
    Total 8.441 bytes, 700 words
  18. Joaquín José Landazuri (19.1 p)
    13.05, 17:40: 7.7 p (1548 bytes) + 0.9 p (43 words)
    13.05, 17:42: 1.6 p (326 bytes)
    13.05, 17:45: 1.2 p (242 bytes) + 0.7 p (35 words)
    13.05, 17:48: 1.1 p (213 bytes)
    13.05, 17:50: 0.7 p (149 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    13.05, 17:52: 0.1 p (21 bytes)
    Total 2.499 bytes, 83 words
  19. Bilboko setioa (1874) (0.0 p)
    13.05, 21:29: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    Total 4 bytes, 0 words
  20. Miguel Antonio Zuaznabar (4.0 p)
    15.05, 21:53: 1.6 p (322 bytes) + 0.2 p (12 words)
    15.05, 21:55: 1.7 p (330 bytes)
    15.05, 22:02: 0.4 p (73 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    Total 725 bytes, 21 words
  21. Jesusen Lagundiaren 1767ko kanporaketa N (81.9 p)
    16.05, 12:34: 5.0 p (new page) + 21.7 p (4348 bytes) + 8.7 p (436 words) + 10.0 p (images)
    16.05, 17:11: 0.8 p (157 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    16.05, 17:26: 5.3 p (1060 bytes) + 2.0 p (102 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    16.05, 17:28: 0.5 p (94 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    16.05, 17:30: 0.6 p (120 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    16.05, 20:36: 7.7 p (1548 bytes) + 2.0 p (100 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    16.05, 20:37: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    Total 7.335 bytes, 638 words
  22. Gipuzkoako Errepublika (0.2 p)
    17.05, 11:40: 0.2 p (40 bytes)
    Total 40 bytes, 0 words
  23. Frantzisko Xabier Agirre (36.8 p)
    17.05, 14:00: 11.1 p (2225 bytes) + 5.0 p (249 words)
    17.05, 14:04: 1.0 p (205 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    17.05, 19:00: 1.3 p (267 bytes) + 0.6 p (28 words)
    17.05, 19:01: 0.1 p (19 bytes)
    17.05, 19:02: 0.3 p (57 bytes)
    17.05, 19:03: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    17.05, 19:11: 1.5 p (302 bytes) + 0.3 p (16 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    17.05, 19:16: 0.4 p (78 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 3.010 bytes, 301 words
  24. Ignazio Maria Alaba (72.0 p)
    18.05, 18:58: 11.6 p (2310 bytes) + 5.5 p (276 words)
    18.05, 19:28: 1.0 p (195 bytes)
    18.05, 19:28: 0.3 p (60 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.05, 19:29: 0.6 p (110 bytes)
    18.05, 19:30: 0.2 p (49 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.05, 19:33: 0.4 p (87 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    18.05, 19:36: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    18.05, 19:40: 0.9 p (171 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    18.05, 19:41: 0.2 p (41 bytes)
    18.05, 19:43: 0.7 p (142 bytes)
    18.05, 19:44: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    18.05, 19:48: 0.2 p (35 bytes)
    19.05, 12:39: 15.3 p (3065 bytes) + 6.8 p (342 words) + 10.0 p (images)
    19.05, 14:00: 0.5 p (109 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    19.05, 17:31: 0.2 p (44 bytes)
    Total 6.288 bytes, 622 words
  25. Claude-Anne de Rouvroy de Saint Simon (10.3 p)
    19.05, 16:36: 3.5 p (698 bytes) + 0.9 p (44 words)
    19.05, 16:39: 0.4 p (78 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    19.05, 16:40: 0.4 p (87 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    19.05, 16:42: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    Total 872 bytes, 43 words
  26. Pilar Acedo (0.5 p)
    25.05, 13:37: 0.5 p (107 bytes)
    Total 107 bytes, 0 words
  27. Frantziako Iraultza Euskal Herrian (16.7 p)
    25.05, 13:49: 0.5 p (93 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    25.05, 13:51: 0.4 p (88 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    25.05, 13:51: 0.0 p (7 bytes)
    25.05, 13:53: 0.7 p (143 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 331 bytes, 0 words
  28. Rafaela Ybarra (27.3 p)
    31.05, 13:53: 14.4 p (2886 bytes) + 5.5 p (276 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    31.05, 17:32: 0.4 p (79 bytes)
    31.05, 17:32: 0.1 p (18 bytes)
    02.06, 20:19: 1.5 p (296 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    02.06, 20:20: 0.2 p (50 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 3.324 bytes, 282 words
  29. Bigarren Karlistaldia (0.2 p)
    29.06, 16:54: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    Total 34 bytes, 0 words

Marklar2007 (659 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 61,08 kB

  1. José Moraleda N (24.1 p)
    02.04, 20:56: 5.0 p (new page) + 7.3 p (1463 bytes) + 0.9 p (43 words)
    02.04, 21:21: 3.1 p (628 bytes) + 1.1 p (54 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    02.04, 21:25: 1.7 p (340 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 2.431 bytes, 97 words
  2. Martin Lardizabal N (15.1 p)
    03.04, 19:57: 5.0 p (new page) + 6.6 p (1327 bytes) + 0.9 p (47 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    03.04, 20:03: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    Total 1.342 bytes, 47 words
  3. Ventura Barkaiztegi Urbina N (22.6 p)
    03.04, 20:21: 5.0 p (new page) + 8.8 p (1764 bytes) + 1.2 p (60 words) + 7.5 p (references)
    03.04, 20:27: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    Total 1.779 bytes, 60 words
  4. Claude-Anne de Rouvroy de Saint Simon (1.6 p)
    04.04, 18:37: 1.4 p (274 bytes)
    04.04, 18:37: 0.2 p (48 bytes)
    Total 322 bytes, 0 words
  5. Anglo-espainiar Gerra (1739-1748) N (58.7 p)
    05.04, 18:51: 5.0 p (new page) + 27.2 p (5445 bytes) + 3.2 p (159 words) + 17.5 p (references) + 5.0 p (images)
    05.04, 18:58: 0.0 p (4 bytes)
    05.04, 19:03: 0.2 p (43 bytes)
    06.04, 11:53: 0.5 p (97 bytes) + 0.1 p (5 words)
    Total 5.589 bytes, 164 words
  6. Eraulgo gudua (0.1 p)
    07.04, 11:06: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    Total 30 bytes, 0 words
  7. Lakarko gudua (0.1 p)
    07.04, 11:07: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total −14 bytes, 0 words
  8. Iruñeko setioa (1874-75) N (39.9 p)
    07.04, 11:47: 5.0 p (new page) + 19.8 p (3962 bytes) + 4.9 p (244 words) + 5.0 p (references) + 5.0 p (images)
    07.04, 11:54: 0.2 p (34 bytes)
    Total 3.995 bytes, 244 words
  9. Somorrostroko gudua (1874ko otsaila) N (32.7 p)
    07.04, 16:53: 5.0 p (new page) + 14.6 p (2913 bytes) + 2.3 p (117 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    07.04, 17:04: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    07.04, 18:02: 0.8 p (156 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 3.066 bytes, 117 words
  10. San Pedro Abantoko gudua (16.2 p)
    07.04, 17:27: 7.2 p (1435 bytes) + 0.9 p (45 words) + 7.5 p (references)
    07.04, 17:29: 0.4 p (87 bytes) + 0.2 p (9 words)
    Total 1.522 bytes, 54 words
  11. Somorrostroko gudua (1874ko apirila) N (33.0 p)
    07.04, 17:48: 5.0 p (new page) + 15.0 p (2991 bytes) + 2.3 p (115 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    07.04, 18:04: 0.7 p (146 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 3.137 bytes, 115 words
  12. Bilboko setioa (1874) (3.9 p)
    07.04, 17:55: 1.4 p (272 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 272 bytes, 0 words
  13. Alpensko gudua (0.2 p)
    08.04, 19:18: 0.2 p (37 bytes)
    Total 37 bytes, 1 words
  14. Foruen amaiera Hego Euskal Herrian (0.1 p)
    08.04, 19:20: 0.1 p (14 bytes)
    12.05, 17:48: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 15 bytes, 0 words
  15. Salbamen Publikorako Batzordea N (57.9 p)
    08.04, 20:15: 5.0 p (new page) + 41.4 p (8278 bytes) + 1.5 p (74 words) + 5.0 p (references) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 8.278 bytes, 74 words
  16. Jean-Lambert Tallien (0.3 p)
    08.04, 20:23: 0.3 p (63 bytes)
    Total 63 bytes, 0 words
  17. Jose Maria Ezpeleta Enrile N (20.8 p)
    10.04, 20:20: 5.0 p (new page) + 6.4 p (1282 bytes) + 1.0 p (50 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    10.04, 20:23: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    10.04, 21:35: 0.9 p (172 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 1.456 bytes, 50 words
  18. Jose Maria Ezpeleta Agirre-Zuazo N (17.5 p)
    10.04, 20:29: 5.0 p (new page) + 6.4 p (1270 bytes) + 1.1 p (56 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    10.04, 20:30: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total 1.281 bytes, 58 words
  19. Jose Ezpeleta (7.1 p)
    10.04, 21:30: 2.1 p (413 bytes) + 5.0 p (references)
    Total 413 bytes, 1 words
  20. La Unión Vasco-Navarra (0.2 p)
    11.04, 19:02: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    11.04, 19:02: 0.1 p (29 bytes)
    Total 37 bytes, 0 words
  21. Domingo Iriarte N (9.7 p)
    11.04, 19:16: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.7 p (747 bytes) + 1.0 p (50 words)
    Total 747 bytes, 50 words
  22. François de Barthélemy N (9.9 p)
    11.04, 19:28: 5.0 p (new page) + 4.0 p (808 bytes) + 0.9 p (45 words)
    Total 808 bytes, 45 words
  23. Nicolas Haraneder N (19.4 p)
    11.04, 20:09: 5.0 p (new page) + 8.1 p (1625 bytes) + 1.0 p (52 words) + 5.0 p (references)
    11.04, 20:10: 0.2 p (49 bytes)
    Total 1.674 bytes, 53 words
  24. Miguel Antonio Zuaznabar N (12.0 p)
    20.04, 17:47: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.5 p (705 bytes) + 0.8 p (39 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    20.04, 17:52: 0.2 p (33 bytes)
    Total 738 bytes, 39 words
  25. Frantzisko Xabier Agirre N (9.0 p)
    20.04, 18:18: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.0 p (605 bytes) + 0.9 p (46 words)
    20.04, 18:19: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    Total 620 bytes, 46 words
  26. Maria Antonia Salcedo Txabarri (0.1 p)
    20.04, 18:59: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    Total 10 bytes, 0 words
  27. Jean-Baptiste-Auguste de Villoutreix de Faye N (14.3 p)
    25.04, 20:39: 5.0 p (new page) + 5.5 p (1102 bytes) + 1.1 p (54 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    25.04, 20:45: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    Total 1.138 bytes, 54 words
  28. Jean-Pierre Arraing N (13.4 p)
    25.04, 20:55: 5.0 p (new page) + 5.0 p (998 bytes) + 0.9 p (46 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 998 bytes, 46 words
  29. Jean-Baptiste Frantxistegi N (12.0 p)
    26.04, 17:01: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.5 p (696 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    26.04, 17:07: 0.4 p (85 bytes) + 0.1 p (6 words)
    Total 780 bytes, 30 words
  30. Eusko-filipinar N (35.4 p)
    04.05, 11:32: 5.0 p (new page) + 15.3 p (3062 bytes) + 3.1 p (153 words) + 12.0 p (references, reference pointers)
    04.05, 12:38: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    Total 3.065 bytes, 153 words
  31. Eskuararen hatsapenak (0.3 p)
    07.05, 19:34: 0.3 p (58 bytes)
    Total 58 bytes, 0 words
  32. Lau-urdiri gomendiozko karta, edo gutuna (0.3 p)
    07.05, 19:38: 0.1 p (30 bytes)
    07.05, 19:38: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    Total 57 bytes, 0 words
  33. Simon Aragorri (0.2 p)
    10.05, 17:12: 0.2 p (46 bytes)
    Total 23 bytes, 0 words
  34. Gabriel Ybarra N (25.2 p)
    12.05, 16:56: 5.0 p (new page) + 9.8 p (1950 bytes) + 1.8 p (91 words) + 8.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    12.05, 16:57: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    Total 1.986 bytes, 91 words
  35. Justo Arévalo N (12.9 p)
    12.05, 17:10: 5.0 p (new page) + 4.6 p (915 bytes) + 0.9 p (43 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 913 bytes, 43 words
  36. Jenaro Quesada N (16.3 p)
    12.05, 17:34: 5.0 p (new page) + 7.0 p (1404 bytes) + 1.8 p (88 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 1.404 bytes, 88 words
  37. Manuel Aguirre de Tejada N (9.4 p)
    12.05, 17:53: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.6 p (725 bytes) + 0.8 p (40 words)
    Total 725 bytes, 40 words
  38. Francisco Javier Los Arcos N (13.4 p)
    12.05, 18:14: 5.0 p (new page) + 4.7 p (936 bytes) + 1.0 p (51 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.05, 18:18: 0.2 p (50 bytes)
    Total 986 bytes, 51 words
  39. Lorenzo Arrazola N (8.9 p)
    12.05, 18:45: 5.0 p (new page) + 3.0 p (607 bytes) + 0.7 p (35 words)
    12.05, 18:58: 0.2 p (39 bytes)
    Total 646 bytes, 35 words
  40. Basileako Ituna (1795eko uztailaren 22) (0.1 p)
    13.05, 19:41: 0.1 p (11 bytes)
    Total 11 bytes, 0 words
  41. Francisco Goitia N (14.4 p)
    17.05, 20:40: 5.0 p (new page) + 5.4 p (1070 bytes) + 1.4 p (69 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    17.05, 20:51: 0.2 p (38 bytes)
    Total 1.108 bytes, 69 words
  42. Hamarkada Moderatua N (69.6 p)
    23.06, 19:36: 5.0 p (new page) + 38.0 p (7593 bytes) + 11.7 p (583 words) + 5.0 p (references) + 10.0 p (images)
    Total 7.593 bytes, 583 words
  43. Lapurdiko deportazioa (1794) (0.3 p)
    05.07, 18:06: 0.3 p (69 bytes)
    Total 69 bytes, 0 words

Asier Barre (338 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 21,19 kB

  1. Mateo Moraza (0.6 p)
    05.05, 23:28: 0.4 p (78 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    Total 78 bytes, 11 words
  2. Juan Bautista Anza I.a (9.0 p)
    09.05, 03:35: 5.9 p (1171 bytes) + 3.2 p (159 words)
    Total 1.171 bytes, 159 words
  3. Wilhelm von Humboldt (196.3 p)
    11.05, 16:22: 32.4 p (6479 bytes) + 15.2 p (759 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    14.05, 00:40: 20.7 p (4147 bytes)
    14.05, 14:42: 1.8 p (350 bytes) + 1.0 p (51 words)
    14.05, 23:03: 1.3 p (258 bytes) + 0.7 p (35 words)
    16.05, 18:44: 2.4 p (480 bytes) + 1.4 p (68 words)
    20.05, 20:18: 2.5 p (490 bytes) + 1.2 p (58 words)
    22.05, 00:39: 1.5 p (307 bytes) + 0.9 p (44 words) + 100.0 p (bonus 1000 words)
    29.05, 21:16: 2.0 p (404 bytes) + 1.1 p (56 words)
    09.06, 20:18: 4.8 p (962 bytes) + 3.0 p (149 words)
    Total 7.478 bytes, 461 words
  4. Armand David (39.0 p)
    11.05, 18:31: 12.8 p (2560 bytes) + 6.8 p (339 words)
    13.05, 20:04: 14.8 p (2967 bytes) + 4.6 p (230 words)
    Total 2.556 bytes, 339 words
  5. Claude-Anne de Rouvroy de Saint Simon (54.9 p)
    21.05, 21:40: 15.9 p (3186 bytes) + 5.7 p (286 words) + 15.0 p (references) + 5.0 p (images)
    21.05, 23:19: 2.5 p (502 bytes) + 1.2 p (59 words)
    21.05, 23:45: 1.7 p (346 bytes) + 0.9 p (45 words)
    22.05, 21:44: 4.5 p (892 bytes) + 2.4 p (122 words)
    Total 4.926 bytes, 512 words
  6. Lakarko gudua (19.7 p)
    29.05, 01:04: 12.8 p (2555 bytes) + 6.9 p (345 words)
    Total 2.555 bytes, 345 words
  7. Lutxanako gudua (18.6 p)
    12.06, 01:05: 6.8 p (1355 bytes) + 3.7 p (185 words)
    25.06, 21:54: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    25.06, 22:59: 5.2 p (1044 bytes) + 2.8 p (139 words)
    Total 2.426 bytes, 326 words

Xabi22 (85 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 9,16 kB

  1. La Unión Vasco-Navarra N (25.4 p)
    11.04, 16:51: 5.0 p (new page) + 10.9 p (2178 bytes) + 2.9 p (145 words) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    11.04, 17:08: 2.1 p (418 bytes)
    Total 2.596 bytes, 145 words
  2. Uskal-Herriko Gaseta N (59.7 p)
    11.04, 17:39: 5.0 p (new page) + 11.4 p (2273 bytes) + 2.4 p (118 words) + 4.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    11.04, 17:53: 5.9 p (1178 bytes) + 2.0 p (102 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    12.04, 17:13: 9.6 p (1928 bytes) + 3.6 p (182 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    12.04, 17:32: 5.4 p (1080 bytes) + 2.7 p (134 words) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    12.04, 17:35: 0.2 p (42 bytes)
    Total 6.501 bytes, 536 words
  3. Konbentzioaren Gerra Euskal Herrian (0.3 p)
    26.04, 15:18: 0.2 p (45 bytes)
    26.05, 16:18: 0.1 p (15 bytes)
    Total 60 bytes, 0 words

Lainobeltz (49 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 1,71 kB

  1. Mateo Moraza (5.2 p)
    01.04, 21:44: 0.2 p (47 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 47 bytes, 0 words
  2. Manuel Ignacio Altuna (0.1 p)
    05.04, 22:45: 0.1 p (28 bytes)
    Total 28 bytes, 0 words
  3. Diego María Gardoki (5.6 p)
    05.04, 22:48: 0.6 p (128 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 128 bytes, 0 words
  4. Juan Goienetxe Gaston (5.6 p)
    05.04, 22:55: 0.6 p (115 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 115 bytes, 0 words
  5. Joanes Haraneder (0.1 p)
    05.04, 22:57: 0.1 p (25 bytes)
    Total 25 bytes, 0 words
  6. Wilhelm von Humboldt (5.9 p)
    05.04, 23:08: 0.9 p (178 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 146 bytes, 0 words
  7. Pedro Astarloa (0.0 p)
    05.04, 23:16: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 1 bytes, 0 words
  8. Teresa Cabarrús (0.1 p)
    05.04, 23:17: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    Total 26 bytes, 0 words
  9. Agosti Xaho (0.0 p)
    06.04, 12:11: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    Total 6 bytes, 0 words
  10. Eulalia Abaitua (5.7 p)
    06.04, 12:16: 0.7 p (138 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 129 bytes, 0 words
  11. Manuel Santa Kruz (5.5 p)
    06.04, 12:20: 0.5 p (93 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 93 bytes, 0 words
  12. Maria Luisa Petriarena (0.1 p)
    06.04, 12:22: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    Total 17 bytes, 0 words
  13. Juana Elgezabal (0.0 p)
    06.04, 12:24: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    Total 5 bytes, 0 words
  14. Joaquín María Ferrer (0.1 p)
    06.04, 16:03: 0.1 p (27 bytes)
    Total 27 bytes, 0 words
  15. Jean Laffite (0.0 p)
    06.04, 16:06: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    Total 5 bytes, 0 words
  16. Armand David (11.2 p)
    06.04, 16:13: 1.2 p (236 bytes) + 10.0 p (images)
    Total 236 bytes, 0 words
  17. Jesusen Lagundiaren kanporaketa (0.2 p)
    17.04, 14:20: 0.2 p (36 bytes)
    Total 36 bytes, 0 words
  18. Juan Jose Vicente Mitxelena (0.4 p)
    12.05, 03:43: 0.4 p (83 bytes)
    Total 83 bytes, 0 words
  19. Claude-Anne de Rouvroy de Saint Simon (3.3 p)
    22.05, 00:25: 3.3 p (659 bytes)
    Total 659 bytes, 4 words
  20. Industrializazioa Euskal Herrian (0.1 p)
    26.06, 12:31: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    26.06, 12:37: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    26.06, 14:55: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    26.06, 17:21: 0.0 p (3 bytes)
    26.06, 17:43: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    26.06, 17:50: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    27.06, 15:37: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    27.06, 15:49: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    27.06, 16:01: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    Total 0 bytes, 0 words
  21. Fidel Sagarminaga (0.0 p)
    13.07, 22:49: 0.0 p (5 bytes)
    Total 5 bytes, 0 words

Zuiarra (48 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 3,43 kB

  1. Gasteizko setioa (1834) N (47.7 p)
    01.04, 19:47: 5.0 p (new page) + 6.6 p (1324 bytes) + 0.5 p (24 words) + 15.0 p (images)
    01.04, 22:46: 8.5 p (1695 bytes) + 3.1 p (155 words) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    01.04, 22:49: 0.1 p (26 bytes)
    01.04, 23:22: 1.9 p (385 bytes) + 3.5 p (references, reference pointers)
    Total 3.430 bytes, 178 words

Xabier Armendaritz (38 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 2,91 kB

  1. Hiztegi Hirukoitza (12.1 p)
    09.04, 14:53: 0.0 p (1 bytes)
    09.04, 15:02: 0.5 p (99 bytes)
    09.04, 15:19: 0.5 p (95 bytes) + 0.2 p (11 words)
    09.04, 15:49: 1.3 p (256 bytes)
    09.04, 15:52: 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    15.04, 19:05: 0.5 p (103 bytes) + 1.0 p (reference pointers)
    15.04, 19:06: 0.1 p (10 bytes)
    15.04, 19:33: 1.7 p (334 bytes) + 0.8 p (42 words)
    15.04, 19:39: 2.1 p (414 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    17.04, 00:01: 0.0 p (2 bytes)
    Total 985 bytes, 34 words
  2. Manuel Larramendi (0.1 p)
    09.04, 14:57: 0.1 p (22 bytes)
    Total −70 bytes, 0 words
  3. Orbaizetako ola (0.0 p)
    10.04, 22:39: 0.0 p (6 bytes)
    Total 6 bytes, 0 words
  4. Bartolome Madariaga (0.0 p)
    15.04, 16:25: 0.0 p (8 bytes)
    Total 8 bytes, 2 words
  5. Lau-urdiri gomendiozko karta, edo gutuna (7.7 p)
    15.04, 16:42: 3.7 p (739 bytes) + 1.0 p (50 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    15.04, 16:45: 0.4 p (70 bytes) + 0.1 p (7 words)
    Total 809 bytes, 57 words
  6. Joanes Etxeberri (0.1 p)
    15.04, 16:47: 0.1 p (17 bytes)
    Total 17 bytes, 0 words
  7. Eskuararen hatsapenak N (17.8 p)
    07.05, 11:48: 5.0 p (new page) + 4.7 p (935 bytes) + 1.5 p (77 words) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.05, 11:54: 1.5 p (291 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    07.05, 11:55: 0.2 p (31 bytes)
    Total 1.257 bytes, 77 words

Montxohache (11 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 0,19 kB

  1. Antzinako Erregimenaren krisia Hego Euskal Herrian (11.0 p)
    01.04, 14:27: 0.5 p (103 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    01.04, 14:32: 0.5 p (100 bytes) + 5.0 p (images)
    Total 193 bytes, 0 words

UnniMan (5 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

articles, 0,52 kB

  1. Juan Bautista Anza I.a (5.1 p)
    02.04, 22:27: 2.6 p (518 bytes) + 2.5 p (references)
    Total 518 bytes, 3 words

Townie (0 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

No qualifying contributions registered yet

Agostiren semea (0 p)[aldatu iturburu kodea]

No qualifying contributions registered yet